Psychology Question


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1. Read Chapter 1, Seeking Finding Happiness in Relationships in a Complex World
2. Post in the Discussion Board on Blackboard to answer the following question:
How do mass media and popular culture shape the values, beliefs, and social roles of
3. Answer the following questions:
A. Happiness is an important and elusive topic; what will bring happiness to one person
may bring misery to another. Yet we all seem to seek happiness in our relationships
with others. Among the most important relationships in our lives are those with the
people with whom we choose to share our lives in an intimate way. Discuss how we
seek different components of happiness from different areas of our life. Then
consider and discuss the types of happiness found in our intimate relationships and
the qualities of the relationship that enhance and/or strengthen happiness.
B. What have you gained from being a part of a family? What are the benefits of being
in a family, either family of origin or family of procreation (sharing chores, friends
and confidants close by, someone to accept you as you are, someone who always
cares about you).
C. The American family has changed a great deal in the last century.

Discuss what some of these changes mean. For example, two-income families mean
greater resources but fewer parent/child interactions. Both parents working means
that young children are in the care of another person, which causes an increase in
daycare centers and other alternative forms of childcare.
D. What do you think of globalization? Describe the arguments for and against
globalization and discuss the pros and cons as you see them. What other
perspectives could you consider fitting others’ views. (This may be a challenging
topic if you have had family members lose jobs to globalization.)

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