Reading response 7


Please go through this week’s content (Chapter Readings, Supplementary Readings, Videos, etc.) and write your authentic response to them, minimum 2 pages. A thorough response should include the following content:

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A short summary of what you read. No need to be too extensive, but consider both what the piece was about, what examples the author used, and what angle they approached their topic from. What methodology did they use? What sources did they pull from? Elaborate on what you thought was most important and what the overall concepts were this week.
What was/is your initial response to the chapters? Did you agree with the author’s argument? Did you understand what they meant immediately or did you have to read some things back a few times? If you agree with their assessment, why? If you didn’t, why?
What did you find interesting or learn while reading? Did they mention anything you have personal experience in or with? What resonated with you? What (if anything) was entirely new to you and how has it changed how you have thought about art before now?
What further questions has the reading sparked? Not just clarifying questions about the content of the reading, but what has it made you think about? Or consider from a different angle? If you were to ask questions that would expand upon their research, what would they be


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