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Assignment 3: One-Way ANOVA
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Answer these questions in Notes (number your answers):
What is the researcher interested in examining? What is the comparison?
Describe each of the three groups in the Independent variable (IV). What is the Dependent Variable (DV)?
Talk about the overall effect of stress group. Is the F value significant? What does the result mean, in words? What did the researcher learn? State the means for each group and the proof statement for the overall ANOVA
Discuss the results of the post hoc analysis. Look at the probability level for each comparison (Ptukey column). Discuss each of the three comparisons, one at a time. You will be looking for probability levels less than .05. If less than .05, the difference between the groups is significant.
Is there a significant difference in infections between people who experienced minimal levels of stress compared to moderate levels?
How about moderate compared to severe levels of stress?
And finally compare minimal vs severe levels of stress for viral infections.
What does that mean for people who experience stress? Provide overall summary of findings.
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