Psychology Question


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Psychology Question
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Compile your case study slides and documentation(see attached). Insert insight that you have acquired.

Considering the problems and interventions you have analyzed, present your plan for evaluating the historical performance of leadership in the organization. Provide the following:

Introduction that summarizes:
The challenges that you have investigated
The interventions that you have investigated
The resources you have inventoried
Provide some background on the evolution of the organization and the challenges. Provide relevant facts that illustrate the most important impacts on the organization.
Description of how other organizations have succeeded or faltered when facing similar situations
Evaluation of leadership
Outline the areas that are most heavily helped and hindered by leadership.
Highlight characteristics from the models you have explored.
Propose your profile of suitable leadership.
Provide specific aspects of the challenges and how your ideal leader can positively impact them.
Explain how you arrived at this profile and why you selected it.
Support your solution with:
Evidence that you have acquired in this course
Outside research
Personal experience
Provide strategies for recruiting ideal candidates.
Recommend other steps needed before vetting candidates.
Provide the means for assessing candidates. Define a caliber for each (unacceptable, acceptable, exemplary).
Critical qualities
Necessary contributions to the organization
Summarize your case study by briefly outlining your process, lessons you have learned, and an assessment of the strength of your conclusions.

Format using 1 of 2 formats:

15- to 20-slide presentation of your case study
The slides should only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide presentation made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes convey the details you would give if you were presenting.
See this guide from Microsoft for help creating speaker notes.
15- to 20-page Case Study report that follows the outline listed above


You can add slides to your presentation or case study document.
You can also add documentation for your Week 2 presentation or extend your case study document.


Title page or slide
Citations and a reference page or slide following APA guidelines

Note: The title page/slide and reference page/slide are not included in your page/slide count.

