Reading response


The objective of the reading responses is to give you the opportunity to explore the ideas in the reading/listening materials—and your thoughts on those ideas—in longer written form than the discussion questions. There are no right or wrong answers in these assignments, although there are a few guidelinesand requirements, as per the rubric below. You can use your discussion questions as a conceptual starting point (although text should not be directly copy-pasted from material you have already submitted), or you can go in an entirely different directioon.Rubric is attached below.

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Reading Response Assignments
Sociology 435
The objective of the reading responses is to give you the opportunity to explore the ideas in the
reading/listening materials—and your thoughts on those ideas—in longer written form than the
discussion questions. There are no right or wrong answers in these assignments, although there
are a few guidelines and requirements, as per the rubric below. You can use your discussion
questions as a conceptual starting point (although text should not be directly copy-pasted from
material you have already submitted), or you can go in an entirely different direction.
You will be submitting a reading response every OTHER week via the link on ELMS. Each
reading response can cover anything addressed in class since the previous reading response.
1. Formatting.
Reading responses will be 1 page long, single spaced, Times New Roman font, 1”
margins. Don’t run short, don’t mess with formatting to get the text to take up
more space on the page, and don’t run too far over. (10 pts.)
2. Grammar/syntax/spelling/etc.
a. Reading responses should be well written, including correct grammar, syntax, etc.
Always use spell check before submitting an assignment. (10 pts.)
i. If you know that writing is a challenge for you, this is a great opportunity
to make an appointment at The Writing Center.
1. Additional source/example.
a. Your reading response should bring in (at least) one source from outside the
assigned materials. This can be an article on a current event, a video you saw
online, a reading from another class, etc.– just so long as you connect it
conceptually to the materials and concepts we’re discussing in this class. (20 pts.)
2. Substantive content/critical thinking (60 pts)
a. You should be saying something thoughtful about the reading/listening materials
and/or the concepts being discussed in class. We should be able to tell what
you’re talking about. It should be clear that you are thinking critically about the
issues we’re discussing.
b. You should be specifically engaging with the materials from the weeks prior to
when your reading response is due. You do not have to engage all of the
materials, but reference at least two (in addition to your outside source). The
objective is to engage with overarching themes, and since these themes connect
across the materials for any given week, bringing in more than one material
shouldn’t be too challenging.
Content Deductions will be taken for:
1. Paraphrasing.
a. You should be connecting back to the reading/listening materials, but
spend as little time as possible paraphrasing the materials. It should be
clear that you understand the arguments being made in the materials
via your responses to those arguments, rather than via paragraphs of
recapping the arguments.
2. Incorrect use of terminology.
a. Do your best to use terminology correctly. If you are grappling with a
concept and don’t quite get it right, that’s entirely okay and will not
necessarily result in deductions. If you are far enough off base with
terminology that we start wondering whether you were actually
reading/listening to the materials and/or awake in class, you will lose
points. (If you aren’t reading, we will be able to tell in these

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