Psychology Question


Select a language-based disorder (such as pure alexia, dyslexia, or dysgraphia) for your Module Eight Short Paper. Then, describe the underlying functional neuroanatomy and possible causes of damage to that anatomy that would result in the dysfunction. What deficits would be expected? What functions would remain intact? How would the aphasia affect a child functionally at different levels of development? What interventions might be used with a child affected by your selected aphasia?Your paper should include all the following elements:Analyze the causes of damage to the neuroanatomy resulting in the dysfunction.Evaluate the expected deficits and intact functions from the selected aphasia.Evaluate the effects of the aphasia at different development levels.Provide possible intervention strategies for a child affected by the selected aphasia.What to SubmitThe short paper should be 3 pages, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins, and include citations in APA format.

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