Psychology Question


download the report from the previous week attached below and begin this week’s reportt by following the guidelines specified in the Session Report Rubric found in the syllabus. Build on the report using week 4 session report. Continue writing about the same theories and continue the session report. USE SAME CLIENT INFORMATION IN THE ATTACHMENT AND CONTINUE WRITING ON THE SAM ISSUE WHICH IS “SELF ESTEEM ISSUE “Use the rubric and ensure all aspects of it are answered and covered. Some of the content mentioned in the example may not be in your text (LUV, SOLAR, etc), use the ones you are covering in your course or research on the topic. You are required to turn in your session report within 48 hours after your session. This gives your instructor the opportunity to provide supervision and respond to your report prior to your next session. You are required to use the suggestions your professor has provided in your next session with your client if s/he makes recommended changes, rather than simply following what you had planned. Be sure to include all sections of the report even on your final session, as if you are continuing treatment.

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Psychology Question
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Counseling session report 4
PSYC 340
Client information
Gender: Female, 25
Race: White
Marital Status: Single with no Kid
Work-life: retail
Presenting Issue: Self-Esteem
The client’s self-esteem–an intricate tapestry put under intimate exploration, was laid bare in the
counseling session. Migrating the limelight from mainstream legal and moral debates, this
session’s beat was emblematic of a deeply rooted urgency to undo self-esteem. Solution-Focused
Therapy (SFT), however, with strokes painted on the session’s canvas tailored to suit the core
presenting case issue of low self esteem (De shazer et al.,, 2021).
The Miracle Question of SFT cleared the path toward a future world in which people’s selfesteem is abundant. This client-centered approach afforded the faint glimmer of a light at the end
of what so often seemed to be an insoluble tunnel. The client, a single woman in the retail field,
felt buoyed up amidst all of this attention by an empathic and empowering atmosphere. With
SFT’s emphasis on being flexible and having a positive attitude, the client was able to work
through self-esteem issues without feeling swamped.
The counselor’s sense of teamwork fostered a feeling in the client that she had control over her
own self-esteem challenges. The whole session was a haven of power, confiding the client
towards one’s right relationship with self-worth. Natural tools with tailor-made methods were
introduced, giving the client a bag full of tricks to use against self- esteem problems. The broad
goal is not to just treat the symptoms but instill a strong mindset that turns self-esteem into
comfortable turf. In this counseling session, the client takes an important step towards greater
self-esteem and confidence. It’s a new stage on his road to growth and strength.
Helpful Skills Used:
1. Active Listening:
The core of the counseling session was skilful active listening. The counselor was clearly willing
to get under the skin of client’s problems with self-esteem. The counselor attuned to both verbal
and non-verbal cues, thus creating a safe space where the client could share deeply. All of this
active involvement helped create a strong therapeutic relationship, in which the client feels really
heard and appreciated. With reflective answers, the counselor reflected back to the client his
emotions and concerns. The session thus became very much a joint venture.
2. Solution-Focused Therapy Expertise:
The counselor’s expertise in Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) greatly increased the session
‘effectiveness. The counselor made use of the SFT principles to help direct the client’s thoughts
in a positive direction. SFT’s key technique The Miracle Question also proved to be crucial in
eliciting deep responses without unnecessarily stressing participants. The counselor’s skill in
explaining the adaptability of SFT and its applicability from depression to substance abuse
reveals a customized method for tackling this client ‘self-esteem problems. This client-centered
and efficiency -oriented approach allowed the clients to take an active role in their treatment,
instilling a sense of control over fate..
1. Ethical Awareness and Application:
One noteworthy ethically oriented capability displayed in the counseling session was that of the
counselor. Although the session mainly tackled this week’s issue of self-esteem, the counselor
guided his way through some precarious ethical waters. The counselor emphasized the
dissemination and observance of ethical principles reflected particularly in her commitment to
respecting diversity, upholding spirituality and religion, as well as developing a co-operative
environment. This ethical consciousness not only kept to pre-existing rules, but also allowed for
the development of a therapeutic alliance based on trust and respect.
2. Solution-Focused Therapy Proficiency:
The counselor’s proficiency in Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) was a big plus. A good grasp of
evidence-based therapeutic methods was in the strategic application of SFT techniques such as
the Miracle Question. The counselor was able to explain how SFT is flexible and can be applied
in different domains, e.g., depression or abuse of substances such as drugs. These SFT
proficiencies were not only useful to the client in helping her deal with self-esteem challenges.
They also helped create a therapeutic environment which was centered on the needs of clients
and aimed at empowering them as opposed to pigeonholing, objectifying or treating them like
1. Limited Familiarity with Recent Counseling Techniques:
In the admission of unfamiliarity with recent counseling techniques, a notable weakness was
revealed in this counselor. Counseling is a dynamic field that is constantly developing, and
