Psychology Question


Complete the following in your own words. It will be run through a plagiarism checker. Thanks Finalize your presentation by including points from your memo, a summary of your micro intervention from Week 5(attached), and an outline for a macro intervention. After completing this assignment, you will be able to demonstrate motivational improvements and HR strategies to leadership.Take some time to polish your presentation’s job characteristics and SWOT analysis sections. Read through them carefully to determine if you want to make any changes based on your learning experiences in this course. Document these changes in your presenter notes. Open your presentation with a title slide, followed by a slide with the goals of the presentation and a slide listing the topics you will cover. Use the memo you drafted in Week 3 (Attached) to add 2 to 3 slides to explain the alignment of your plan and interventions with organizational vision, mission, and goals. Merge your presentations from Weeks 2 (Attached), 4 (Attached), and 5 (Attached). Make sure to add a title slide and a segue slide between them. A segue summarizes how the topics are related to each other and how it benefits the organization. Finally, select an event, law, policy, or legal issue that would: Benefit the organization and another that challenges the organization Create 10 to 15 slides that outline HR activities that provide: Tailored motivational responses that benefit each level of the organization Preparation for the organization for potential changes Instructional and policy activity that insulates the organization Provide a 2- to 3-slide summary emphasizing the improvements to productivity stemming from the motivational benefits of your planning. Note: You can use national events, lawsuits, technology innovations, security events, and so on.Format your assignment as follows: Your slides should only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide presentation made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes convey the details you would give if you were presenting.****There is no additional info, thanks.*****

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Presented By: Michael K Jackson
Due Date: October 16, 2023
The position of supply chain management
Officer (SCMO)
❖ Current task variety: Employees are given a variety of tasks that allow them
use a range of talents or skills they already have to break up the monotony
that comes with repeatedly performing the same type of task
❖The current tasks for SMO include: acquiring goods strategically, managing
inventory and planning transportation routes ;
❖merging shipments, preparing statutory reports contract termination,
contract performance monitoring;
❖keeping a functional store management system in place;
❖Maintaining records of all procurement procedures;
❖conducting market research;
Current task identity
• Current task identity:
❖SCMOs believe that their efforts are bearing fruits and are being recognized
❖They own up the entire job and feel that whatever they do
❖they believe their efforts are converting to some tangible and visible
organizational results.
❖SCMOs believe that they are helping to complete a bigger portion of
their task, they will be more proud and enthusiastic about their work.
❖Employees in the cadre of supply chain management officers would be
encouraged to work if they have a sense of belonging and ownership in
the organisation since they will share in its success.
❖Here, the role of a supply chain management officer as a whole is seen
rather than in terms of its individual components.
Current task significance
• The current task Significance indicates the crucial or significance of the task
of a supply chain management officer employee performing a job of great
value to both workers’ organization;
• in case the supply chain management officer job is not performed well,
various far-reaching consequences exist,
• very large extent work helping the organization attain its goals without these
officers there shall not be proper materials management, also improper
purchasing that would decline.
• Employee motivation and morale will rise when work importance is raised to a
high level.
Current autonomy
❖The current autonomy over supply chain management officers’ jobs
encourages creativity and innovation because,
❖without micromanagement or excessive supervision and managerial control,
supply chain management officers’ employees feel free to complete the work
in a specialized and innovative way.
❖SCMOs constantly aspires to try new supply chain techniques and procedures
to successfully complete the supply chain job.
❖SCMOs have a sense of ownership over their work as employees,
❖ promotes a higher level of accountability and responsibility for one’s work
and increases productivity.
Employee feedback and evaluation
❖strengths, shortcomings, and potential improvement areas of SCMOs is learned from
their present evaluation and feedback
❖A structure is established of reports on the employees performing in certain ways,
❖A higher standard of work is produced in the department due to constant feedback
given SMO employees.
❖Direct supervisors, management, customers, and an audit of the job provide feedback
and assessment.
❖Performance appraisals determine extent personnel accomplish the goals they have
been given.
❖The ability to get current evaluations and feedback enables employees to be aware of
the outcomes .
❖ Knowing the outcome allows one to address issues or modify how something is done to
produce better outcomes (Corwin & Simon, 2023).
A brief overview of the emotional temperature of employees
in their positions with resulting behaviors
❖SCMOs faces high emotional labor due to the nature of their work, which needs them to
interact with suppliers who may be angry, upset, or unsatisfied.
