Psychology Question


You will each write an independent paper on the project. You will prepare a concise APA-style
paper describing your study with the following components that conform precisely to the
following page limits. Must be single-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins.
If it is shorter than the requirements, lengthen it. If it is longer, shorten it. Everyone has exact
same amount of space.
* Title page (1 page) (0% – graded with Intro)
* Abstract (1 page with 175-200 words)
* Introduction (1.00-1.25 pages) (strict page limit – must be shorter than 1.25 page. 1.00 is the
-Section 1: Opening hook
-Section 2: Describe research on outcome(s) of interest (e.g., trauma and cannabis use)
-Section 3: Describe predictor(s) of interest and why you expect it to be related to
outcomes based on theory and past research (e.g., theories on relationship between variables).
NOTE: The order of Section 1 versus Section 2 can be switched, and potentially broken into
three sections (Predictor 1, Predictor 2, Outcome 1). You can have 2 predictors, 1 outcome.
-Section 4: State hypothesis in “people” language: I hypothesized that people who had
PTSD were more likely (predictor) to report [more / less] alcohol use (outcome 1) and
depression (outcome 2) Prediction in correlational “variable” language: Specifically, I predicted
a [moderately strong positive correlation] between PTSD diagnosis (predictor) and alcohol use
(outcome 1) and depression (outcome 2).
* Methods (1.0-2.0 pages unless more space is needed)
-Section 1: Describe the participants (this is written for you already; cut and paste the text
directly from the Paper Checklist into your paper)
-Section 2: Describe the measures you are using

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* Results (.25-1.0 pages) and at least one table (1.0 page)
-Section 1: Describe the first association of interest (e.g., correlation between Predictor-
Outcome1) and whether this is consistent with the hypothesis, and the direction/strength.
-Section 2: Describe second association of interest (e.g., correlation between Predictor-
Outcome2) and whether this is consistent with the hypothesis, and the direction/strength.
-Section 3: If relevant, describe the last association (e.g., correlation between Outcome1
and 2)
* Discussion (1.0-1.25 pages) (strict page limit – must be shorter than 1.25 pages. 1.0 is the
-Section 1: Briefly explain the pattern of results and how it does/does not fit with existing
-Section 2: Limitations
-Paragraph A: Explain 3rd variable(s) that might explain the association, and
whether you think this is likely.
-Paragraph B: Explain the potential directions of causality, and which one is most
-Section 3: Conclusion – important take home message and implications of your findings
* References (12+ journal references in perfect APA style; 1-2 pages)
The Final APA Individual Paper is due by Thursday December 7, 2023 at 11:59pm PT.
Research Poster (10 points)
The sharing of science through teaching and research presentation is vital to progressing our
shared scientific knowledge. You will share your research project with your classmates by
creating a poster in a single PowerPoint slide, then posting it to the Discussion Board. Please see
Canvas for APA poster examples.