Recommendation Report



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You work in the Innovation & Creativity department at a new start-up E-commerce company based in Al Ain called CyberMart. The CEO of CyberMart, Ahmed Al Hammadi, is keen to explore how different types of technology can be used to give your company a competitive edge. He is particularly interested in how Augmented Reality (AR) can be leveraged to enhance various aspects of your business.

Recommendation Report

The Head of the Innovation & Creativity department at CyberMart has asked your team to write a report to the CEO, Ahmed Al Hammadi, recommending an AR App that your company should use for the benefit of your company. You will need to find three different AR Apps, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one, then recommend the best one.

Your Written Report should include:

Cover page

title of the report
the person to whom the report is written
the authors’ names and job titles
the date the report is submitted

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

· a 1-page summary of the Written Report

2. Introduction

2.1 Context: provide background information regarding context of the report

2.2 Purpose: state the purpose of the report

2.3 Importance: state the significance of the Recommendation Report and why it is important.

2.4 Outline: provide a brief overview of the content of the report

3. Definition of AR

4. A brief history of AR

5. The advantages of the 3 AR Apps you have chosen

6. The disadvantages of the 3 AR Apps you have chosen

7. Recommendation

create a criterion to compare and evaluate the 3 AR Apps you have chosen
recommend one AR App that the company should use

· state your reasons for this choice

· recommend other AR Apps that your company might find useful

8. Conclusion

8.1 Findings: what were the main findings from the Recommendation Report?

8.2 Recommendations: what were the main recommendations of the Recommendation Report?

8.3 Importance: restate the significance of the Recommendation Report.

8.4 Outcomes: suggest any positive outcomes that will occur from following your recommendations, or any potentially negative outcomes that may occur from not following them.

9. References (in IEEE format)


Write in simple and easy english and provide sources in IEEE format. Plagiarism is NOT allowed.

I will attach an Example of an (A Grade) report that should be followed.