********there is no additional info, thanks*******

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Presented By:
Michael K Jackson
December 4, 2023
High Cost
❖ Concerns about the supply chain, excessive prices, and a lack of
❖ The product cost is the sum of the product’s direct material costs, direct
labor expenses, and general manufacturing overhead charges.
❖ In addition to the expenses associated with production,
❖ Apple also spends a substantial amount on marketing and customer
❖ Every single one of Apple’s retail locations serves as a pricey billboard
promoting Apple’s wares.
High Cost Cont.
❖ Apple provides support on its website,
❖ Where customers may communicate with technical support
representatives to resolve device-related difficulties
❖ And answer their questions.
❖ Apple’s ads are some of the most innovative and futuristic we’ve ever seen.
❖ his is just a small list of the costs of making Apple’s products so expensive.
The device itself is not the direct cause of these costs.
❖ It might be difficult for the company to sustain its long-term operations
❖ There is a mismatch between production costs and revenue
Inadequate Innovations
❖ Very little innovation occurs during the manufacturing process of new
iPhones as they are developed.
❖ Although the iPhone 6 and iPhone 7 look different due to their screen sizes
and overall designs, they have no new technical features.
❖ Another major worry is that Apple Inc.’s rivals may have stolen their ideas
due to lack of innovations
❖ A very unpredictable workforce may be in store for Apple, given the
company’s demand for a big staff with high task-finishing capacity.
❖ The company can hire many people while business is booming but can cut
back drastically when times are tough.
❖ The workers were abused, and the problem was brought to light since it
was unethical
Supply chains problems
 There’s the matter of manufacturers who, per Apple’s demands, must use
only Apple products or materials in their production processes.
 Problems obtaining components from a single manufacturer, especially if
that manufacturer fails to produce on time
 Might cause significant delays throughout Apple Inc.’s production chain.
 The fact that Apple Inc.’s innovation initiatives don’t necessarily work out is
one of the problems the company’s supply chain has to deal with.
 This is due to the prevalence of product copying and the corresponding
legal measures.
 Most of Apple’s suppliers hesitate to provide a hand because of the
company’s strict requirements
 A reasonable judgment cannot be reached until that time has passed.
 There must be a more in-depth investigation into the iPhone’s lineage,
 As product innovation has not increased noticeably over the past few
 Because the iPhone is the most crucial portion, this part of the iPhone needs
more improvements.
 Apple should put more effort into making additional items that attract
consumers’ interest since the iPhone 7 has been inspiring and inventive.
 This is because it has won over several clientele that belong to the upper
Interventions Cont.
 Apple should offer more items to keep investors happy and build customer
 he diverse Chinese market has also seen substantial economic growth,
 Making it an ideal location for Apple to expand.
 Apple is well-positioned to take advantage of China’s enormous potential
 Since its products can meet the rising demand for high-quality goods
caused by the increasing incomes of the Chinese people.
Interventions Cont.
 Production in China would be far more efficient than in other countries
 Due to the dramatic drop in shipping and handling costs.
 Apple must continue to pour resources into its research and development
divisions to maintain its current success.
 Everyone agrees that Apple can keep its sales up over the long haul,
 Which means the business will remain a good investment
History of Interventions Cont.
 Apple is considering integrating Walmart’s supply chain into its own to make
it more efficient.
 One thing distinguishing Apple from Wal-Mart is its close relationships with its
 On the other hand, Walmart has made several moves to cut costs
associated with its suppliers.
 Apple has significant supplier agreements to ensure materials are delivered
on schedule and without interruption.
 Apple must have a good relationship with all parties involved in its business
History of Interventions Cont.
 Reducing supplier expenditures, which center on direct supplier
 Walmart is eager to form long-term partnerships and is on the hunt for
inexpensive ones.
 But Apple uses exclusive deals to get its suppliers to crank out their best
 If you are looking for long-term partnerships or low prices,
 Walmart is the way to go.
 In contrast, Apple cares more about building lasting partnerships with its
suppliers than finding great deals on products.
Interventions History Cont.
 Encourage nontraditional methods.
 Give workers room to think outside the box in order to solve pressing issues.
 To discover revolutionary and radical solutions, one must first think
 This is the business that pioneered the personal computer industry.
 Their innovation strategy revolves around welcoming diversity and
facilitating technology advancement company-wide.
 The new leadership that took over Microsoft imposed individuality and
Expected outcome
 Microsoft Inc. was in the situation as Apple now.
 However, their business and reputation were put at risk when they
stubbornly refused to change for a while.
 Microsoft narrowly avoided insolvency when Satya Nadella assumed the
CEO role, thanks to a significant and beneficial adjustment.
 Similarly, by following into the footsteps of Walmart and Microsoft,
 Apple can regain and maintain its business sustainability.
❖ Armstrong, R., & Gangemi, V. (2020). Apple Inc.: IPhone Data and
Another FBI Investigation.
❖ Basu, R. (2023). Understanding Total Supply Chain Management and its
building blocks. Managing Global Supply Chains, 30–44.
❖ Hall, S. (2023). Shortening disrupted supply chains through the use of 3D
printing innovations. International Scientific Conference on Digital
Transformation in Business: Challenges and New Opportunities.
❖ Lipson, M. L., & O’Brien, R. (2023). Apple Inc.: The Second Green Bond.
SSRN Electronic Journal.
Presented By:
Michael K Jackson
December 11, 2023
❖The first step is to improve pay and benefits.
❖The success lies in the staff’s enhanced contentment
❖And loyalty due to the alluring perk
❖And compensation packages provided.
❖Fair and equitable compensation plans
❖To ensure transparency and equity in pay,
❖An organization’s leadership should set policies,
❖Provide the required funding,
❖And advocate for equitable compensation practices.
