Reaserch Project


I have done the following: Title + Literature Review + Problem Statement + Research Questions + Research Methodology + spreading a questionnaire to collect answers from the participants.- What I need you to help me with: Data Collection + Data Analysis + Results + Recommendations + Future Implications.Note that no need to use SPSS or other programs, just use Excel to analyses the result simply.-provide me with question to let me do the questionnaires and collect data for you.-Pass: 123789

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Assignment 3
Examining the Potential Impact of AI on the Quality of Public Services: A
Study from the Perspective of MEP Deputy Ministers at the Ministry of
Economy and Planning
To Dr. Mohammed Almansour
Student: Anis Alghamdi
ID: 431049005
“Examining the Potential Impact of AI on the Quality of Public Services: A Study
from the Perspective of MEP Deputy Ministers at the Ministry of Economy and Planning”.
This study aims to examine the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the
quality of public services, specifically from the perspective of MEP (Ministry of Economy and
Planning) Deputy Ministers at the Ministry of Economy and Planning in Riyadh. Public services
play a crucial role in the socio-economic development of a country, and AI has the potential to
revolutionize the way these services are delivered. Through a quantitative research approach, the
study will explore the perceptions, expectations, and concerns of MEP Deputy Ministers
regarding the integration of AI in public service delivery. The findings will provide valuable
insights into the opportunities and challenges associated with AI adoption in the context of public
services, informing policymakers and decision-makers in their efforts to enhance service quality
and efficiency.
Artificial intelligence, public services, quality, impact, MEP Deputy Ministers, Ministry
of Economy and Planning, perspectives, opportunities, challenges.
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology into the public sector has
brought about significant transformations in the way public services are delivered. Traditional
approaches to governance have given way to AI-powered systems that facilitate seamless
information exchange and collaboration among government agencies. This shift from back-end
governance to front-end governance has resulted in improved service relevance, enhanced
citizen-government interaction, and streamlined online processes, replacing cumbersome and
intricate procedures. The implementation of AI in public services has disrupted conventional
practices and has had a positive impact on service quality, efficiency, and overall governance
effectiveness. By examining the transition from traditional back-end governance to front-end AIpowered systems, the research will conduct a comprehensive analysis of existing studies to gain
insights into the multifaceted effects of AI on the delivery of public services. While some studies
have supported the notion of AI’s positive influence on service quality and governance, others
have raised concerns and highlighted potential drawbacks. This study aims to investigate the
impact of artificial intelligence on the quality of public services. Through this in-depth
examination, it intends to provide valuable insights into the benefits, challenges, and
diverse perspectives surrounding the utilization of AI in the public sector.
Literature Review
The public sector’s current use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems is changing for some
reasons, such as legal changes, rising demand from the public sector, and technological
advancements. The public sector is adopting AI at an increasing rate growing awareness of the
potential advantages this technology can provide, including increased efficiency, process
automation, better decision-making, enhanced governance, creative problem-solving, and an
overall improvement in the quality of public services (Pedro, 2023, p.149).
According to (Zuiderwijk et al, 2021, p.1), There are a lot of opportunities for
governments around the world is the grow the usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in government.
AI technologies can bring about quick changes to traditional modes of service provision when
they are integrated into public-sector ecosystems and government procedures. Governments can
employ AI technology, for instance, to boost citizen trust, enhance the quality of public services,
and raise the efficacy and efficiency of service delivery. Governments can also utilize AI to
mimic intricate systems and produce more accurate forecasts, enabling them to test different
policy options. Several government functional areas, including law enforcement, public health,
transportation, and decision support, can provide value. Yet, there are drawbacks to using AI in
government. Government use of AI has the potential to boost public trust, but it also has the
potential to erode public confidence in government actions and judgments. This decline could be
brought about by an infringement on citizens’ privacy or an unfair use of AI in public
The idea of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in public services:
Multiple studies have highlighted that when it comes to services, artificial intelligence
can be defined in various ways. Artificial Intelligence can be defined as “a system’s ability to
correctly interpret external data, learn from such data, and use those learnings to achieve specific
goals and tasks through flexible adaptation.” AI is defined as “technology-enabled systems for
evaluating real-time service scenarios using data collected from digital and/or physical sources in
order to provide personalized recommendations, alternatives, and solutions to customers’
enquiries or problems, even very complex ones” in the context of customer service (Omoge et al,
2022, p. 1218).