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Technical Communication Fall 2023
Recommendation Report
CIT 285
Date: October 13, 2023
Group members:
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
2.1 Context:
2.2 Purpose:
2.3 Importance:
2.4 Outline:
3. Definition of AI [Use ZU Library >Credo]
4. History: [Use ZU Library >Credo]
5. Advantages of the three AI web-based systems:
Google Ads:
Automated web design:
6. The disadvantages of AI web-based systems:
Google Ads:
Automated web design:
7. Recommendation
8. Conclusion
9. References
1. Executive Summary
Our agency is considerably late to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI). CEO
Meera Al Shamsi’s interest in using AI to enhance company performance The report
underlines advice on how to implement an AI system. Based on three criteria chosen
that will benefit many aspects of our company, the report goes over three AI systems:
ChatGPT, Google Ads, and automated web design. After looking at the three AI
systems, the suggestion is to use Google Ads, highlighting its optimization, machine
learning capabilities, and automated consumer segmentation. Cost and cookie
dependence must be taken into account as possible downsides, though. Creative
Impact’s future depends on adopting AI, with Google Ads appearing as the most
appropriate option.
2. Introduction
2.1 Context:
AI integration is now a key factor in innovation. The Arabian Gulf’s largest advertising
and marketing firm, Creative Impact, is aware of how AI technology can transform
industries. Creative Impact needs to investigate AI’s potential and take into account its
incorporation to ensure growth and success as other organizations all over the world
increasingly use AI to improve their businesses. Creative Impact’s senior management,
led by CEO Meera Al Shamsi, is aware of the influence that AI has on all aspects of
people’s lives; thus, she is keen to understand how AI can be used in Creative Impact
to improve the company.
2.2 Purpose:
The purpose of this report is to provide CEO Meera Al Shamsi with suggestions and
recommendations about the implementation of an AI system. We have investigated
and thoroughly analyzed three different AI systems, focusing on their benefits and
drawbacks. Through this report, our goal is to present the most suitable AI system that
complies with the company’s ambitions.
2.3 Importance:
Several AI applications have already made their way into common computer programs.
AI in general is highly important for businesses. The most known AI applications are
telecommunications firms, and other organizations. [11] It is often used to manage
schedules, organize resources, process materials based on certain types of
information, and do other activities that eventually make companies more efficient. [11]
2.4 Outline:
● Definition of AI and a brief overview
● Three advantages and three disadvantages of web-based AI systems. ●
Recommend one system that the company should use based on the three criteria
that we chose.
● Conclusion with five components: findings, recommendations, importance,
outcomes, and
● References.
3. Definition of AI [Use ZU
Library >Credo]
Artificial Intelligence is the use of computers to model the behavioral aspects of human
reasoning and learning. [4] So AI is a branch of science concerned with creating
intelligent machines and computer programs that can solve problems, learn, and
adapt, and can be said to display an intelligent response to a stimulus. These intelligent
machines and programs are designed to simulate human intelligence and perform
tasks that typically require human cognitive abilities. [4]
4. History: [Use ZU Library >Credo]
The origins of AI are lengthy and date back to the 1940s. The Dartmouth Workshop
launched it formally in 1956, and after initial triumphs came the “AI winter”. A time of
waning enthusiasm. [9] Expert systems emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, and interest
in neural networks and connectionist models returned in the 1980s and 1990s. Due to
developments in machine learning, big data, and deep education, the 21st century has
witnessed a spectacular rebirth in AI. [9] Today, AI powers driverless vehicles, virtual
assistants, and recommendation systems. But when it comes to developing and using
AI, moral and societal issues remain crucial factors. [9]
5. Advantages of the three AI web-based
We are going to contrast and compare the three AI systems revolving around three
important criteria, which are:
1. Does it offer machine learning?
2. Does it offer website operation and optimization?
3. Does it offer marketing campaign automation?
Based on the article, there are 14 functions AI offers to the advertising and marketing
industry [12], and we chose 3 of those 14 functions that will increase our company’s
reputation and earnings. These three criteria are important to the company in the sense
that machine learning boosts the e-commerce recommendation algorithms and the
system learns the database of the company [12]. Website operation and optimization
help our customers interact with the website easily and conveniently, with no hassle.
Marketing campaign automation is also important for Creative Impact because it
presents the advertisements to the intended customers, which will increase the
company’s revenue and customer rate. [12]
Using ChatGPT can have several advantages, like improved efficiency, cost savings,
and time savings. [7]
– Machine learning: given the prompt, ChatGPT can provide an answer that
prompts using the database that is given.[2]
– Website operation and optimization: optimize the website/ company so it is
easily accessible. [2]
– Marketing campaign automation: does not offer marketing campaign
automation. [2]
Google Ads:
Organizations have created marketing social networking sites (Google Ads) to create
closer connections with Internet users. [6]
– Machine Learning: Uses machine learning to target the audience by also using
the user’s history (cookies).
– Website operation and optimization: Optimizes the website using keywords,
which makes the operations of sharing ads efficient. [1]
– Marketing campaign automation: offers customer segmentation depending on
keyword searches. [1]
Automated web design:
The tool is freely available and open source to allow for future extensions. – Machine
Learning: helps web designers by inverting ideas given to HTML codes and
running websites. [5]