❖Fair compensation structures
❖Workers should participate in surveys,
❖They should also be aware of the value of the prizes being presented.
❖The successful implementation of the strategy would benefit from leadership
that embodies values such as fairness, integrity, and compassion.
❖Both favoritism and micromanagement put the success of the intervention at
❖The employees’ openness to feedback, flexibility, and excitement for their work
could be advantageous to the intervention.
❖One’s entitlement mentality or unwillingness to adapt are possible obstacles.
❖The business should, at the very least, use its resources to pay employees in
accordance with industry standards for compensation and benefits.
❖Effective funding can be facilitated by a number leadership qualities,
❖Including the ability to build relationships, strategic thinking, and financial
❖Administration: Adherence to intervention regulations, adeptness with finances,
and a sharp eye for detail can all support the intervention.
❖A possible barrier to success could be inadequate supervision of financial affairs
or poor management.
❖Financial awareness, accountability, and resourcefulness, or the “3c” traits,
increase an employee’s chances of getting funded.
❖The intervention may be hampered by a willful misunderstanding of budgetary
limits or a lack of financial awareness.
❖The organization’s ability to effectively support programs and operations is
determined by the availability of sufficient financial resources.
❖Minimum acceptable number and quality of resources:
❖In order to accomplish its long-term goals, the corporation should allocate its
assets in a way that satisfies the most fundamental financial requirements.
❖Lack of money may force projects to be canceled or rescheduled,
❖Which could impede the growth and success of the organization.
 Pay and benefit increases will be among the first actions.
 Increasing employee satisfaction and retention is one of the objectives that can be
achieved by improving pay and benefits. That’s one of the goals that will be taken
into account. Companies that provide competitive salary packages and alluring
benefits can create an atmosphere where workers feel appreciated and motivated
to stick around. To ensure quality, it is essential to have just and equitable
compensation procedures and extensive benefit plans catering to employees’
various needs. This kind of package includes Benefits like competitive pay,
performance-based incentives, health insurance, retirement plans, and work-life
balance-promoting programs. Before the execution, the following actions must
be taken:
 Leadership is one of the most crucial elements that will determine whether an
intervention is successful or unsuccessful.
 A crucial element is capable leadership.
 They are in charge of encouraging equitable compensation practices, allocating
sufficient funding,
 And formulating regulations that support equity and transparency in wage
 Setting just compensation structures, conducting market research to identify
competitive salaries, and properly administering benefit plans all depend on
efficient management.
 Employees should be aware of the value of their awards and should participate in
online chat rooms or surveys to provide their thoughts on compensation and
 Having sufficient funds allows you to give your workers a salary and benefits that
other businesses couldn’t match.
 Pay systems cannot be managed effectively without human resources
 Human resources are essential
 Empathy, openness, and justice are qualities of a good leader that help to properly implement this
 Leadership: The effectiveness of the intervention may be contingent upon attributes such as lucid and
succinct communication, proficient data processing abilities, and acquaintance with pertinent business
 Managers may lead by example by making decisions fairly, communicating salary and benefits in a way
that is understandable to staff, and staying up to date on industry news and advancements.
 On the other hand, if managers micromanage or show bias in areas linked to pay, the intervention may be
 The “3c” attributes of employees—participation, communication, and adaptability—may help the
intervention succeed. Workers who take pride in their work, offer constructive feedback, c
 When a business has sufficient cash on hand, it can pay its workers a salary and offer benefits that are
comparable to those of other businesses operating in the same sector.
 A sufficient number of human resources, such as HR specialists or compensation experts, is necessary for
the efficient administration of a program.
 Empathy, openness, and justice are qualities of a good leader that help to properly
implement this intervention.
 Positive outcomes are more likely to occur when leaders put their workers’ happiness and
health first, support wage equality, and keep lines of communication open.
 However, the intervention may backfire if the leaders in charge are unaware of the
demands of their staff or don’t care about the perks and compensation they provide.
 The effectiveness of the intervention may be contingent upon attributes such as lucid and
succinct communication, proficient data processing abilities, and acquaintance with
pertinent business standards.
 On the other hand, if managers micromanage or show bias in areas linked to pay, the
intervention may be compromised.
 The “3c” attributes of employees—participation, communication, and
adaptability—may help the intervention succeed.
 When a business has sufficient cash on hand, it can pay its workers a salary and
offer benefits that are comparable to those of other businesses operating in the
same sector.
 A sufficient number of human resources, such as HR specialists or compensation
experts, is necessary for the efficient administration of a program.
 Setting up time for activities like staff surveys, market research, and policy
development is essential to success
 The company should make sure it has enough cash on hand to meet, if not
surpass, industry requirements for benefits and compensation.
❖To stay afloat, make investments in innovation, and accomplish their long-term goals,
businesses require steady, long-term funding streams.
❖The leadership is responsible for creating financial plans, partnering to raise money, and
allocating funds to various programs. They also need to decide which financial resources
are most important.
❖Both a thorough understanding of the company’s goals and the ability to distribute
finances in a way that advances those goals are essential.
❖The proper implementation of this intervention requires the existence of an efficient
finance management system.
❖Management bears the responsibility of supervising and managing all financial resources,
