reading worksheets


read and give responses based on reading week 5; We will be reading Chapter 1 of Introduction to Language. Intro to Lang_Chap 1..pdf Intro to Lang_Chap 1..pdf – Alternative Formats Here is a worksheet based on the chapter. ENG 1161 Chap 1Clswks.pdf ENG 1161 Chap 1Clswks.pdf – Alternative Formatsweek 6:Watch the YouTube video, entitled “Human Language Series Part I” and come up with 10 bullet points/statements from the video. Please do not copy word for word from the video. Write in your own words. Submit it below or on your Home page.. 7: This week, we will be reading Morphology, Chapter 2. Intro to Lang_Chap. 2.pdf week 10: This week, we will be working on Chapter 3: Syntax. Intro to Lang_Chap 3.pdf Feel free to use either worksheet. Worksheet on syntax.docx Worksheet on syntax.docx – Alternative Formats

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ENG 1161: Language and Thinking
Chapter 1 Class Worksheet
Name: ______________________________________________________
Language as a “rule-governed system” of component processes that exist in relationships that
vary in empirically definable ways:
– (1)___________________ – building blocks of sounds

(2)___________________ – changing plurals, root words, suffixes, prefixes

(3)___________________ – how words go together to make sentences

(4)___________________ – how words take meaning

(5)___________________ – language in use
(6) The relationship between speech sounds and the meanings they represent is ___________.
(7) Give five examples of onomatopoeic words.
(8) Humans can create new sentences that they haven’t heard before – What aspect of
language is this? __________________________
(9) What is linguistic competence?
(10) What is linguistic performance?
(11) What is descriptive grammar?
(12) What is prescriptive grammar?
(13) What is Universal Grammar?
(14) From Chapter 1, page 29, exercise No. 5. Consider these two statements: I learned a new
word today. I learned a new sentence today. Do you think the two statements are equally
probable, and if not, why not? Explain in the space provided below.
(15) Homework Assignment: From Chapter 1, page 29, exercise No. 6. Please go back to the
chapter and do this question. Feel free to watch youtube video on Alex. Do your research
online on Talking parrot Alex. Give your opinion with ample explanations. Use a separate
sheet of paper for this assignment.
ENG 1161: Language and Thinking
Chapter 2 Worksheet
Dr. Do
Name: ______________________________________________________
(1) Define morphemes. Give examples.
(2) What are bound and free morphemes? Be sure to give examples.
*Define the terms below with examples.
(3) prefixes:_____________________________________________________________
(4) surfixes:_____________________________________________________________
(5) infixes:______________________________________________________________
(6) circumfixes:__________________________________________________________
(7) roots and stems:
(8) derivational morphology. Define and give examples.
(9) inflectional morphology? Define and give examples.
(10) Back formation
(11) Compounds

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