❖ many vendors calls screaming, these employees can be inclined to become emotionally
❖While interacting with numerous stakeholders, SCMOs experience mixed emotions,
including doubt, rage, despair, tension, and terror.
❖Workplace rudeness possibly stirs anger.
❖using brusque and rude language instead of basic manners rises emotional temperature
❖Such impolite actions may can affect people’s temperaments and emotions differently
(Pultz & Dupret, 2023).
Describe how both the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations influence
the problem
❖ elevated emotional temperature among SMOs employees is impacted by Lack of intrinsic
motivation and extrinsic motivation,
❖A motivated workforce may have a substantial impact on an organization’s performance.
❖In order to motivate employees to lower their emotional temperature, managers must thoroughly
understand the power of incentive systems and how they are used to shape employee behaviour.
❖Motivation raises degree of commitment, amount of work, drive, job happiness, etc. of an
❖Knowing the actual conclusion or result enhances performance, provides motivation to execute
one’s task successfully (Pultz & Dupret, 2023).
Outline your intervention by describing:
❖Targeted task variety : refers to the future number of tasks that must be
given to a worker in order for them to be able to perform a variety of tasks.
❖a variety of activities, including ordering inventories, receiving inventories,
issuing inventories, and keeping track of inventories, can be merged.
❖Employees will perform their work successfully when duties are blended.
❖A job with more diversity will increase the workers’ interest, challenge, and
❖The ideal degree of diversity depends on the level of the position and the
job requirements, and it varies from person to person.
Targeted task identity
❖The degree to which workers will believe they are in control of the
job’s result is called targeted task identity.
❖People frequently feel more satisfied after completing a “whole” work.
❖This is more likely to happen if an activity or job has a clear beginning
and conclusion visible to the workers and others who work nearby.
❖People should be able to see the outcomes of their completed job,
whether they did it alone or as a team (Dietl & Kombeiz, 2021).
Targeted task significance
• The relevance of the task will be to an organization.
• People must feel accountable for their job, whether alone or in teams.
• Their contributions should be transparent so that everyone knows who is
accountable with triumphs and failures.
• The supervisor and employees will be better able to determine whether the
position’s accountabilities are being fulfilled.
• Task significance emphasizes the necessity for Meaningful Work and the need
for a clear connection between the function and the organization’s success.
Targeted autonomy
❖Targeted autonomy is the extent to which a worker will make decisions without
consulting a manager.
❖Responsibility and autonomy go hand in hand.
❖Its Giving employees more freedom to manage and control their work within the
constraints of their jobs.
❖ It will make the employees remain committed and focused on the task.
❖Within the general parameters of their position, the person in charge will need to
be able to make certain decisions on their own.
❖ There may be room for them to use some discretion in how they operate to
Proposed evaluation and feedback methods
❖Most workers who do tasks want to know if they are performing them correctly and
❖Everyone benefits from knowing how they are performing, and feel more driven and
have a part in their growth.
❖supervisor generally is in charge of giving sincere feedback of employees,
❖the staff review and development evaluation system offers a crucial channel for
communication and feedback with staff members.
❖The worker has to be aware of their specific goals and how they fit into the broader
❖a task should give the employee the chance to engage with other workers, who are
crucial sources of feedback on several levels.
❖Encouraging coworkers and clients to compliment and assist staff members when needed
is important.
❖comprehensive employee assessment process called a 360-degree appraisal is presented
as an evaluation and feedback tool that gathers anonymous feedback from coworkers
(Corwin & Simon, 2023).
Prescribe a balanced motivation plan that
examines ethics and diversity.
• Diversity is important for an organization’s development and effectiveness.
• Companies that hire workers from varied backgrounds do so because they feel that
these individuals have diversified skills
• Will have a wide range of task-relevant skills, and viewpoints that may complement
one another.
• A motivational balance is a match between your implicit and explicit motivations
• As a result, what you genuinely want and desire and what you feel you should
accomplish or attain.
• Corwin, E.S. and Simon, L. (2023) ‘Employee reactions to negative feedback: Unpacking the
consequences of feedback on employee outcomes’, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1).
• Dietl, E. and Kombeiz, O. (2021) ‘The interplay between extraversion, task significance, and task
variety at work’, Personality and Individual Differences, 171, p. 110471.
• Kamani, T. (2020) ‘Analysis of the job characteristics model’, SSRN Electronic Journal [Preprint].