encompassing tasks such as creating budgets, monitoring expenditures
❖By contributing to the budget and providing suggestions during its formulation,
employees can assist increase the success of this intervention.
 section 3.a. The ability of a project to acquire money can be impacted by leadership
attributes such as strategic thinking, commercial acumen, and ability to establish
 Conversely, the intervention might have no effect if bad financial decisions are made if
information regarding money is not disclosed honestly.
 The success of this intervention depends critically on a manager’s capacity to efficiently
supervise funds, pay meticulous attention to detail, and strictly adhere to protocols
 Employees with the “3c”: Key attributes that can result in successful funding are creativity,
financial acumen, and personal accountability for one’s financial decisions.
 A company can strengthen its financial foundation by hiring individuals who can
contribute to budget planning, provide reliable information, and recognize the need of
strong financial management.
 Conversely, the intervention’s effectiveness is compromised if financial issues and
budgetary constraints are not understood or respected.
 In order to support projects and initiatives, it is essential to have easily available, large
financial resources.
 A realistic budget helps the organization make smart resource allocation decisions, focus
its funds where they will have the biggest impact, and support its own growth.
 Competent financial staff are necessary to ensure the successful administration of
financial resources and the implementation of sound financial procedures.
 It takes time to write reports, analyze financial issues, and create a budget, but these are
important stages in making timely and wise financial decisions.
 In addition, the company needs to allocate resources in order to fulfill the lowest financial
needs for its strategic goals.
 It would be acceptable to have fewer and lower-quality resources than what is required to
support important projects and activities.
 DeLucia, R. J. (1998). Availability and access of financial support for renewables: Issues and
an illustrative innovation. Natural Resources Forum, 22(2), 131–140.
 Ismiraini, M. A. S., & Yuldinawati, L. (2020). Is the relationship between entrepreneurial
competency and Business Success Contingent upon the business environment?
Understanding Digital Industry, 125–128.
 Kovalskyi, B., Holubnyk, T., Dubnevych, M., Pysanchyn, N., & Selmenska, Z. (2020).
Optimization of the process of determining the effectiveness of advertising
communication. Data-Centric Business and Applications, 51–72.
 van Wyk, D., & Bishop, A. (2023). Exploratory study: Financial behaviour of qualified
financial professionals during South Africa’s lockdown. Journal of Economic and Financial
Sciences, 16(1).
❖Find out if the money is enough to pay for the things you mentioned.
❖Seminars and meetings aimed at parents include:
❖Step one is to figure out if parents need to be more involved.
❖Step two is considering how workshops and conferences could affect parents’
❖Step three considers how parents’ involvement could affect the program’s
❖Some unintended consequences include the status quo regarding pay and
❖Benefits remaining unchanged, necessary support services going unfunded,
❖And parents not actively participating or
❖Showing up for scheduled events.
❖Enhanced compensation and benefits packages❖Expensive funding for involvement in
❖And attendance at parent-focused seminars and conferences as they are
reasonably anticipated
❖Profound benefits, monetarily or otherwise
❖A large sum of money from outside sources.
❖Profound benefits, monetarily or otherwise
❖A large sum of money from outside sources.
❖As an example of results, there were gains of a substantial kind:
❖More parents than ever attended parent-only events like seminars and
❖Last, while assessing a person’s leadership style, deciding whether or not the current
style is suitable for the planned action is essential.
❖One of the most important aspects of good leadership is the establishment of clear
roles and responsibilities
❖These evaluations should include participation from managers, employees, and
anyone with a stake in the topic
❖Organizations need to pay great attention to assessing their processes, outcomes,
and leadership styles
❖Hamigi, I., Muneer Ahmed, S., & Khan, S. (2019). Smoking cessation: An
important, simple and yet forgotten intervention! Lung Cancer, 127.
❖McCleary, D. F., & Aspiranti, K. B. (2019). Comprehensive crisis plan
checklist, 2nd edition. PsycTESTS Dataset.
Apple Company
Michael K. Jackson
Briefly describe the company
• Apple was created by Wozniak, Wayne, and Jobs in 1976.
• It rose to fame as the pioneering PC manufacturer, and its graphical user
interface was a game changer for the industry.
• In addition to its hardware products, Apple also sells a variety of software
and provides associated services (Lu et al., 2023).
What industry/customer does it serve?
• Consumer Electronics: Apple is well-known for producing high-quality mobile and desktop computers,
tablets, and wearable gadgets, including the iPhone and Apple Watch.
• Services and software: Apple offers several different platforms and services, such as iOS and iTunes.
• Education: Apple’s position in education is substantial since the company provides technological
solutions for students and teachers.
• Health and Fitness: Apple has entered the health and fitness market with the release of the Apple Watch
Identify its vision, mission, and goals.
• The vision of Apple is to revolutionize technology with its products.
• Its primary mission is to supply superior service to its customers.
• Among its aims is the furtherance of technological capability and the
preservation of client contentment.
• Superior hardware
• Friendly design for the user
• Powerful safety measures
• Regular software upgrades
• Issues with high costs
• Closed ecosystems
• A shortage of innovation
Identify 3 to 5 key problem areas
Problem: High prices
• Why it exists: Apple has a high brand value because of its quality components, extensive investment in R&D, and
innovative products.
• Impact: Many people cannot afford Apple devices, particularly those in impoverished nations.
Problem: Lack of innovation
• Why it exists: Apple’s primary emphasis may lie in maximizing profits rather than fostering innovation, maybe driven
by apprehension towards failure or intensified rivalry from other technological firms.
• Impact: There is a possibility that Apple’s goods might experience a decline in competitiveness and customer appeal.
Problem: Antitrust concerns

