Psychology Question


I have four essays and one summary I need completed for my History of psychology class. The text “Even the Rat Was White: A Historical View of Psychology (Allyn & Bacon Classics Edition), 2/E Robert V. Guthrie, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale ISBN-10: 0205392644 ISBN-13: 9780205392643 Publisher: Pearson Copyright: 2004 Format: Paper; 304 pp Published: 03/28/2003” should be used for these assignments.

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Psychology Question
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– First essay: Module 1 topic essay.

Directions: chapters 1-2 of the book Even the Rat Was White

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Psychology’s emergence as a separate scientific field follows the “zeitgeist” of other scientific discoveries of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. In an essay of 2 to 3 pages in length, discuss how other major scientific theories and discoveries of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s influenced psychology’s major focus on individual and racial differences. Make sure to use a least 1 non-textbook resource in your essay. Make sure to review the essay assignment grading rubric before you submit the essay. Instructions: The essay should be word-processed using a 12-point font with double-spaced lines only.

– Second essay: Module 2 topic essay

Directions: Chapter 3-4 of book even the rat was white

Research related to inherent racial differences in mental abilities, especially intelligence measurement (IQ) was the engine for a number of racist theories and practices which, unfortunately, exist today. The “science” of psychology contributed to the prominence of IQ testing, which further led to the eugenics movement and involuntary sterilization laws in many states. In an essay 2 – 3 pages in length, discuss the use of genetics and IQ research to justify eugenics programs in America. Use at least 1 non-coursebook resource in your essay. Make sure to review the essay assignment grading rubric before you submit the essay.

Instructions: The essay should be word processed using a 12-point font with double spaced lines only.

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– Third essay: Module 3 topic essay

Directions: chapter 5-7 of book even the rat was white

Chapters 5 and 6 discuss the arduous journey from African American salve to African American psychologist. Early educational and occupational opportunities were non-existent or clearly hostile to minority psychology students in the recent past. Today; however, African American and other minority groups can attend any university in the nation. In a essay 2-3 pages in length, discuss whether Historically Black Universities and Colleges (HBCU’s) are needed in the 21st century. What purpose do they have, and what role should they play in the training of non-white students for a profession in psychology. Use at least 1 non-course book resource in your essay. Make sure to review the essay assignment grading rubric before you submit the essay.

Instructions: The essay should be word processed using a 12-point font with double spaced lines only.

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– Fourth essay: Extra credit essay

The extra credit assignment is related to the issue of minority psychology. Minority, in this sense of the of term, consist of more than racial and ethnic minorities, but, also other groups which are less represented in the development of the psychological field; for example, women, young people and people of lower economic status. In an essay of 2 to 3 pages in length choose a minority group in psychology, other than African American (e.g., women, Asian, Hispanic, or Native American) and discuss the development of “ the study of behavior and mental processes” (psychology) from that minority’s group perspective. For example; is there a psychology of women? What is it? How did it develop, what/who are the major theories and theorist? Use at least 2 non-course book resources in your essay. Make sure to review the essay assignment grading rubric before you submit the essay.

Instructions: The essay should be word processed using a 12-point font with double spaced lines only.

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– Summary: A “traditional” history of psychology


Brief History of Psychology:


Traditional psychology normally begins with the ancients, civilizations primarily located in Europe, and ends with the emergence of biobehavioral/neuroscience interpretations of human behavior. After clicking the above links related to this assignment and reading and/or viewing the assigned websites, please provide a summary of the major psychological developments in the following areas:

1) Early psychological thought

2) Enlightenment psychological thought

3) Emergence of German experimental psychology

4) Early American psychology

5) Emergence of behaviorism in America

6) Cognitivism

Instructions: The summary should be word processed using a 12-point font with double spaced lines only.