Psychology Question


Interview Paper:

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Include at least one paragraph where you reflect upon your gender autobiography and how that influences your perspective when analyzing/synthesizing your interview. The body of the paper should be no shorter than 5 full pages of text and no longer than 6 full pages of text, not including title and reference page. The paper must follow APA Style requirements. The paper is to be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, and have 1” margins and have an APA Style title page. You should connect what you are learning in the interview to the available psychological theory and research. You should use at least two outside references from your literature search, beyond your book and assigned readings.

– Cross-Cultural Interview. For this assignment, you will interview a woman from a different background (e.g., religious, cultural or ethnicity, foreign exchange student) than your own. For example, I am a Middle Eastern person, so then interviewing a woman who is from somewhere else would be . The person you choose mustbe from a background that is relatively unknown to you. You should address the following questions (put in your own words):

•Describe how membership in your cultural group has influenced your socialization and opportunities as a woman.

•Do you have any experiences with prejudice or discrimination, especially prejudice or discrimination because you are a “________ woman” that you would like to share?

•How has being a woman shaped your development and/or psychological adjustment?

•How has being a woman influenced your relationship with your parents, men, and other women?

•What do you think differentiates men from women? What are your views on feminism? These are just a few sample questions and you should add other questions as appropriate. Be honest and analyze your beliefs about women and culture with this woman’s experiences. When you analyze this woman’s experiences, take into account anyassumptions you had about women from this particular culture that were confirmed or refuted due to the interview.