Psychology Question


Wk 4 – Goals for Success Rough Draft [due Mon]

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As part of the writing process, it is important to first write a rough draft of any formal written work that you will present. A rough draft provides you the opportunity to expand on the elements within your outline to create a cohesive paper and to receive feedback.
Review the SMART Goals Worksheet from Week 2, if needed. Be sure to note any feedback from your instructor about changes you may want to consider.
Optional: Review “Writing Process” for a refresher.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that describes your 3 SMART goals and your plans to achieve them. Be sure to do the following in your paper:
Write your introduction to include the elements you developed in the outline.
State the final version of each SMART goal, addressing each letter of the SMART acronym as it relates to the goal, as well as your responses to the questions presented in the outline.
Describe how each goal will help you achieve success in your courses, program, career, or personal life.
Write your conclusion to include the elements you developed in the outline.

Note: Remember this piece of advice about putting your ideas into words from the optional “Writing Process” video this week: “You just follow the outline. You just expand on the points and just start writing. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you write. You can revise later. You don’t want to worry too much about word count. It is important, but at this point content is much more important. You can write as much as you want. You can always edit it out later.”
Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines located on the University of Phoenix Writing & Style Guidelines page in the Center for Writing Excellence.
Submit your assignment

Respond to:

Keturah Bryant-Birt

Good day everyone,

Effective written communication skills is an essential skill for success in any workplace. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively through writing is critical in today’s world of business, where emails, memos, reports, and other written documents are use on an everyday basic.

Who is the target audience for this presentation?

Understanding the target audience is crucial in creating an effective presentation. Depending on the audience, the tone, style, and content of the presentation may vary significantly. It’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. As well as being able to clearly convey a message, I need to also listen in a way that gains the full meaning of what’s being said and make the audience understand. For many of us, communicating more clearly and effectively requires learning some important skills.

What specific outcomes do you hope to achieve with this presentation?

Clarifying the desired outcomes of the presentation helps to ensure that the content and approach are aligned with the goals of the presentation.Clear goals and desired outcomes are important for knowing where you are heading, making sure all partners are on the same page, focusing efforts on what is most crucial, and measuring your impact.

What are some potential barriers or objections to the importance of effective written communication skills in the workplace?

Make sure the information you are trying to convey is not too complex or lengthy for either the medium you are using or the audience. Use language appropriate for the audience. Clear written communication improves efficiency and reduces errors.

In today’s fast-paced work environment, written communication is often the most efficient way to convey information. When communication is clear and concise, it reduces the misunderstandings and errors. It also allows team members to quickly and easily refer back to important information when needed.

Written communication skills are essential for effective collaboration.

Collaboration is a crucial aspect of many workplace environments, and written communication is often a key component of successful collaboration. Whether it’s through email, messaging apps, or shared documents, clear and effective written communication is necessary for team members to work together effectively and achieve common goals.


Heck, J. A. (Producer & Director), & NaJor Productions (Producer). (2009). Communication skills [Video]. JIST Publishing.

Respond to:

Kyler Blair

Hello class,

If I was asked to make a presentation on the importance of written communication skills in the workplace, I might ask the following three questions:

Who is the target audience of this presentation?

This question would help me determine what type of presentation, the tone of the message, and the content of the information. For example, if the answer to this question is a one time presentation for a small team of 6 adult individuals, I might focus on fostering a group discussion. I might incorporate partner exercises or partner skits.

This is in contrast to if the audience is a large audience of 150 high school students to prepare for entering the workplace. In this scenario I might make the lecture tone more fun and end with the online trivia game “Kahoot” with answers from the lecture in for the audience to participate in.

What problem(s) is this presentation aiming to address?

The answer to this question would help me construct a presentation with information to address potential deficiencies in the organization. For example if the answer to this is to help people in the organization communicate with deaf people, I would include exercises specifically designed to foster healthy communication with people who are hearing impaired.

What time would you like to have this presentation completed by?

Setting an expectation for the completion with my boss is important so that they I do not run the risk of her being disappointed if it is completed later than expected. Knowing how much time I have to prepare for this presentation will influence how much effort I can put in on it and is essential for time management. It is important that my boss understands how much time and energy I have available for this presentation so that we are on the same page with the project (Heck, 2019).

Written communication is often used in the workplace in the form of emails, forms, date and research, reports, and more. Because written communication is so essential, it is important that members of the organization understand how to communicate well. 1. Written communication is most effective when it is written clear and concise with special attention to structure and tone. 2. It is better to have what is written be supported by facts, citations, and data. 3. It can enhance written communication to include figures and images to break up text (Hildreth, 2023).


Heck, J. A. (Producer & Director), & NaJor Productions (Producer). (2019). Time and money management skills [Video].

JIST Career Solutions.

Hildreth, L. A., Miley, M., Strickland, E., & Swisher, J. (2023). Writing Workshops to Foster Written Communication Skills

in Statistics Graduate Students. Journal of Statistics & Data Science Education, 31(2), 201–210.