The preceding text implies that Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies encompass
devices that have the ability to sense their surroundings and make decisions to optimize their
chances of achieving a particular objective. These technologies include speech recognition,
natural language processing, rule-based systems, and machine learning. AI has encountered
variations in popularity but is presently undergoing a surge in adoption. The ideas of Web 3.0,
the Internet of Things (IoT), open innovation, and big and open data have all emerged
concurrently. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has gained traction as a potentially disruptive
collection of technologies in a variety of industries, including media, finance, retail, automotive,
and travel. Public sector organizations are starting to use AI technologies as well. In the field of
education, for instance, artificial intelligence (AI) systems might rely on algorithms that facilitate
the prediction of which instructor will contribute the most value to the classroom are being
utilized in social policy to assist in predicting high-risk youth so that interventions may be
targeted at them. AI algorithms are being used in regulations to target health inspections in
restaurants. Since the public sector is only now catching up to the private sector in terms of AI
adoption, there is naturally some degree of uncertainty amid the hype surrounding the
introduction of AI technologies in this early stage. AI applications are perceived as facilitators of
increased efficiency and effectiveness, as they automate cognitive labor, free up high-value work,
enhance predictive capabilities for decision-making, and improve services to citizen queries
(Sun& Medaglia, 2019, p. 374).
The reasons for using AI in public services:
A comparative study by (Al Makramy et al, 2022, p. 41) found that Technological
advancements are viewed by institutions as an organizational asset and a source of intellectual
capital because of how quickly they are developing, which forces institutions to keep up with
them and take advantage of them in their various operations. Additionally, technological
advancements make it easier to gather, store, and reuse information, which aids departments in
making the right decisions, particularly in urgent situations. Organizations in diverse industries
extensively employ artificial intelligence to streamline operations, efficiently collect data, and
support problem-solving. Its capacity to swiftly deliver precise information assists in decisionmaking, guaranteeing the organization’s success and growth.
The introduction of AI into the public sector is predicted to have a significant impact on
both citizens and organizations. However, there is a lack of research on how AI is depicted in
policy documents and the values linked to it, primarily due to its recent introduction in political
settings. It is crucial to investigate this topic and address the conflicting portrayals of AI.
Furthermore, a thorough examination of AI’s implementation in the public sector is necessary to
understand its potential for transformation and its implications for policy development.
Most AI solutions require more than just installing and running a new computer program
to be used. Most of these systems are intricate, necessitating effort and specialized knowledge
that is occasionally fresh or recently acquired. the difficulties, such as a lack of expertise or
experience, a lack of confidence in these kinds of solutions, or a lack of computing power, that
make deploying AI in e-government challenging. Governments, businesses, and academia are
debating ethical standards and legal regulatory frameworks for the application of AI worldwide.
These difficulties and factors are included in laws that support the development and application
of AI for the benefit of society. Governments frequently utilize policy documents as a tool to
promote and stimulate technical advancement and innovation (Toll et al, 2020, p. 42).
The main limitation of the (Carvalho,2023, p.50) study is that AI-based solutions are a
great fit for addressing the need for public service innovation and optimization, as well as for
enhancing how governments interact with and oversee their connection with the people.
Enhancing process efficiency and productivity, developing new services, and transforming
existing ones to improve quality, empowering public servants to do more work with less effort,
and engaging stakeholders to improve their experience are all anticipated outcomes. Artificial
intelligence (AI) technologies have the potential to automate cognitive work related to
bureaucratic, repetitive, and significantly complex procedural tasks. The incorporation of
artificial intelligence (AI) into the workforce has the potential to enhance the capabilities of
employees and improve the overall productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency of internal
operations. This can result in cost reduction and a decrease in human errors and processing time.
AI enables the quick and accurate handling, processing, and analysis of large and diverse data
sets without the need for human intervention. This technology opens up new possibilities for
information processing, allowing decision-makers to make more informed and precise decisions.
Additionally, AI enhances detection capabilities, enables real-time predictions for governance
and policy, and prevents the spread of disinformation through data-driven scrutiny, potentially
strengthening democracy.
The significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing public services:
Recent studies have uncovered that artificial intelligence (AI), characterized as systems
that demonstrate intelligent behavior through analyzing their surroundings and autonomously
taking actions to achieve specific goals, is the most significant technological advancement that
could have a profound impact on government. Consequently, there is an urgent requirement for
the development of novel theories and conceptual frameworks to address the implications of AI
in the governmental context. After ten years of rapid advancement, mainly in the field of
machine learning, modern AI systems, particularly those for generative AI that use deep learning
to create massive language models, can be considered a significant advancement above earlier
ICTs. Large language models and other state-of-the-art systems possess advanced capabilities
(e.g., in language, speech, vision, robotics, and human interaction) that enable them to perform
an increasing range of government-related occupational tasks the availability of computing
resources combined with growing dataset sizes and advancements in modeling techniques
(Straub et al, 2022, p. 2).
