Read a short story and answer 22 questions


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Read a short story and answer 22 questions
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1. Could the wallpaper have been any other color?
2. How would a change in color have changed the story?
3. How does the color “yellow” affect you?
4. Do you like (or dislike) it?
5. What are the psychological implications of the color “yellow”?
6. How would a different color change the story?
7. How does the narrator’s description of the wallpaper change over time?
8. How is the wallpaper representative of the domestic sphere?
9. Why do you think Gilman briefly changes the point of view from first person
singular to the second person as the narrator describes the pattern of the
10. What effect does the narrator say light has on the wallpaper?
11. What is the role of women in the text?
12. How are mothers represented?
13. What about single/independent women?
14. What is important about women–in the historical context?
15. What clue does the narrator’s repeated lament, “what can one do?” give us
about her personality?
16. Describe other aspects of the woman’s personality that are revealed in the
opening of the story.
17. What conflicting emotions is she having toward her husband, her condition,
and the mansion?
18. Give a description of John.
19. Why does the heroine say that his profession is “perhaps . . . one reason I do
not get well faster”?
20. How does the narrator view her husband?
21. Does she agree with John’s diagnosis and treatment?
22. Who else supports John’s diagnosis?
22. What effect does this have on the heroine?
23. Do you feel like Gillman is trying to say something about the relationship
(married) between men and women? Does this message still ring true today?

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