quick question – Deep learning


Read carefully, section 4.3 Gradient-Based Optimization (pages 79 to 83) in “Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., Courville, A. (2016). Deep Learning. United Kingdom: MIT Press.” Then:Submit the algorithm in pseudocode (or any computer language) minimize vector x using gradient-based optimization: f(x) = 0.5 * ||A * x − b||^2, where A, x, and b are some vectors.Explain, in short, each line of the pseudocode. Note: Pages 79 to 83 are in the document attached.

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quick question – Deep learning
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1. Read carefully, section 4.3 Gradient-Based Optimization (pages 79 to 83) in “Goodfellow, I.,
Bengio, Y., Courville, A. (2016). Deep Learning. United Kingdom: MIT Press.” Then:
1. Submit the algorithm in pseudocode (or any computer language) minimize vector x using
gradient-based optimization: f(x) = 0.5 * ||A * x − b||^2, where A, x, and b are some
2. Explain, in short, each line of the pseudocode.
Note: Pages 79 – 83 are below

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