There has been a significant amount of literature published on the analysis of the extent
of digital technology and the shift towards alternative technologies, which continues to be a
widely discussed topic. The global predictions for digital trends are also a subject of interest. To
outline plans for governments, individuals, and multinational enterprises alike, the author looks
at current advances (such as artificial intelligence) of global digital trends and explores pertinent
digital technologies. Governments have been shifting away from digitizing records, procedures,
and administrative decision-making in favor of a new paradigm that includes citizens in
information sharing and co-production. Understanding consumer and citizen behavior is essential
to an organization’s strategic planning and execution process, even in the face of more unstable
business situations. Businesses that adopt digitalization are witnessing an increase in the stability
of their investments in machine learning, AI, the Internet of Things, and IT infrastructure, which
helps with decision-making (J. Reis et al.2019, p. 246).
Research from multiple studies has consistently shown that the decisions made by an
organization have a profound influence on its overall performance. This underscores the need for
incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) systems across all sectors of the organization to aid in
decision-making (DM). AI, in particular machine learning algorithms, makes it possible to infer
new knowledge and future directions from data that already exists, resulting in judgments that
are accurate, timely, and inexpensive. It responds to information like that of a person and has a
reasonable awareness of its advantages and disadvantages. Artificial intelligence (AI)
applications are crucial in decision-making because they can recognize complicated issues, solve
them with precision and in-depth knowledge, and produce the best outcomes. They can mimic
intellect in humans. They are now used in a wide range of industries, including software,
education, digital marketing, human resources, biology, medicine, and computer science
applications (Aljohani& Albliwi, 2022, p. 2).
The use of artificial intelligence in government services:
The utilization of artificial intelligence in various sectors, such as supervision and law
enforcement, has been proven effective. One instance of this is the implementation of electronic
ticketing by the Republic of Police. Artificial intelligence has also been widely implemented in
literature, one of which is in the service of complaints, directing, and answering complaints.
Artificial intelligence can also be used on reception desks or entrances when people want to
apply for services at a government agency (Mulyana,2023, p. 357).
This view is supported by (Alshahrani et al, 2021, p.1) who argue that Artificial
Intelligence can revolutionize the creation and provision of public sector services. According to
some estimates, the application of AI will boost productivity by 2% annually over the next
fifteen years by improving resource allocation, automating monotonous jobs, reducing reliance
on human judgment, and resolving issues with earlier e-government programs. Therefore, it
should come as no surprise that public sector organizations have greatly expanded their use of AI
technologies in industries like healthcare. Furthermore, it has been proposed that public sector
firms employ AI to lessen their administrative burden. One example of how AI can impact
government is through the automation of immigration procedures using robotics. This can lead to
faster processing times and increased productivity. Furthermore, considering the substantial
amount of public spending allocated to healthcare, the deployment of AI in this sector can also
have significant benefits.
Computer simulation is now considered one of the most advanced instructional tools in
political science, public administration, and public policy classes. This active learning approach
allows students to actively engage in the learning process. In addition to attending regular
lectures, students engage in simulation games to obtain a firsthand grasp of real-world processes.
In this regard, Russia has contributed to several developments on the global stage, particularly in
sophisticated pedagogical techniques in public education (Reis et al,2019, p.2).
A potential drawback of this approach is that there are numerous ways in which the
delivery of public services can be enhanced. These include the automation of regular
administrative and governmental procedures, public administration coordination, and the
capacity of AI to analyze vast volumes of data, consider a greater number of factors when
making complex decisions while avoiding human error, encourage greater user participation,
personalize, and improve the accuracy of services (Chiariello, 2022, p.187).
Previous research has primarily examined how the shift in public service delivery, from
state control to stakeholder interconnectedness (markets and civil society), has been influenced
by the use of technology in bureaucracy. To meet the requirements and demands of the
community, efforts will be made to enhance government performance in terms of structure and
management as well as community services. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is being used more and
more to modify public services by mimicking human intellect. This is an indication of efforts to
improve community-oriented services. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the term used to describe
computer programs that simulate human intelligence by mimicking human thought and behavior.
The ability of AI to reason and take actions that have the best likelihood of achieving goals is
what makes it perfect (Nurjaman,2022, p.122).
The challenges of AI in public services:
However, the study overlooks the potential drawbacks of acquiring and integrating AI
technologies, which could have adverse effects on the general public. These concerns primarily
revolve around social justice, privacy, security, and environmental issues. The worries of losing
one’s job, being taken advantage of by evildoers, not being held accountable, and prejudice
spreading and undermining justice. the massive real-time data collection by the Internet of
Things devices, which gives developers access to private data about people, communities, and
associated demographics. Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions should minimize hazards to the
environment, public health, and safety; they should also incorporate social responsibility;
safeguard privacy; and shield stakeholders from unjustified risk, harm, or violation of their rights
(Oluka et al, 2022, p.1086).
One major advantage of AI technologies in the public sector is the liberation of human
capital. By automating monotonous and straightforward tasks, public personnel can be freed up
to focus on more meaningful and complex activities. Public servants continue to perform the
same duties every day. Certain duties, like data reporting, meetings, and documentation, may
seem straightforward, but they require a significant amount of time (Chen et al,2019, p.102).
