Race as Biology is Fiction, Racism as a Social Problem is Real .


Please read the article “Race as Biology is Fiction, Racism as a Social Problem is Real,” and then answer the following questions using complete sentences. Make sure that you reference the correct page(s) from the article where you find your answers. This assignment is due by Sunday Jan 7th 11:59pm worth 30 pointsHow do the authors Smedley and Smedley define race? (2 pts)How do the authors Smedley and Smedley define culture? (2 pts)How do the authors Smedley and Smedley define ethnicity? (2 pts)How do they define ethnocentrism? (2 pts)According to Smedley and Smedley , what role did Thomas Jefferson play in using science to justify the dehumanization of enslaved Africans? (5 pts)How do you self-define? Reflect on your life and identity and explain the racial and ethnic terms that best define who you are. (5 points) Note: While I am cognizant of the fact that there are multiple variables informing your identity, the intention of this assignment is to focus on those contributing to your ethnic and racial self. (5 points)In what ways has race has impacted your socioeconomic status, educational and occupational status, wealth, political power, and the like? (5 pts)Chicana/o Defined: Explain the evolution of the term/concept Chicano. That is, based on the assigned material explain how the meaning of the word has evolved across generations. Include a discussion of the sociopolitical conditions informing its past and present meaning. (10 points)

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