Questions PSYM661


Answer ALL questions on this exam. In order to get the full points awarded, be sure to address question thoroughly (20 pts each)

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Questions PSYM661
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Each question is worth 5 points

1. What role does culture play in family assessment? Use empirical literature to substantiate your response.

2. When working with families where there are significant gender role differences, how would you assess for this and then handle this situation when working with a family? Use empirical literature to substantiate your response.

3. Identify any TWO Marriage & Family Assessment Tests and compare and contrast these two tests. Be sure to identify the advantages and disadvantages of each test, while comparing them to each other.

4. Choose ONE case study presented in the textbook, and show how you would apply ONE of the Assessment Tests (from Handout) to that case.

5. According to General Systems Theory, nothing can be understood in isolation but must be seen as part of a system. Explain this statement when conducting an assessment.