The study (Du, 2023) confirmed that the traditional back-end governance manner of
government has given way to front-end governance artificial intelligence technology, which
bridges the information and activities of many government agencies. Artificial intelligence
technology has improved the relevance and initiative of public services, encouraged business
communication and interaction between citizens and the government, and converted the initial
laborious and complex business procedures into online services. The old approach has been
disrupted by the development and implementation of artificial intelligence technology in public
services, which has improved service quality and motivation while also boosting the efficacy of
governmental governance.
The research (Gesk& Leyer,2022) shows that the public sector is also showing a
tremendous increase in interest in the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI), in addition to the
private sector. AI integration into businesses offers increased productivity and better services.
However, even though AI has already been the subject of much research, AI in the public sector
has received little attention. This is a significant gap since public perceptions of services prevent
the full transfer of knowledge from the commercial sector to the public sector. Other than
optimizing value creation for paying clients, the public sector has other objectives. Furthermore,
a wide range of services supplied by the public sector such as traffic lights affect many residents
because they are generally provided without regard to specific needs.
The study (Morandini et al, 2023) shows that to find answers to the problems that occur,
this paper will investigate the most current advancements in practice and research on the
transformation of professional abilities by artificial intelligence (AI). According to this research,
integrating AI into organizations involves combining several organizational methods at once. To
reduce the current skills gap in the workplace, it is first imperative to map the transversal
abilities required by workers. Secondly, companies can assist employees in identifying the
competencies needed for AI adoption, enhancing their present competencies, and acquiring new
competencies. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that businesses must put in place procedures
to assist employees by offering possibilities for ad hoc training and development to guarantee
that workers’ attitudes and mental models about AI are open and prepared for the shifting nature
of the labor market and the issues that come with it.
The research (Aleisa et al, 2023) confirms that Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the
newest and fastest-growing technologies available, with applications across many industries. AI
technology has made a splash in the recruiting industry lately. Numerous researchers are
attempting to increase its capabilities by adding other applications that will facilitate the hiring
process. Crucially, though, an open labor market devoid of a unified data center makes it
challenging to track, combine, and evaluate data to determine which job candidates are the
greatest fit for which openings. The process of hiring and reviewing resumes for positions is
labor- and time-intensive. Every resume is usually written differently. Recruiters must read a lot
of resumes and understand their substance before they can hire someone. Currently, this tedious
and time-consuming process is completed by human experts.
I believe that AI has the potential to bring numerous benefits to various industries,
including the ability to offer new and innovative services and enhance scale, speed, and accuracy.
By combining insights from statistics and big data, artificial intelligence builds upon these
advantages. Utilizing trend analysis, AI can help businesses and organizations transition from
descriptive analysis and trend identification to more proactive and evidence-based models and
approaches. It is important to regularly update this process to incorporate new information and
adapt to changes in the labor market. By integrating data from government databases,
comprehensive data analysis can be conducted to forecast labor market demands in Saudi Arabia
and provide support to policymakers.
Problem statement:
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) in public services holds great promise for enhancing
service quality and delivery. However, it is essential to understand the viewpoints, expectations,
and concerns of Deputy Ministers at the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP) regarding the
integration of AI in public service operations. These key stakeholders play a vital role in shaping
policies and decision-making processes. By conducting a quantitative research study, this
research aims to explore the perceptions of MEP Deputy Ministers towards the adoption of AI in
public services. The findings will provide valuable insights into the potential advantages and
challenges of AI implementation, to make informed choices and improvements in service quality
and efficiency within the Ministry of Economy and Planning.
Research questions:
Although AI has not yet achieved full human-level intelligence, it has demonstrated
significant capability in carrying out specific tasks, leading to significant effects in the public
sector. Therefore, this study aims to fill this void by investigating the following research
The main Question is: What is the impact of artificial intelligence on the quality and delivery of
public services in the public sector?
Focused Questions are:
1. How does the adoption of AI in public services improve service relevance, initiative, and
2. What are the potential drawbacks and challenges associated with the use of AI in public
service delivery?
3. What are the ethical considerations and privacy concerns related to the use of AI in public
Research methodology:
Organizations face challenges and opportunities in leveraging AI’s potential, requiring a
cultural, mindset, and skill set change. Data sources included existing literature on IT-enabled
organizational transformation and small cases from AI solution providers and professional
journals. To achieve this, quantitative research methodology will be used. The study will utilize a
questionnaire administered to a sample of 75 to 100 deputy ministers, general managers, and
consultants from the MEP. This approach will enable the collection of data to analyze the
challenges and opportunities organizations face in leveraging AI’s potential.
Quality of services
Independent Variable
Efficiency of service
Artificial Intelligence
Erode public confidence
Public services
Figure (1): Theoretical Model of the Study
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