At this point, it’s time to start planning a brochure that you will design. It could be for an agency that you work with, or any public health topic you select. Please prepare a one-half to one page creative brief of your brochure including the following components:
The public health topic (Max 1 sentence)
The SOCO (Single Over-riding Communication Objective; e.g., “As a result of reading this brochure, Hispanic women age 25-30 in East Los Angeles will make an appointment for a pap test.” You can refer to Chapter 4 in the textbook for suggestions on how to write a SOCO.)
The audience segment (e.g., gender, location, race/ethnicity, narrow age range) and other characteristics related to your topic (e.g., education, income, role or occupation, immigrant status, major illness, etc.)
Background research on audience characteristics relevant to this topic (e.g., level of knowledge, barriers to change, benefits of change specific to this audience)
Modifiable risk and protective factors that the brochure could address (e.g., reduce salt added to foods in order to lower blood pressure)
The key message (this is your main message with more detail than a simple slogan)
Reference for the public health literature used to prepare this brief (minimum 3-4 sources, APA format)
Max 1-2 pages single spaced. Please use in-text citations following APA format, and references in a second page at the end. Can be written in an outline format if you prefer. Please submit it as a Word document.
I attached a few examples of a brochure
Unformatted Attachment Preview
Student Name
Week 2 Brochure Creative Brief
Public health topic: The HPV vaccine can help protect boys and girls from HPV related
cancers and from genital warts.
The SOCO: As a result of reading this brochure the mothers of children ages 14-18 will
schedule an appointment to have their children vaccinated with their 1st HPV shot.
Audience segment: Latina mothers of children ages 14-18.
Modifiable risk and protective factors:
-The main reasons found for the refusal of the HPV vaccine by Latino parents were: 1)They
wanted more information 2) Did not have access to a regular provider and/or where
unsure about where to go 3) Unsure about the vaccine safety (Yeganeh et al., 2010). Latina
mother’s main reason to vaccinate their girls and boys was due to the vaccines potential to
protect their children against cervical, anal, and penile cancer (Watts et al., 2009).
-The HPV vaccine can help protect against genital warts and HPV related cervical cancer,
anal cancer, penile cancer, and oropharyngeal cancers. The HPV vaccine can reduce the
transmission rate of certain strains of HPV (Garland, 2010).“To date, with more than 20
million doses of the vaccine distributed, the vaccine has been shown to be very safe, with
no serious adverse consequences” (Yeganeh et al., p. 2119, 2010).
The key message in the brochure: It is not too late to safely protect your children! The
sooner you get your children vaccinated with the HPV vaccine the sooner they can be
protected against HPV related cancers and genital warts.
Student Name
Garland, S. M. (2010). Prevention strategies against human papillomavirus in males.
Gynecologic Oncology, 117(2), S20-S25. doi:10.1016/j.ygyno.2010.01.027
Yeganeh, N., Curtis, D., & Kuo, A. (2010). Factors influencing HPV vaccination status in a
latino population; and parental attitudes towards vaccine mandates. Vaccine, 28(25), 41864191. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.04.010
Watts, L. A., Joseph, N., Wallace, M., Rauh-Hain, J. A., Muzikansky, A., Growdon, W. B., & del
Carmen, M. G. (2009). HPV vaccine: A comparison of attitudes and behavioral perspectives
between Latino and non-Latino women. Gynecologic oncology, 112(3), 577-582.
Media Project 1: Brochure Assignments
Most of our planned interventions in public health are based on good writing—that is, writing at
a level that fits your audience. The first media assignment, development of a brochure, will help
you develop essential skills that make this strategy possible: solid assessment of your target
audience, refinement of the audience to a specific segment, identification of a specific risk factor
that can be influenced by your strategy, good readability, interesting design that attracts your
specific audience segment, application of good health promotion theory so it’s an effective
message, pretesting, and revision of materials.
This five-week project is made up of several small assignments and discussions. Students
will complete these as individual assignments in Weeks 02 through 06. Together, Media
Project 1 (the total of these assignments) is worth 20 percent of the overall course grade.
