Psychology Question


Psychological Disorders

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Psychology Question
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For this assignment, you will choose a movie that relates to psychology and write an expository paper describing the signs and symptoms of the psychological disorder presented. Please see the Unit 9 Movie List for suggestions. You may choose a movie or series that is not on this list; however, please request approval from your instructor prior to completing the assignment.

Please use the Unit 9 Assignment Template, which will guide you through writing a cohesive paper. Your paper should be 2–3 pages, not including the title and reference pages, and must address each of the following:

Explain what is meant by the term “psychological disorder.”
What is the role of the DSM–5-TR in regards to psychological disorders?
Identify the character in the movie whom you believe has a psychological disorder. Describe the symptoms of the identified disorder that you see in the movie. Please refer to your text and/or the DSM–5-TR for help in describing the symptoms.
Locate a peer-reviewed article from the Purdue Global Library that relates to the disorder illustrated in the movie (published within the past 10 years). Discuss what important information can be learned from this article about the disorder.

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Please delete all red type prior to submission and fill in with your original information.
This assignment should be written adhering to the guidelines of Standard English. This means
that your thoughts should be well organized, logical, and unified as well as original with the
viewpoint and purpose clearly established and sustained. Standard English guidelines also
include the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. All writing should be in
current APA formatting and citation style.
Psychological Disorders
First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
Purdue University Global
PS124 – Unit 9 Assignment
Psychological Disorders
As a reminder, this paper should be 2–3 pages, not including the title and reference pages.
Your paper should begin with an explanation of what is meant by the term “psychological
disorder” and an explanation of the role of the DSM–5-TR and what it has to do with
psychological disorders.
Next, identify the character in the movie whom you believe has a psychological disorder.
Describe the symptoms of the identified disorder that you see in the movie. Please refer to your
text and/or the DSM–5-TR for help in describing the symptoms.
Finally, identify the peer-reviewed article you located and discuss what important
information can be learned from the article about the disorder.
Review the assignment rubric for more information.
Author, F. (Year). This is a sample APA book citation. (5th ed.). Publisher.
Doe, J. (Year, Month). This is a sample APA journal article citation. Journal Name, 52(1), 34–
76. http://url
Sample, N. (Year, Month Date). This is a sample APA webpage citation. http://url
Please include at least two sources listed in APA format. One should be your text (or the
DSM–5-TR) and the other should be a peer-reviewed journal article from the Purdue Global

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