• Patriotta, G. and Spedale, S. (2009) ‘Making sense through face: Identity and social interaction in a
consultancy Task Force’, Organization Studies, 30(11), pp. 1227–1248.
• Pultz, S. and Dupret, K. (2023) ‘Emotional status and emotional labour: Exploring the emotional
labour among casualised and tenured knowledge workers’, Culture and Organization, pp. 1–21.
• Purwaningsih, E., Muslikh, M. and Suhaeri, S. (2022) ‘Innovation and supply chain orientation
concerns toward job creation law in micro, small, and medium enterprises export-oriented
products’, Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(1), pp. 69–82. doi:10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.009.
• Radbruch, J. (2020) ‘Task autonomy and motivation’, AEA Randomized Controlled Trials [Preprint].
Seeking Support from Leadership
Michael Jackson
October 21, 2023
Seeking Support from Leadership
Date: 10th September 2023
Subject: Seeking Support from Leadership
We aim to become the market leader by ensuring that every good and service we provide our
consumers is of the best possible standard (Abolhassan, 2023). We plan to give our
consumers the very best service we can muster by giving them access to a comprehensive
selection of goods and services and by routinely going above and beyond what they anticipate
from us. The growth of our business is our primary objective, and we intend to do this by
providing our existing and prospective clients with superior goods and services, penetrating
new markets, and broadening the scope of our clientele. Without help from people like you,
we would never be able to do what we have set out to do. We request that you provide us
with the required resources and funding to develop our company further and move closer to
achieving our objectives. In addition, it would be useful if you could provide input on the
tactics and plans we have developed as a group. Your unwavering commitment to our
organization is much appreciated.
Yours Sincerely:
Align with the plan’s vision, mission, and goals.
We aim to become the market leader by ensuring that every good and service we provide our
consumers is of the best possible standard. We plan to give our consumers the very best
service we can muster by giving them access to a comprehensive selection of goods and
services and by routinely going above and beyond what they anticipate from us. The growth
of our business is our primary objective, and we intend to do this by providing our existing
and prospective clients with superior goods and services, penetrating new markets, and
broadening the scope of our clientele. Without help from people like you, we would never be
able to do what we have set out to do. We request that you provide us with the required
resources and funding to develop our company further and move closer to achieving our
objectives (Belkindas et al., 2023). In addition, it would be useful if you could provide input
on the tactics and plans we have developed as a group. Your unwavering commitment to our
organization is much appreciated.
An inspiring summary
For our workforce to realize our vision, purpose, and goals, we must provide them with the
necessary resources, knowledge, and motivation. We request that you provide us with the
required resources and funding to develop our company further and move closer to achieving
our objectives. Your unwavering commitment to our organization is much appreciated.
Abolhassan, F. (2023). Best practice Deutsche Telekom – reinventing service: How we turn
customers into fans. Market Leader Through Service Excellence, 175–186.
Belkindas, M., Saetova, L., & Everaers, P. (2023). International Association for Official
Statistics: Mission, vision, and strategic plan. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference
Online, 1–10.
Michael K Jackson
October 30,2023
Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation
Encouragement and support
Workplace confidence
Needs That Are Not Met or Could Be
Goals for Growth
Enhance Autonomy
Foster Competence
Strengthen Relatedness
Emphasize Meaning
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Physiological Needs
Safety Needs
Belongingness and Love Needs
Cognitive Needs
SWOT Analysis
Operational Strategy
Address Physiological Needs
Enhance Safety Needs
Strengthen Belongingness
Promote Cognitive Needs
Leadership and HR Alignment
 Levitt, J. D. (2020). Motivation. Leadership
Skills for Maintenance Supervisors and
Managers, 33–38.
 Short, D. (2021). Motivation and goal
setting. Making Psychotherapy More
Effective with Unconscious Process Work,
Emotional Challenges
Michael K. Jackson
November 4, 2023
 Overview
 Is the capacity to recognize, comprehend, regulate, and utilize one’s own
emotions as well as those of those around
 Emotional problems go unnoticed until something bad happens.
 Emotional challenges that lead to positive results are not acknowledged.
 Organizations needed to consider both positive and negative emotional
challenges (Mitchell, 2021)
 As a creative I/O in partnership with HR my response is that
consideration be given also to positive emotional challenge from good
How proposal aligns with the organizational
vision, mission, and goals
 Proposal align with organization mission, vision, and goals through:
 overcoming challenges to continue working towards the organization’s
 increased desire among employees to comprehend their own feelings as well as
those of their peers.
