Public Health Question


Sensitivity and Specificity of a Diagnostic TestPart C. Positive Predictive Value and Negative Predictive Value of a Diagnostic Test in a given Population with a specified Prevalence of a DiseasePart D. Parallel testing & Serial testing

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PUBH 4233 Topics in Global Epidemiology
Instructor: Isaac Chun-Hai Fung, PhD
Homework 1b. Diagnostic tests: Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, serial testing,
and parallel testing
Sensitivity and Specificity of a Diagnostic Test
Imagine that your company manufactures diagnostic tests for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. You are going to test how accurate
the test is. You recruit 500 healthy individuals and 500 confirmed COVID-19 case-patients as volunteers.
B.1. Define sensitivity.
B.2. Define specificity.
B.3. Of the 500 case-patient volunteers, 470 receive positive test results. What is the sensitivity of the diagnostic test?
B.4. Of the 500 healthy volunteers, 475 receive negative test results. What is the specificity of the diagnostic test?
B.5. Define “false positive” in the context of diagnostic tests
B.6. Define “false negative” in the context of diagnostic tests
B.7. Define “true positive” in the context of diagnostic tests
B.8. Define “true negative” in the context of diagnostic tests
B.9. Given the information provided in B.3, how many “false negative” are there among the 500 case-patient volunteers?
B.10. Given the information provided in B.4, how many “false positive” are there among the 500 healthy volunteers?
Part C. Positive Predictive Value and Negative Predictive Value of a Diagnostic Test in a given Population with a specified
Prevalence of a Disease
C.1. In a metropolitan city of 1 million population, if the current prevalence of COVID-19 is 0.01%, how many people are
having the disease today?
C.2. Given a population of 1 million, and the number of sick people with COVID-19 (answer to C.1), if we apply the
diagnostic test as described in Part B.3 and B.4, please complete the following 2-by-2 table.
Diagnostic Test Results
Positive Test Results
Positive, i.e., sick
True positive =
Disease Status
Negative, i.e., healthy
False positive =
Negative Test Results
False negative =
True negative =
Total number of sick
people with COVID-19 =
Total number of healthy
people (without COVID-19) =
Total number of positive test
results =
Total number of negative
test results =
C.3. Calculate the Positive Predictive Value of the diagnostic test in this scenario. Please provide the equation too.
C.4. Calculate the Negative Predictive Value of the diagnostic test in this scenario. Please provide the equation too.
C.5. Using COVID-19 and other upper respiratory tract infections as examples, explain why in a low prevalence setting,
the positive predictive value of a diagnostic test is low.
Part D. Parallel testing & Serial testing
D.1. If you want to reduce the number of false negatives (i.e., increase the sensitivity), and if you are allowed to perform 2
tests, would you choose “parallel testing” or “serial testing”?
Part E. Bonus Question: The prevalence of disease X is 10%. Assuming 1000 individuals undergo a test for the disease
and 50 of them tested positive. Assuming the sensitivity of the test was 30%, (a) what is the specificity of the diagnostic
test? (b) what is the positive predictive value in this scenario? Please write all your steps and equations.

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