psychology research articles summary and human development handout


There are two assignments I would like to assign.

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psychology research articles summary and human development handout
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the first one would be a psychology research summary(2 summaries) that needs to be done, based on social psychology topic relevant. here is the instructions for the psychology research summary

write up to two 500-word critical summaries of research articles. These research articles should be on a topic relevant to social psychology and can be accessed online from the WSU Library. Each 500-word summary counts as one research credit (10 bonus points). For each summary, you must select a research article (not a letter to the editor, commentary, or review paper) published between 2010 – present in a reputable social psychology journal (e.g., Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, Social Psychological and Personality Science, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology). The summary should include the research question, methods, results, and interpretation of the results of the study in your own words. You must upload your research summaries in Canvas before the deadline.Remember to use your own words to write these summaries and avoid plagiarizing. No credit will be given if the summary is inaccurate, unclear, or plagiarized. Remember to cite the source.

The second assignment is a human development handout of two pages, the topic is military families&taking care of child alone and here are the sources to use on the handout. must use only these sources. remember to include images. instructions are attached in the document. please do look at them.

Defining Armed Forces in State Policy,Military State Policy Source, February 1st 2024( February 14th 2024)

The impact of military life on the well-being of children in single-parent military families, Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, Alla Skomorovsky, Deborah Norris, Amanda Bullock, Kimberly Smith Evans, Volume 2 Issue 2, November 2016, pp. 29-36. ( February 14th, 2024)

The Impact of Military Service on Family Dynamics, NHVS, Greg McElhinny, August 3rd, 2023

Health and Mental Health Needs of Children in US Military Families, Chadley R. Huebner, MD; SECTION ON UNIFORMED SERVICES; COMMITTEE ON PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF CHILD AND FAMILY HEALTH; Catherine A. Kimball-Eayrs, MD; Mark W. Burnett, and more, From The American Academy of Pediatrics, Volume 143, Issue 1 , January 1st, 2019

Strengthening the Military Family Readiness System for a Changing American Society. Military Life Opportunities and Challenges, National Library of Medicine. 2019. (February 16th 2024)

THE EFFECTS OF MILITARY LIFE ON CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND MENTAL HEALTH, Armed Service YMCA, Alita Miller,,suicidal%20thoughts%20and%20substance%20use. 2024( February 17th 2024)

Military Life Stressors, Family Communication and Satisfaction: Associations with Children’s Psychosocial Outcomes, Ernestine C. Briggs, John A. Fairbank,Angela M. Tunno, Robert C. Lee, Nida H. Corry,Jacqueline C. Pflieger, Valerie A. Stander, and Robert A. Murphy, National Library of Medicine, May 21 2019.

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Work and Family Project
You will research a topic related to work and family and create a 2-page informational handout to share with your peers.
There is a list of topics to choose from, or you may also come up with your own topic if you have approval from the
The presentation of this project is different than a typical paper. Although you will be conducting research on your topic,
rather than turning in a research paper, you will turn in an informational handout that could be presented to the
community to help them further understand this topic. The handout will include both text and graphics (pictures,
graphs, charts, tables, etc.). You may use bulleted points for some information.
The handout must be word-processed. I highly recommend using a newsletter-type template from Word.
Here are the components to this project:
1. A 2-page informational handout (70 points)
2. A reference list of 6 high-quality sources, 2 of which must be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (10 points)
3. A 7-10 minute related video illustrating your topic, with an explanation (20 points)
4. A discussion about the projects (10 points)
Informational Handout
Your informational handout should contain the following elements:
(1) An overview of your topic and how it is related to work and family issues – What are the main issues related to
your topic?
o Possible things to cover:
 A definition/description of the issue
 A history of the issue
 The current state of this issue
 If applicable, you may break your topic down into subcategories
(2) Two suggestions for a “plan of action”. In other words, what can be done to improve the experience or situation
of what you address? If your topic about is something that has already concluded (such as the history of work
for women), you will describe what was done to help those in that situation.
• Citations must be included in the handout and a final reference list should be submitted.
Handout Grading Criteria
Topic choice
5 points
Wording/sentence structure/spelling
10 points
10 points
Visual appeal/Creativity
20 points
Depth and accuracy of information
25 points
Required six references- both in the
10 points
handout and on the reference page
Videos & Discussion
In addition to the handout, you will choose a recent (within past 5 years), high quality, professionally made video
(documentary, news clip, talk show clip, film, etc.; no student made videos) that is between 7-10 minutes long that
addresses your topic. You will write a 2 paragraph explanation of how the video relates to what you discovered in your
research. These will be shown on Blackboard the final weeks of class. The goal of the videos is to supplement the
research you present in your handout. You will view your peers’ handouts, videos and explanations, then participate in a
discussion on those topics.
In a dropbox on Blackboard you will submit:
1. A link to your video (10 points)
2. With your video you will include a 2 paragraph explanation of how the video relates to your topic (why is it
relevant?). Do not summarize the video; instead, explain how what the viewer will watch is related to what you
present in your handout. (10 points)
Grading of Video & Explanation
For the video, I will be looking at the quality of the video, its impact, and how relevant it is to your topic. Does the video
add to the topic and help students understand the issue? (10 points) The explanation will be graded on how well you are
able to relate the video back to your topic, as well as grammar/spelling. (10 points)
Exceptional (100%)
Video is between 7-10
minutes long. Clearly
relates to topic and is
interesting. Is
professionally created. (10
Explanation/description of
how and why the video
relates to the topic is clear
and interesting. Does not
simply summarize video.
(10 pts)
Very Good (85%)
Video is 1 minute too
short or long. Mostly
relates to topic and is
interesting. Is
professionally created.
(8.5 pts)
of how and why the
video relates to the
topic is mostly clear and
interesting. (8.5 pts)
Acceptable (75%)
Video is 2 minutes too short
or long, or does not have a
clear link to topic. Is
professionally created. (7.5
Unacceptable (60%)
Video is not relevant or
not submitted. Is not
professionally created.
(6 pts or less)
Explanation/description of
how and why the video
relates to the topic is not
clear or interesting. (7.5 pts)
Explanation description
is too brief or missing.
Video is only
summarized rather than
related back to topic. (6
pts or less)
You will view some of your peers’ handouts, videos, and video explanations (on topics different from your own), then
participate in a discussion on those topics.
Suggested Topics

Split shift families
The effects of incarceration on work potential
Military families and work and family issues
Building positive co-worker relationships across
Self-employment/ Effects of having a family
business on family/work roles
Effects of having a child/spouse with
mental/physical illness on the work place
Undocumented workers in the United States
Sexual orientation, gender, or ethnic minority
discrimination in the workforce/ Affirmative Action

Balancing work & parenting when you work from
Sexual harassment in the workplace
Women who earn more than their spouses
When partners/family members work for the same
The history of work for women
The glass ceiling
Pink collar jobs
Stay-at-home fathers and how they feel about their
Handout Grading Details
Topic choice
Points Comments
Visual appeal/creativity
Depth and accuracy of
Required 6 references both in the handout & on
the reference page
Total Score
Are there headings and subheadings? A good rule of thumb is there should be
no more than 1 paragraph under each heading or subheading. Is information
laid out in a way that makes sense? (does it flow?)
Should not be a regular paper, but should be in a handout or newsletter
format. Well put together; easy to read; pictures, graphs, tables and other
visuals included; font is large enough to read.
Is information thorough, unbiased, accurate, relevant, and current? Is there a
minimum of 2 pages of content? (you can always type out your information
to see if it is 2 pages before you organize it on the project)
No references -10
Reference page, no citations -5
Reference page & citations, but not with text -3

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