 Good communication that results in shared objectives throughout the
 An optimistic attitude among the personnel towards the task at hand.
 Stronger bonds and more positive interactions among staff members.
 Increased productivity with sympathetic employees making choices that are
optimal for all parties, (Khan, 2023)
impactful consequences resulting from
employees’ emotional experiences.
 Employees may experience job burnout and decreased performance,
which can lead to emotional weariness.
 Moreover, employees may have lower levels of creativity and innovation
potential as a result of their emotional experiences (Odom, 2021).
situation stemming from a desirable emotional
 Positive Feelings Promote Creativity and Interpersonal Relationships
among employees at the workplace
•Reduced productivity, absenteeism, and even sabotage might result from
an upsetting or perplexing emotional experience at work (Odom, 2021).
Coping function for each experience
Desirable Emotional Experience
❖Recognize and acknowledge the
employees with positive
❖Establish a reward system to
reward the positive ones
❖Motivate them by supporting
them to remain positive
(Stange, 2022)
Painful emotional experience
❖Privately talk to the employee
❖Communicate the worries in an
impartial manner
❖Find out what’s happening with
the worker and how can be
assisted (Stange, 2022).
learning regulation strategies that HR can use
HR can use learning motivation strategies to:
 Give a customised reaction to the recent occurrences.
 Plan experiences that will help employees maintain motivation during difficult
times and stimulate motivation when they achieve a goal or reach another
 This is discussed in details as follows:
Tailored Response to the current event
 Emotionally charged current events can be touchy subjects that frequently
affect individuals differently
 It affects day-to-day operations of businesses.
 emotional experiences affects employees’ well-being and productivity,
 it should be discussed at the workplace on a regular basis.
 It is imperative for HR to approach both pleasant and negative emotional
experiences with caution (Stange, 2022).
Tailored Response on current event con’d
 Employees that have unpleasant emotional experiences should be
supported by the HR.
 They should also be offered any necessary help.
 This will force them to keep their attention on productivity.
 Their mental and general well-being will also be affected positively.
 Employee attendance and engagement will also increase in the
organization (Panel®, 2023).
Tailored Response on current event cont’d
 Ensuring the observation of pleasant emotional experiences is just as important
as taking into account negative ones.
 Positive and driven workers ought to be commended, appreciated and rewarded
 They also aught to be acknowledged, inspired to keep up the good work, and
given incentives.
 This will encourage others to do the same, and the team spirit will spread across
all of the workers.
Experiences geared towards stablizing and
encouraging motivation
 Employee s go through both positive and negative emotional experiences.
 HR must be ready with experiences that will help to stabilise motivation
during difficult times
 Also, boost motivation when an employee achieves a goal or reaches
another high point.
 Any employee who is experiencing emotional lows should be encouraged
to go high by HR (Whitter, 2023).
Experiences geared towards stablizing and
encouraging motivation cont’d
 The emotionally elevated staff should be encouraged to maintain up
 driving them to continue having the passion is encouraged through
 Acknowledging their effort;
 Praising them publicly,
 Rewarding them through incentives,
 Giving them free trips
 Promoting them to Lucretius positions
Experiences geared towards stablizing and
encouraging motivation cont’d
 Continuous motivation, particularly extrinsic motivation, is the most effective
strategy for motivating them through:
 financial incentives,
 providing opportunities for capacity building,
 letting employees be paid for overtime,
 granting them days off work to relax, and
 providing benefits like free health insurance and guidance and counselling
(Whitter, 2023).
 Khan, A. R. (2023). Impact of managers’ emotional competencies on
employee performance. European Journal of Business and Management,
 Mitchell, J. (2021). The evaluative content of emotional experience.
Emotion as Feeling Towards Value, 30–69.
 Odom, C. (2021, May 7). Council post: How employee emotional well-being
impacts job satisfaction. Forbes.
References cont’d
 Panel®, E. (2023, September 12). Council post: 14 simple and effective ways to
motivate your employees. Forbes.
 Stange, J. (2022, July 13). Emotions in the workplace: How to deal with emotions
at work. Employee Success Software.
 Whitter, B. (2023). Employee experience develop a happy, productive and
supported workforce for exceptional individual and business performance. Kogan

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