– Website operation and optimization does not offer optimization; automated web
designs may consume weeks of work, slowing down the website’s operation.
And affects its optimization.[5]
– Marketing campaign automation: generate fully implemented prototypes; these
models can also segment the audience depending on their geographical
6. The disadvantages of AI web-based
Based on the deep and extensive query of academic literature on the disadvantages
of general generative intelligence in business, in particular ChatGPT, which has no
regulation of the AI market and an urgent need for regulation, its quality is poor.
Another point of contention is the possible influence of ChatGPT on employees’
critical thinking and creativity. [8] Some suggest that employees’ reliance on
ChatGPT may lead to a loss of these crucial abilities
Google Ads:
As for the drawbacks of implementing Google Ads in Creative Impact, one of them is
the cost of investing in Google Ads and the need to provide expertise in AI. As well
as the narrow coverage that Google Ads offers without the interference of other AI
tools [13], the company intends to reach as large an audience as possible. Still, for
that to happen, the audience should only be using Google, which is considered
inefficient and uninclusive.
Automated web design:
As discussed, automated web design does not offer optimization, which causes it to
have limited functionality, and some web designs might not be compatible with all
users. Also, it requires knowledge of previous web designs to rely on to create a
more interesting web design for the company to use from time to time. [5]
7. Recommendation
The AI system that is compatible with our needs is Google Ads, for the following
● Uses machine learning to target the audience based on search history and
cookies [13]
● Optimizes sharing Ads over all platforms [1]
● The automation of customer segmentation depends on keyword searches. [6]
This is highly beneficial for our company and will introduce more aspects of our
company to the audience, and the company will rank higher in the advertising and
marketing fields. However, there are some limitations to using Google Ads, such as:
● Limited coverage
● Investing in the cost (Hiring expertise)
● Dependence on user’s cookies (Search History/Keywords)
We need to keep in mind the future of AI systems and whether they will be competitive
with Google Ads. In the AI advertising industry, Google ads are dominant. Even with
the new AI advertising systems that we have discussed,
ChatGPT, and automated web design, they are new to the field but still lack certain
aspects of unlinking Google Ads.
8. Conclusion
To conclude, the research presented here demonstrates how crucial it is for
Creative Impact, a well-known advertising and marketing company in the Arabian Gulf,
to use AI. CEO Meera Al Shamsi is aware of the potential of AI and is searching for
solutions for implementation. We examined ChatGPT, Google Ads, and automated
web design as three AI systems. We chose Google as the most sufficient AI system
for our company to implement. Although ChatGPT features marketing campaign
automation, it is useful for answering questions and optimizing website operations, and
automated web design is a complementary tool, but it is not optimized, which might
slow down the performance of your website. Google Ads automates marketing
campaigns, enhances webpages using keywords, and employs artificial intelligence
for audience targeting. We also found that the compliance challenges with ChatGPT
and potential effects on critical thinking, the costly and constrained reach of Google
Ads, and the constraints of automated web design are all negatives. The AI system
used should support the objectives of Creative Impact. The company’s performance in
this changing AI ecosystem may be further enhanced by investigating more AI
applications for other aspects of Creative Impact.
9. References
[1] Zoltán Somosi, “The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Content Creation And Checking
Its Effectiveness In The Google Ads Advertising System,” Analele Universităţii din Oradea,
vol. 31, no. volume 31, pp. 259–270, Dec. 2022, doi:
[2] A. Balmer, “A Sociological Conversation with ChatGPT about AI Ethics, Affect
and Reflexivity,” Sociology, vol. 57, no. 5, p. 003803852311696, May 2023, doi:
[3]F. P. Basso, R. M. Pillat, T. C. Oliveira, F. Roos-Frantz, and R. Z. Frantz, “Automated
design of multi-layered web information systems,” Journal of Systems and Software, vol.
117, pp. 612–637, Jul. 2016, doi:
[4] Helicon, “Artificial intelligence,” The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas
and Weather Guide, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed:
October 9, 2023].
[5]V. S., “Automated Web Design And Code Generation Using Deep Learning,” Turkish
Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 364–373,
Apr. 2021, doi:
[6] M. Al Khasawneh et al., “Consumer’s attitude towards display Google ads,”
MDPI, (accessed Oct. 2, 2023).
[7]M. Sallam et al., “ChatGPT Output Regarding Compulsory Vaccination and COVID-19
Vaccine Conspiracy: A Descriptive Study at the Outset of a Paradigm Shift in Online Search
for Information,” Cureus, Feb. 2023, doi:
[8]S. R et al., “Analyzing Sentiments Regarding ChatGPT Using Novel BERT: A
Machine Learning Approach,” Information, vol. 14, no. 9, p. 474, Sep. 2023, doi:
[9]V. Kaul, S. Enslin, and S. A. Gross, “History of artificial intelligence in
medicine,” Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 807–812, Oct. 2020, doi:
[10]Andrej Trošt, Janez Jamšek, and A. Žemva, “SHDL—A Hardware Description Language
and Open-Source Web Tool for Online Digital Systems Design Teaching,” Electronics, vol.
12, no. 2, pp. 425–425, Jan. 2023, doi:
[11] “Artificial Intelligence,” The Big Idea: How Breakthroughs of the Past Shape the
Future, National Geographic Society, 2011. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: September 27, 2023].
[12]T. H. Davenport, A. Guha, and D. Grewal, “How to Design an AI Marketing
Strategy,” Harvard Business Review, Jul. 01, 2021.
[13] H. Henderson and H. Henderson, “Google,” Encyclopedia of Computer Science and
Technology, Facts On File, 2021. [Online]. Available:
[14]Andrej Trošt, Janez Jamšek, and A. Žemva, “SHDL—A Hardware Description Language
and Open-Source Web Tool for Online Digital Systems Design Teaching,” Electronics, vol.
12, no. 2, pp. 425–425, Jan. 2023, doi:

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