Why it exists: Apple might be attempting to defend its ecosystem, boost earnings, or keep its dominant position in the market.

Impact: Apple may potentially incur substantial financial penalties and other forms of punishment, which might result in reputational harm.
Problem: Supply chain issues

Why it exists: Apple’s manufacturing operations heavily depend on China, rendering the company susceptible to potential interruptions in its supply chain.

Impact: Apple’s sales and earnings might take a hit if the company experiences production delays and product shortages.
Problem: Privacy concerns

Why it exists: Apple might be gathering and sharing user information to tailor advertisements, conduct research, or satisfy legal requirements.

Impact: Confidence in Apple and its goods might plummet, and the company could be subject to legal action
Who are the stakeholders responsible for
The board of directors.

It is accountable for monitoring firm management to ensure it serves shareholder interests (Chams & García-Blandón, 2019).

They should be informed of Apple’s most pressing issues and demand solutions from company leadership.
The executive team

It is in charge of running the business daily.

The ultimate responsibility for devising and enacting solutions to Apple’s most pressing issues rests with them.

Apple’s success is in large part due to the efforts of its workers. By being creative, productive, and customer-centric, workers may aid in resolving the
most pressing issues.
What solutions do you believe are needed?
High prices:

Apple may be able to negotiate lower component prices with its vendors.

Apple could consider spending money on improved production methods.
Lack of innovation:

Apple has room to raise its spending on R&D.

Apple has the potential to foster an environment where new ideas are encouraged and rewarded.
Antitrust concerns:

Apple might encourage greater competition by opening up the App Store.

Apple might end its practice of giving preferential treatment to its goods and services.
Analysis of leadership styles and their
ability to resolve the problems listed.

Authoritarian leadership:

Leaders who are authoritarian rarely involve their followers in decision-making (Pizzolitto et al., 2023).

They want their colleagues to obey their orders without inquiry.

Some difficulties, including supply chain concerns, may be amenable to this form of leadership

Democratic leadership:

Democratic leaders get their teams’ input before making major moves.

They welcome comments and ideas.

This method of leadership has the potential to solve difficult challenges like antitrust and privacy issues.
Select 5 different leaders, each subscribing
to a different leadership model.
• Tim Cook: Employs Democratic leadership. He promotes open communication and collaborative problem-solving among
his staff.
• Jony Ive: Employs Design-thinking leadership. A good design, in his opinion, should have both aesthetic and practical
• Angela Ahrendts: Employs Transformational leadership. She has a well-deserved reputation for boosting morale on the
• Craig Federighi: Employs Visionary leadership. His insight into where technology is headed has made him famous.
• Eddy Cue: Employs Servant leadership. His dedication to his staff and his clients has earned him widespread acclaim.
How would each impact the workplace?
• With Tim Cook at the helm, employees would be treated with dignity and respect
thanks to his democratic management approach.
• Workers would be more open to contributing ideas and working together to address
• The result would be a more creative and efficient workforce.
• Under Jony Ive’s guidance, staff would emphasize design and user experience more.
• That would encourage workers to focus on satisfying customers by creating
aesthetically pleasing and useful goods and services.
• The workplace would become more customer-focused as a result of this.
• Workplace morale would soar under Angela Ahrendts’s revolutionary leadership.
• Staff members would be more motivated to exceed their duties and realize their full potential.
• A more fruitful and prosperous workplace might result from this.
• Under Craig Federighi’s direction, the company would foster an environment where everyone thinks about
improving technology in the future.

