Reading Review for set 10


Read chapter 14 in Ronald Takaki’s A Different Mirror and complete the following steps:In your review you will answer the following questions:What is/are the big question(s) being addressed in the chapter? Identify only 1 or 2 questions. Keep in mind, Takaki may not explicitly state these questions.How does Takaki answer this/these question(s)?In what ways does one of the sources for the week shed additional light on Takaki’s story? Find the other sources for the week listed under Takaki chapter.The source of the week is attached in the filesWhat questions were you left with after reading Takaki’s chapter?should be about 1 page typed, single spaced

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Reading Review for set 10
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period of evacuation, Assembly Center residence and transfer operations. .
Manzan*r Nice Fiace
– {t Better Than l{ollyrvoocl’
Tlis disptrtc’h. Ttcr,ssetl bt, nilitr*’1; outlrcsrities, is the first t’lose-up retrtort.from {t neu;spd{psnildtt
‘,vlrL ku,s vi,sired one o/’lhe “fttpatrcse concenrt’aiion cent€t’s in {-ttlifornia.–The Editor.
l..ln ited Press Stafl llorreslronr,lent
h{ANZANAR” Cal.. April 21.- I’his is tire youngest” strangest cit-v in tlre rvolldirilrahited b-v Japanese r,vho hciist Anrerican Flags. pr-rt up pictures o{‘George lVashington
aud prav to the Christian God for the delbat o1’Japan’s armecl lbrces.
it is a settleinent tirat grer,v–in the rnagic tinre of three lveelis-*-*out o[‘the sageblush rif’
the hfolave Desert. This is one of the pl;rces rvhere the 118.000 Japanese who are being
rnr:ved out of the strategic area of the Pacific Coast are being resettled.
Three r,veeks ago this r,vas empty land between trvu mor-rntain ranges.
Today it is a city of i.303 popuiation rn”ith a tire department, a hospital. ;L police ibrce, an
Englisir-language nelvspaper. basebail teams and community recreation centers.
It probabli” is the fastest grorving town in the r,vol’ld because soon its population lvill be
doublecl arncl eventually quaclrLrpled.
N{ost of the inliabit;tnts are .Tapanese r.vho ha’o’r’tasted Arnerican dernocracy and lound
it goocl. Probably g5 per cent at least of the Japanese iiere are loyal to tlre Llnited States.
Tl-rev are tire otres lilie S. Ahamaisu. ri,’ho moved into Building No. 6 anrl irnmediatel1, pLrt
t-tp pictr-tres of Gecilge \’rs5]-1i;rr1!qn. Abraham Lincoln and President Roosevelt.
fu{atty i:f ihe loyal on”r ,-ra-me here with fbar and doribt in their healls, expecting a }iazit-vpe conceutrratiou r:ari1p. Instead they 1’ound cornl-ortable rvooden builctings cclvereci ivith
tar paper. batlihouses and shoters and pler:tv af rvhoiesome tbod.
Tirere is uo tence around N{anzanar noi.v and rvhile Li.S. soleiiers guard the main gate”
there is rirthing io pre.ent a “lapirrrese li’onr siipping alvlry :rt night e:
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