Read a short story and answer questions


An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce. Questions Attached

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Read the story “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce as well
as the critical article provided below. Answer the following discussion questions.
1. Explain what is meant by “Evidently this was no vulgar assassin.”
2. Why was Farquhar captured? Why do you believe that the scout lied?
3. At what point in the story do you believe that Farquhar began to dream about
his escape? Explain your response, using textual evidence.
4. Describe the methods that Bierce uses to create suspense in this story.
5. What strategies does Bierce use to deceive the audience? Be specific.
6. After analyzing this story, describe what you believe that Bierce feels and
thinks about war and the military. Explain your response using evidence from the
7. What aspects of realism can you find in this story?

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