Psychology Question


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Functional Behavior Assessment: Part 1
Assignment 1 is part one of a four-part assignment. Part one will be built upon in the subsequent
assignments, and then all assignments will be compiled and submitted as a final project. In each part of
the overall assignment, you will complete the steps to create a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
plan based on the Case Study. To complete the hypothetical FBA plan, you will be required to develop
appropriate data sets and sheets, graph baseline data, and provide two weeks of implementation data.
In this part of the assignment, students will complete and submit the following steps of the functional
behavior assessment.
Step 1
Describe in a few sentences:
The behavior(s) targeted for change
The person whose behavior is to be changed in the case study
A rationale for changing the behavior(s) (i.e., why is it important?)
Response Definitions:
Provide an operational definition (including situational context if relevant) of each
behavior to be changed.
Describe each behavior in objective terms so that it can be observed and counted.
Response Measurement:
Describe the following:
Observe and collect data on each behavior (indicate which response(s) dimensions to
record and provide a rationale for the selection).
How the data will be summarized (i.e., calculated, graphed, etc.).
Select the observation period and setting (again, with rationale).
Choose the recording method by considering guidelines for selecting continuous
recording versus sampling (and for selecting whole vs. partial vs. time sampling).
Create the data sheets.
Step 2
Complete the functional behavior assessment (1-2 pages, not including data sheets or forms).
A Functional assessment (descriptive analysis) should be conducted for any behavior that is targeted for
The written plan should contain the following information:
Describe how the descriptive assessment will be conducted using the methods &
tools discussed in class or in the text. (see additional information below)
Give examples of the antecedents and consequences that are to be recorded
during the assessment. Include any relevant data forms.
Allocate 5-7 hypothetical observation days to conduct the assessment.
Step 3
Review and write up a summary of the behavior assessment (2-3 pages, not including data
The written summary should contain the following information:
Functional Assessment:

Describe how the descriptive analysis was conducted.

Summarize the findings and include raw data sheets.

Generate hypothesis(es) about the antecedents and consequences
that are associated with the target behavior
Step 4
Collect & Analyze Baseline Data; Establish at least one but not more than two behavioral
objectives (2 pages, not including data sheets and graphs).
Baseline data should be collected across a minimum of 5 observations (days). The raw data
should be summarized (i.e., calculated and graphed) as described in the proposed plan. Use a
typical equal-interval line graph; include all essential components. Include a separate graph for
each behavior. The written report should contain the following sections:

Briefly summarize the measurement procedures, including the
length of observations, time of observations, and setting(s) where
the behavior(s) was/were observed.
Results: Insert data sheets and graph(s).
Analysis: Describe the data path(s) in terms of (a) level, (b) stability, and (c) trend
Behavioral Objectives:

List at least one short-term goal and one long-term goal for each
The objectives should be based on the baseline data.
Functional Behavior Assessment: Part 3
Review the Case Study
Step 5
Develop and implement the behavior change procedure/intervention (1 to 3 pages)
(Review Baer, Wolf, & Risley (JABA,1968): Technological, Conceptual Systems)

Allocate a minimum of 2 weeks to implement the behavior change
program after submitting this plan.
The behavior change program should contain at least two strategies
from the following categories: stimulus control, instructional
control, additive procedures, reinforcement/shaping/chaining,
extinction, and/or punishment.
The intervention plan should contain the following information:

All components of the behavior change/intervention plan should be
specified in detail and linked back to basic principles of behavior for
EACH strategy that was chosen.
The plan must be able to be replicated. Someone else should be
able to replicate the procedures after simply reading the
description. Any important information related to implementation
(where, when, necessary materials, etc.) should be included.
Step 6
Evaluate and summarize the outcomes (1-3 pages, not including data sheets and
graphs) (Review Baer, Wolf, & Risley: Analytic, Effective, Generality).
Data Collection:

Data should be collected for 5 to 10 observations while
implementing the behavior change Intervention.
Data should be plotted using the previously collected baseline data
on the same graph.
Include a separate graph for each behavior. The written report
should contain the following information:
Summary and Analysis (remember to include the seven dimensions of behavior in the



Describe and explain any deviations from the planned procedures
that were submitted previously.
Describe any problems that were encountered when attempting to
implement the behavior change project.
Insert data sheets and graph(s).
Compare the data path(s) to the baseline.
▪ Describe any changes in terms of (a) level, (b) stability, and (c) trend.
▪ Describe how one might demonstrate experimental control over the
behavior (even if no changes are evident).
Behavioral Objectives:
▪ Evaluate the outcome(s) based on the short-term (and possibly
long-term) goals.
Overall Evaluation:
▪ Is the behavior change plan effective?
▪ Justify or explain the decision.
▪ If it has not been effective, what changes could be made to increase
the likelihood of success?
▪ Identify possible factors responsible for the lack of success.
▪ If the behavior change plan has been effective, include a plan for

maintenance and generalization.

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