Psysical Cultural Studies Writing Task


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Psysical Cultural Studies
You should cite chapter 11, 15, 10, and 6 each for one time.
Building on Component II – Article Review, and taking into account any feedback from the
reader/grader, write a short (maximum 5 double-spaced pages, excluding references) paper that
builds an argument about, or connected to, your current event.
Use your refereed journal article as well as other sources (articles, statistics, editorials, news
reports, etc.) to build your case.
 Just as explain: You can find your own current event that interested in – Related to the
textbook and the course.
 You should have total 6 sources minimum.
 Word count should be 1000+ words.
When building your argument, consider the following questions:
 What social, cultural or political issue(s) can you identify in your current event?
 What is the social, cultural or political context in which this current event occurs?
 What insights from the academic literature can be applied to this current event? Which
insights do you think should be applied and why?
 What conclusion – in the form of an argument – can you draw?
Further details, tips and instructions about how to ‘build an argument’ will be provided in lecture
and tutorial time.
Any recognized academic referencing style is acceptable for this assignment, as long as it used
consistently throughout the paper. For more information, visit:
Class Rules:
This class has a ZERO tolerance policy of AI.
Ø The AI rate should be below 1%, check from:
No argument of the AI similarity, I have already gave you the tool, check yourself before
The AI test result should be green and shows that it’s Human Language.
Ø The similarity of should be below 7% from school requirement.
Ø The AI % of should be below 5% from school requirement.

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