Workers would be more inclined to be imaginative and to look beyond the box.
The workplace would become more creative and inventive as a result.
With Eddy Cue at the helm, people would feel appreciated and cared for in the workplace.
Workers would be more invested in their work and willing to go above and beyond.
A more fruitful and prosperous workplace might result from this.
What features of the leaders/models would
positively influence solving the problems
you listed? How?
• The dearth of creativity might be remedied with the support of Tim Cook’s leadership

By motivating everyone on his staff to express their thoughts and work together, Tim
Cook can build a more inventive workplace.
Jony Ive’s style might be the key to lowering pricing.
Jony Ive can make high-quality goods and services because he strives to make them
aesthetically pleasing and valuable.
The antitrust issues might be resolved because of Angela Ahrendts’s emphasis on
customer service.
Angela Ahrendts has built a customer-centric business by emphasizing support for
existing clients.
• The supply chain problems might be resolved using the technologies envisioned by Craig
• Craig Federighi has built a supply network that will allow the firm to fulfill its future
demands by looking forward.
• The privacy issue might be resolved with the support of Eddy Cue’s leadership style.
• With the help of his colleagues, Eddy Cue can draft privacy rules that are both reasonable
and protective of consumers’ personal information.
What features of the leaders/models would
be counterproductive? How?
• The inclusive and collaborative leadership style employed by Tim Cook may potentially result in a
propensity for indecisiveness and a deceleration of the decision-making process.
• The rationale behind Tim Cook’s approach is to solicit opinions from all members of his team prior to
• Jony Ive’s emphasis on design and user experience may result in producing items with a high cost factor.
• The utilization of premium materials and components by Jony Ive accounts for this phenomenon.
• The emphasis placed by Angela Ahrendts on client service has the potential to result in an excessive
workload and heightened stress levels among staff.
• This might be attributed to Angela Ahrendts’ expectation that her workers demonstrate exceptional
dedication in providing exemplary service to consumers.
• The future of technology, as envisioned by Craig Federighi, may yield
technologies that are not yet suitable for commercial release.
• This can be attributed to Craig Federighi’s persistent pursuit of pushing the
limits of what can be achieved.
• The collaborative leadership method employed by Eddy Cue may
potentially result in a deficiency in accountability.
• Eddy Cue’s desire to get feedback from all individuals is to ensure
comprehensive consideration before reaching a conclusion.
Recommendation for a leader/model offering
the best solutions given the organization’s
vision, mission, goals, and culture.
• I believe Apple would benefit from a more democratic form of leadership.
• This kind of management best reflects Apple’s values and guiding principles.
• Apple’s culture of creativity and cooperation would be preserved under a more
democratic type of leadership.
• It could also assist Apple in creating items that are in demand.
• Furthermore, Apple would be better able to avoid the pitfalls of authoritarian
leadership by adopting a more democratic form of management.
• Chams, N., & García-Blandón, J. (2019). Sustainable or not sustainable? The role
of the board of directors. Journal of cleaner production, 226, 1067-1081.
• Pizzolitto, E., Verna, I., & Venditti, M. (2023). Authoritarian leadership styles
and performance: a systematic literature review and research
agenda. Management Review Quarterly, 73(2), 841-871.
• Lu, W. M., Kweh, Q. L., Ting, I. W. K., & Ren, C. (2023). How does stakeholder
engagement through environmental, social, and governance affect eco‐efficiency
and profitability efficiency? Zooming into Apple Inc.’s counterparts. Business
Strategy and the Environment, 32(1), 587-601.

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