Psychology Question


For this assignment, use the approved subject from Topic 1.

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Review Topic 3 outline feedback and consider this feedback in the development of your rough draft.

In 1,200-1,500 words, address the following:

Provide an introduction (including hook, background, purpose, and thesis).
Provide a comprehensive explanation of the selected subject (e.g., clinical definition, background information).
Address the societal and/or cultural implications of the chosen subject.
Discuss how the subject is related to one or more models of abnormality as discussed in Chapter 3 of the textbook.
Provide a conclusion (including restatement of thesis).

Use the GCU Library databases and include three to six scholarly sources from the GCU Library to support your claims. In addition to the scholarly resources from the library, you can include classroom resources, such as the textbook.

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Research Outline on Suicide
Robert Jones
Grand Canyon University
Professor Melissa Lund
December 24, 2023
Research Outline on Suicide
A. Proposed Hook: According to research, at least one person dies every 40 minutes
due to suicide, which is an indication that the issue requires much attention and
immediate action.
B. Suicide is considered as a significant global issue since it affects individuals from all
countries, leaving a big gap to relationships, families, and communities. Therefore,
for such gaps to be covered, it is critical to research suicide to identify the appropriate
strategies and interventions to address the issue.
C. Purpose: The aim of this research paper is to explore the clinical understanding,
societal implications, and their relationship with models of abnormalities to
understand more about the multifaceted nature of suicide in society.
D. Thesis Statement: By researching suicide, it is possible to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the issue by exploring its clinical definition, societal implications,
and their interrelationship with models of abnormalities.
Explaining Suicide Comprehensively
A. Clinical Definition: According to DSM-5, suicide refers to an intentional loss of
one’s life through self-harm. The research by Goodfellow et al. (2019) indicates the
psychiatric and psychological aspects that influence an individual to take his or her
life; whereby some of them include stress, worthlessness, and helplessness.
B. Societal and Cultural Implications: Although suicide is viewed as a clinical issue, it
is also considered a societal challenge. The research by Vandoros & Kawachi (2021)
discusses the impact of suicidal rates on economic instability, indicating the relevance
of addressing the issue from a societal approach to prevent self-harm actions that
contribute to suicide.
C. Connection to Models of Abnormality: As indicated in chapter three of the
provided textbook, the psychodynamic model gives critical insights regarding suicide
ideation. This implies that it is critical to understand the subconscious factors
associated with self-destructive thoughts that lead to suicide.
Societal and/or Cultural Implications of Suicide
A. Suicidal Instances in the Society: Medial plays a great role in influencing how
people in a society perceive suicide. The research by Nathan & Nathan (2020)covers
how media platforms influence how people think about suicide and all actions
associated with the issue.
B. Cultural Examples: Cultural beliefs determine how people perceive and respond to
suicide. The study by Caplan (2019) investigates how cultural beliefs perceive mental
health issues related to suicide, their treatment, and outcomes.
C. Connection to Models of Abnormality: There are several cultural and societal
factors that align with various models of abnormality. For instance, according to the
textbook provided, the sociocultural model discusses how societal norms influence
the development of various abnormal behaviors, especially suicidal ideations.
Relationship to Various Models of Abnormality
A. Clinical Evaluation: Suicidal evaluation from a clinical perspective has a significant
relationship with various models of abnormality. For instance, the study by Wu et al.
(2022) shows how the cognitive-behavioral model promotes the understanding of
suicidal ideation, thus serving as an effective strategy to address the issue.
B. Societal and Cultural Influences: There are several cultural and societal aspects that
can be closely linked to models of abnormality. For instance, the sociocultural model
indicated in the provided textbook assists in understanding how societal expectations
and cultural norms affect the expression and prevalence of abnormal behaviors such
as suicidal acts.
A. Restating the Thesis: In conclusion, for one to understand more about suicide, it is
critical for the person to explore the clinical aspects, societal factors, and abnormal
behaviors that a vulnerable person displays.
B. Closing Thoughts: The understanding of various aspects associated with suicide
indicates the need to consider a holistic approach, societal awareness, clinical
insights, and cultural sensitivity associated with the issue. This can be achieved
through collaborative efforts in continued research to develop appropriate
interventions to identify and address the aspects associated with suicide to give hope
to people struggling with suicidal ideations.
Caplan, S. (2019). Intersection of cultural and religious beliefs about mental health: Latinos in
the faith-based setting. Hispanic Health Care International, 17(1), 4-10.
Goodfellow, B., Kolves, K., & De Leo, D. (2019). Contemporary definitions of suicidal
behavior: a systematic literature review. Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior, 49(2),
Nathan, N. A., & Nathan, K. I. (2020). Suicide, stigma, and utilizing social media platforms to
gauge public perceptions. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 947.
Vandoros, S., & Kawachi, I. (2021). Economic uncertainty and suicide in the United
States. European journal of epidemiology, 36(6), 641-647.
Wu, H., Lu, L., Qian, Y., Jin, X. H., Yu, H. R., Du, L., … & Chen, H. L. (2022). The significance
of cognitive-behavioral therapy on suicide: An umbrella review. Journal of affective
disorders, 317, 142-148.

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