Psychology Question


For this final assignment of the course, write a crisis intervention paper. To do so, select a specific case that you are working with or one that you know about that involves a specific type of trauma or crisis discussed in this course. Be sure to remove any potentially identifying information. Please discuss any difficulty selecting a case with your professor. Then, follow the outline below for your paper.

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Psychology Question
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Write a short description of a person, couple, or family in crisis. Include the age, gender, ethnicity/race, marital status, and any other relevant descriptive information for the individual/partners/family members.
Describe the presenting problem and the crisis event. Explain why this situation is considered a crisis.
Discuss how ethnicity, race, gender, age, class, sexual orientation, or other diversity characteristics may affect the individual/couple/family and the crisis intervention.
Provide an overview of the social problem that may be helpful to know in planning the assessment and intervention. For example, if this is a child abuse case or substance abuse case, provide a summary of the scope, indicators, and consequences to the victim/survivor and to the family.
Design a specific crisis intervention based on the content in the assigned course readings.
Write a conclusion to your intervention plan. What do you anticipate the outcome to be?
Include at least two actions you plan to take to avoid personal burnout in working with this case.

Length: 9-11 pages

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources, including 2 resources outside of course material.

I was not given any resources, so I would look up scholarly resources