Psychology Question


Topic is:Yoga therapy as a therapeutic intervention for adults who have experienced sexual trauma. This is a critical review.

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Psychology Question
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Part 1:The capstone assignment for this course is the development of a literature review article for publication. To support this effort, students will provide a literature review paper overview with a one-page problem statement that provides a, (1) type of review, (2) focus of review (also mentioning a knowledge void, which would be supported by
the literature review), (3) the overarching question review will address, (4) parameters and boundaries for the review and (5) explanation of study significance or the benefits to be derived from an investigation of the problem. Additionally, the student will provide details for the journal where they would like to target the paper for submission and why as well as a copy of the author guidelines for the journal. The point allocation for this assignment is provide below


Points Possible

Provide one page problem statement


Provide journal target for paper and rationale


Provide author guidelines from target journal




part 2: Methods Section

In this assignment, you will develop the Methods section of your review article, which is the foundation of any research paper. For this section, you will begin by defining, outlining, and explaining the eligibility criteria used to select articles for your review. First you will describe the criteria that articles must meet to be included in your study. Discuss your search strategy, including databases, keywords, and any filters applied. Next, describe the selection process, detailing how you (will) screen through identified articles to arrive at the final selection. Provide insight into the data collection process, specifying the methods used to extract pertinent information from the selected articles. Additionally, if applicable, delve into the risk bias assessment, effect measures, reporting bias assessment, and certainty assessment, explaining how these elements contribute to the overall robustness of your review.