Please adhere to the following guidelines: You will be creating a three-panel, two-sided
brochure or a two-sided fact sheet (unless you have to do something different for an agency, or
if your brochure is designed to have English on one side and another language on the other
side, in which case it can be four-fold). It must be written at a sixth grade or lower reading level
with a font (preferably serif type) at 12-point or higher. It needs to follow the guidelines taught
this semester for readability and brochure design, and it must contain a clear and focused
message that encourages specific action and is tailored for a narrow audience segment. It will
help if you review the readability guidelines for all aspects of readability, not just reading level,
and grade yourself on these guidelines before submitting your final brochure. These are best
practices for brochure design and will be considered during grading.
Before you begin, you will use the discussion forum in Week 01 to help you decide on a topic
and possible target audience. Choose your topic and audience segment carefully and
research them well, as they will be the basis for all three media projects this semester. For
this assignment, you’ll need to pretest your draft brochure with your target audience, so again,
choose carefully.
The assignments that are part of this project include the following. Please note that detailed
directions for each activity will be included in the assignment page in Canvas for the week
each is due.
Week 02: Case Study and Creative Brief
Complete a practice case example. (Please note: this activity will be included in the
Discussions category of your course grade.)
Develop the creative brief for the brochure.
Week 03: Draft of the Brochure
Produce a draft of the brochure, adhering to the following guidelines listed previously.
PM 526 |Media Project 1: Brochure Assignments Page 1
Week 04: Analysis of Cultural Characteristics
Identify cultural characteristics, risk, and protective factors about your specific target
audience segment and SOCO and determine how you will tailor the brochure to address
those characteristics and factors.
Provide and receive peer review comments on these cultural characteristics and factors.
Week 05: Pretesting
Pretest your brochure with at least three members of your target audience, either in a
focus group, intercept interviews, or structured interviews. Note any revisions and make
them as needed.
Week 06: Final Brochure
Submit your final brochure to your instructor and post it for your classmates to view.
Review the class’s showcase of brochures.
Refer to the following list of resources that may assist you in the creation of your final brochure:
1. Public Domain Images (PDF)
2. Brochure Design Tips
○ Ten Most Common Design Mistakes (PDF)
○ 16 Points to Consider When Hiring a Graphic Designer (PDF)
○ TEAM LAB Color Matters (PDF)
○ TEAM LAB Choosing a Font (PDF)
3. Recommended Brochure Creation Tools (PDF)
4. Pretesting Resources
○ SMOG 30 or 10 Sentence Instructions (PDF)
○ Instructions for using the Suitability Assessment of Materials (SAM) (PDF)
○ SAM Scoring Sheet (PDF)
○ SAM Criteria (PDF)
○ Sample Team Lab Pretesting Questions (PDF)
○ TEAMLab Webinars:
i. TEAMLab Overview Webinar: Best Practices for Testing Materials Before
They are Produced, with Tess Cruz – on readability, focus groups,
intercept interviews and individual pretest interviews.
ii. TEAMLab Mini-Webinar: #3 Best Practices for Testing Materials – Focus
Groups, with Tess Cruz
iii. Mini-Webinar #4: Best Practices for Testing Materials – Intercept and
Individual Interviews, with Tess Cruz
PM 526 |Media Project 1: Brochure Assignments Page 2
Each of the Week 02 to 05 assignments are graded using the following criteria. The creative
brief and final brochure will be worth 20 points, as indicated in the first rubric below, while the
draft, cultural characteristics, and pretesting assignments will be worth 5 points each, as
indicated in the second rubric below.
Major Assignments—Grading Rubric
All components of the assignment instructions are fully covered.
All elements of the assignment apply best practices suggested in the
lectures, online instructional material, and readings for this type of
Students’ material (written or oral) is clearly stated, focused, insightful,
and organized.
Material is appropriately focused on and supports the communication
objective and audience needs for this media project.
Possible Points
5 points
5 points
5 points
5 points
Total Points: 20
Mini Assignments—Grading Rubric
All components of the assignment instructions are fully covered.
All elements of the assignment apply the best practices suggested in the
lectures, online instructional material, and readings for this type of
Students’ material (written or oral) is clearly stated, focused, insightful,
and organized.
