reaction to rudy


For this assignment you need to watch the movie RUDY, and write a two page single (NO space), 12 font reaction paper. This movie will speak to everyone in their own way. I do not want to stifle how this movie spoke to you by giving you certain criteria on what to write. The following are simply suggestions to get you going, you may write on one, none, or all of these topics. However, this paper is a reaction paper to the movie and how it touched/motivated you. Remember, you are to write a two page single space (NO space), 12 font paper. Topic Suggestions:With all the odds and people against Rudy and his dream, Rudy showed true persistence and determination in reaching his goal of getting into the University of Notre Dame and competing for a nationally ranked football team. When was there a time in your life that you persevered and let nothing, or no one, stand in your way of reaching your dreams and goals?Rudy overcame his family’s negative influences, when did you have to overcome people telling you that you cannot achieve something.Chills ran through my body, hair stood at attention, and tears sprang into my eyes during the scene when Rudy was sitting on the bench reading his acceptance letter. Was there a time in your life that you were Rudy sitting on the bench reading such a letter? If so, describe it, and if not, you may have had chills of your own as you watched Rudy read the letter, describe your emotions and thoughts as you sat and experienced this scene. Or choose a scene in your movie…Write a letter to yourself (remember the above criteria) encouraging yourself to keep pushing through all the challenges as you are creating your own legacy as Rudy did. Rudy actually did not only change his own life, but he also changed the life of all his siblings as they continued after Rudy to get their college degrees.

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