Public Service Question


A five page paper on the public administration of Thailand. The paper will describe and explain the basic political economy of the Thailand’s public administration and public service including its size, structure, and organization. The most successful papers will center their explanation around a theme, problem, or policy consideration for example security, trade, civil service, or international relations. Do not just repeat the current sources you find. Your own opinion is very important. Feel free to take any idea from other country and address how your idea works in the public administration of Thailand?You can find paper outline and detail from the attached file.

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Public Service Question
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Outline for the final 5-page paper
Public Administration System of Thailand
A five page paper on the public administration of Thailand. The paper will describe and explain
the basic political economy of the Thailand’s public administration and public service including
its size, structure, and organization. The most successful papers will center their explanation
around a theme, problem, or policy consideration for example security, trade, civil service, or
international relations.
Introduction: 2 points
Overview of your paper and the main issues. Suggestion: You may want to write this section last
The Public Administration System – 40 points
Describe the actual system. Avoid taking a position, which you will do in the explanatory and
analytical section. Describe the actual system.
Background: 9 points
Brief overview of the country. This includes historical, political, economic, social, cultural, etc.
Explanatory and analytical. 40 points
Here you will need to discuss the positive and negative factors that impact the public
administrative system. This is your opinion. Some of factors may include:

Reform efforts (past and current)
Pros and cons of the system (what is working and why)
Recommendations/Conclusion: 9 points.
Try to identify examples from other countries
*Please make sure to include bibliography and footnotes.
Five-to-seven-minute PPT and speech writing for outline of the Thailand country papers.
What is successful execution of any strategy of governance?
1. Accountability
2. Transparency
3. Inform public – public outreach
4. Inclusion
Specific guidelines for written work to follow:
• Formatting:
o 11 or 12 pt. font, any style
o Any normal, reasonable margins
o Single or 1.5 line spacing
o APA style
o Insert page numbers
o Stick to the page limit
• Diagrams, endnotes, appendices, etc.
o Should be on separate pages from the main body of the paper.
o These will not be counted in the page limits. There are no page limits on these additions.
• Citations/references
o Cite all sources – whenever you borrow an idea or phrasing, cite the source.
▪ Direct quotations of 3 words or more must be in quotation marks.
▪ It is better to over-reference than under-reference.
o Full bibliographic details are needed for external sources. Hyperlinks can be included, but they are
NOT enough on their own to count as a proper reference.
o APA style
o Put endnotes and list of references on a separate page from the main body of the memo, and do
not count those elements in page limits.

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