keeping up with the latest techniques is essential in delivering comprehensive care. This
recognition of one’s own limitations offers the counselor a chance to continue learning through
taking workshops, webinars or attending conferences. To increase the effectiveness of
counseling interventions, knowledge should be updated frequently and contemporary methods
2. Challenges in Balancing Empathy and Objectivity:
Balancing empathy and objectivity was another weakness accurately identified. In other words,
too much empathy can interfere with objectivity. Awareness of this problem is the first step to
solving it. To get better, the counselor could try using reflective supervision procedures and selfreflect on what he does. He can also receive help from colleagues or his own bosses when in
difficulties. Incorporating mindfulness or self-regulation exercises into counseling sessions may
help too in achieving the right balance between empathy and objectivity. This long process of
self-awareness and skill building can increase the counselor’s overall effectiveness in helping
Relevant Scriptures for the Counseling Session:
1. Psalm 139: 14 – Embracing Intrinsic Worth:
The session drew inspiration from Psalm 139: The client’s unique value, stressed by 14 in the
Old Testament. Thus this scripture which says that men and women are carefully formed by the
hand of God became a beacon to guide his self-esteem. In this subheading, the counselor looked
into how thinking about this biblical verse can help a client develop a positive self-image,
appreciate his or her worthiness and get closer to strengthening one’s own sense of self-esteem.
2. Romans 12: 2 – Self-discovery through Mind Transformation:
The New Testament scripture from Romans 12: The focus on self-esteem in the counseling
session derived from 2. This scripture does not advocate that people follow worldly patterns, but
to re- mode their minds. Under this subheading, the counselor expounded on what it means to put
one’s thoughts into accord with that of divinity. This kind of spiritual guidance helped the client
to organize and resolve questions about self-esteem, gave him hope for a bright future ahead, and
accompanied him on an inner journey from darkness into light.
Goals for the Next Session:
1. Enhancing Self-Exploration through Positive Affirmations:
Amongst the many objectives of the next session, one is to help guide our clients through their
journeys of self-reflection by positive affirmation. The counselor wants to help the client
generate personalized affirmations that will support a positive self-image. In fact, simply by
making these affirmations a part of their daily routine, the client can actively participate in
reconstructing about himself.
2. Implementing Solution-Focused Techniques for Anxiety Management:
Taking self-esteem as the presenting problem, session ten will apply solution- focused
techniques to help ease anxiety. The counselor plans to offer practical strategies that can help the
client cope when their anxiety is particularly intense. This approach could include investigating
cognitive-behavioral strategies, mindfulness exercises and individual accommodations. The aim
is to give the client practical assistance in handling anxiety problems, thus allowing him to feel
some control and strength under difficult circumstances.
3. Cultivating a Strengths-Based Mindset:
Achieving a strengths-based mindset within the client is another significant objective for next
session (Nelson, 2012) Leveraging positive psychology principles, the counselor seeks to work
together with the client in discovering and emphasizing his or her own strengths. In order to
develop an attitude that sees one’s own ability as a valuable resource useful in building and
maintaining self-esteem, through discussions aimed at specific targets and suitable exercises the
client will be encouraged to discover his or her capabilities.
Steps for Achieving the Stated Goals.
1. Positive Affirmations Workshop:
Setting a goal of enhancing self-exploration via positive affirmations, the counselor will hold an
arts and crafts workshop centered around making up suitable affirmations. In this session, the
client will reflect on their core values, strong points and expectations. Combined, they’ll develop
affirmations that are personally meaningful and also consistent with the client ‘desired selfimage. The counselor will work with the client to integrate these affirmations into daily life, so
that positive thoughts become a regular occurrence (Wilson, 2021).
2. Anxiety Management Toolkit:
To help the client with anxiety management, the counselor will introduce a toolkit of solutionfocused exercises tailored. This can include looking at applying cognitive-behavioral methods,
including identifying and disputing the negative thinking. Also included are tailor-made
mindfulness exercises to suit the client’s preferences and lifestyle. A jointly decided upon plan
for practical application of these techniques will be devised by the counselor and client together.
The toolkit will also be regularly checked in on, and reviewed to make any adjustments.
3. Strengths-Based Reflection and Exercises:
The next session will reflect on the client’s achievements and moments of resilience in their past.
In this way, a strengths-based mindset can be cultivated. The counselor will help the client to
identify patterns of success, and show how personal strengths relate to positive outcomes.
Exercises focusing on the positives will be used, such as a strengths inventory or narrative
therapy techniques. As fundamental building blocks in self-esteem, the client will be encouraged
to embrace and celebrate their strengths.
De Shazer, S., Dolan, Y., Korman, H., Trepper, T., McCollum, E., & Berg, I. K. (2021). More
than miracles: The state of the art of s olution-focused brief therapy. Routledge.
Nelson, T. S., & Thomas, F. N. (Eds.). (2012). Handbook of solution-focused brief therapy:
Clinical applications. Routledge.
Wilson, L. H. Philippians; Colossians. (2021)

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