Material is appropriately focused on and supports the communication
objective and audience needs for this media project.
Thoughtful and informed feedback is provided to one or more student
Possible Points
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Total Points: 5
PM 526 |Media Project 1: Brochure Assignments Page 3
Her Clinic Los Angeles, founded
in 2009, recognizes and
embraces the strength of all
women. Focusing on mental
health, our clinic aims to help
women from all walks of life be
the best partners, moms and
daughters they can be.
Women and men who are coming
back are in denial. They’re
thinking, “Yeah I can handle this.”
Well, no you can’t. Once this
thing starts taking over, it’s
–Sergeant First Class Michele
Anxiety and stress are a part of
everyone’s life. Military service
often heighten these disturbing
feelings. PTSD will change your
life, but you can be happy. We
can help.
Her Clinic Los Angeles
2322 West Hollenbeck Road
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(800) 744-HERS
Her Clinic LA is committed to offering
you the help you need to get better.
If you feel nervous and uneasy you
need to seek help.
You may have a condition called Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Privacy first: Absolutely no one will
know you have been to our clinic.
No paperwork, no claim forms.
What is post traumatic stress
Convenient and easy: Over 20
weekly group sessions in the
Greater Los Angeles area. No need
for an appointment.
PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can
occur after you have been through a
traumatic event.
During this event, you think that your
life or others’ lives are in danger. You
may feel afraid or feel that you have
no control over what is happening.
The aftermath of this event may leave
• Feeling unsafe or in danger
• With racing thoughts
• Using drugs or alcohol to “calm your
Child care: Kid Center is available
at our clinic and all group sessions.
There is help.
No pressure: Share as much or as
little as you want in the group
sessions. Listening to others can be
helpful, too.
Her Clinic Los Angeles
We understand your need for
support and care to deal with
these upsetting symptoms. Her
Clinic LA offers:
• Low cost private confidential
counseling services
• Trained staff that understand
your symptoms
• Help to understand your
symptoms and what they mean.
• Group and one on one sessions
Please call today. Her Clinic will give
you the tools to get back to living and
enjoying your life.
Quit Smoking
How to Reach Them
California Quitline
Quit Smoking Today
Freedom From
D – Drink lots of water. Wash the
poison out of your body.
D – Deep Breathe. Take 10 deep
breaths to relax.
D – Do Something Else. Find a
hobby that will keep your mind off
It takes practice to quit
smoking. Keep trying.
Half of smokers have quit.
You can too.
D – Discuss. Tell a friend or family
member or pastor what you are doing.
Let them know you need their help to
D – Delay. When you feel the urge to
smoke, put it off for 2 minutes. Take a
quick walk. Most urges to smoke go
away in a few minutes.
Source: Pathways to Freedom,
To Learn More Call:
and You
Half of smokers die from smoking.
It causes heart attacks, strokes and
Black smokers get sicker from
smoking than other people.
Smoke can make asthma and ear
problems worse in children.
It costs a lot of money.
You and your family will feel better.
Menthol smoking is not safer than
other types of smoking.
8 out of 10 Black smokers use
Tobacco makers try hard to get Black
smokers to use menthol.
Menthol helps teens get started by
hiding the harsh taste of smoke.
Menthol numbs the throat so Black
smokers inhale smoke deeply.
Menthol smoking is harder to quit.
Drinking: stay away from bars and
clubs in the first three months after you
quit smoking.
Smokers: go places that people cannot
Smell of smoke: don’t let people smoke
in your house or car.
Food: get up and walk after eating.
Stress: learn to work out, call a friend,
rest your mind or pray when you feel
On the phone: keep your hands busy
with other things.
In the car: throw out your menthol
smokes, the ashtray and the lighter.
Pack gum.
Decide you want to quit
Write down your reasons
Set a quit date
Come up with a quit plan
Learn to fight urges to smoke
Find a friend to help you
Throw out your smokes and
Find new ways to spend your time
and money
Get Help
Phone Quit Line
Someone who can counsel you
about how to quit
Doctors and clinics
Some Things A Doctor Can Give You to
Nicotine Gum and Tablets
Nicotine Patch
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