Question to Position


For this assignment, you will begin to assemble a variety of sources that fit with your research topic proposal. We will use the BEAM Framework found in Ch. 13 (the link will be down) Refer to the BEAM Reference Chart (down) to help identify the types of sources and ideas for where to find specific sources to match your discipline.

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Nuts and bolts

State your research question from your Research Topic Proposal. You may need to slightly alter what you originally submitted depending on instructor feedback.
Move your research question to the next stage by writing a thesis statement. Your thesis should directly flow from your research question. You are making a claim that you will support with evidence. Others may be able to counter you claim, so you are not necessarily establishing a fact but arguing for a specific position. It will be necessary for you to begin to collect evidence prior to finalizing your thesis statement; it should be a single sentence. See UNC’s Writing Center page on Thesis Statements (down) for more information.

Identify 4 sources that help frame and shape your understanding of the topic and address how you plan to answer the research question. State what category (background, exhibit, argument, or method) each source matches.

1 Background source
1 Exhibit source
1 Argument source
1 Method source

Reach a conclusion arguing for your position referencing all four sources. Be sure to take opposing sides seriously. (This should be approximately 1 page long).

BEAM Framework found in Ch. 13 :…

BEAM Reference Chart:…

Thesis Statements:…

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Clear information for the assignment
You are basically going to move your topic from the proposal (last assignment) to the next stage
by compiling sources that fit within your proposal (these can be the same sources you
submitted as your preliminary source list, as long as they fit within the BEAM Framework – this
is in Chapter 13).
To start your paper, you’ll want to state your research question again, then move it into a thesis
statement. Your thesis statement is you arguing for a position based on the sources you’ve
You’ll then want to identify each source and which category within the BEAM Framework it falls
into (background, exhibit, argument, method).
Once you’ve identified your sources, you’ll want to write your conclusions about the topic – i.e.
what you’ve found from these sources. This portion should be about one page and it’s where
you’re citing those sources you’ve identified to make your position/argument strong. Refer to
any opposing sides here as well. This is the most important part of your paper.
Rockford University
Library Information Literacy
Research Question Focusing Worksheet
Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Email: Click or tap here to enter text.
I am interested in finding out more about the
What topic, problem, or issue are you interested
effect of covid on education. For instsnce how did
in? (Do some background research to find out
grades differ from covid to post covid retuning to
more about it.)
face to face.
Grades during covid to post covid. Pass rate the
semester after retuning to traditional lectures.
How many people dropped out of college during
What specific part of the topic are you interested
in? Break down topic ideas into categories.
Once you’ve decided on a general topic, use some or all of the limiters below to help narrow or
broaden your topic:
Time Span: 2020-2021 July
Place (geographic region): Worldwide or USA
Event or Aspect: Click or tap here to enter text.
Person or Group: University students
Based on your limiters, determine your narrowed or broadened research question. (Remember: How
or why questions are best!)
Don’t forget to make your question as clear and specific as possible. (Specify the who, what, where,
and when you are focusing on.)
State your updated research question:
How did college students GPA change prior to
covid compared to the first semester back in
2021 fall in the USA?
Research Topic Proposal.
Institutional Affiliation
Research Topic Proposal.
Specific research topic.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education, focusing on changes in academic
performance before, during, and after the transition from remote learning to face-to-face
Defined primary audience.
Parents, educators, legislators, school administrators, and educational researchers
interested in knowing how the epidemic has affected student learning results make up the
audience for this study.
Research questions.
What patterns did students’ grades show when learning remotely as opposed to in a
typical classroom? In what ways does the academic performance of pupils fluctuate according to
different demographic categories (such as access to technology, geography, and socioeconomic
Which tactics helped minimize the loss of learning throughout the pandemic?
Various resources will be used in this study to help understand the research topic
properly. Of particular interest will be changes in academic performance before, during, and
following the switch from remote learning to in-person instruction. The main sources of
empirical data and theoretical frameworks will be academic journals and research papers.
Insights into national and international patterns in educational reaction and recovery activities
can also be obtained from reports from governments and intergovernmental organizations and
educational policy texts. Expert interviews with educators will yield nuanced opinions, while
longitudinal research and surveys will provide data on student grades and academic achievement
over time. All the above information will help in answering the research questions.
Potential roadblocks.
Access to thorough and trustworthy data on student grades and academic performance
during the pandemic, difficulties distinguishing the effects of COVID-19 from other confounding
factors affecting education, and differences in grading procedures amongst educational
institutions are some potential obstacles when researching this topic. Working with academic
institutions, using longitudinal studies, and applying strict statistical techniques can all assist in
reducing these difficulties and improving the validity of the study results. (Iglesias-Pradas,
Hernández-García, Chaparro-Peláez, & Prieto, 2021)
Chisadza, C., Clance, M., Mthembu, T., Nicholls, N., & Yitbarek, E. (2021). Online and face‐to‐
face learning: Evidence from students’ performance during the Covid‐19
pandemic. African Development Review, 33, S114-S125.
Iglesias-Pradas, S., Hernández-García, Á., Chaparro-Peláez, J., & Prieto, J. L. (2021).
Emergency remote teaching and students’ academic performance in higher education
during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study. Computers in human behavior, 119,
Nazempour, R., Darabi, H., & Nelson, P. C. (2022). Impacts on students’ academic performance
due to emergency transition to remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: A
financial engineering course case study. Education Sciences, 12(3), 202.
Serhan, D. (2020). Transitioning from Face-to-Face to Remote Learning: Students’ Attitudes and
Perceptions of Using Zoom during COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of
Technology in Education and Science, 4(4), 335-342.

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