Psychology: Qualitative vs Quantitative Research


1. Complete the attached table to answer the five prompts in 40 to 90 words 2. Answer the following question in no less than 100-words (add reference, cite, APA format):TF-CBT is one of the most effective trauma therapy methods available to help youth recover from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Is it effective? Why?

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Psychology: Qualitative vs Quantitative Research
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Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Worksheet
Complete the table to answer each of the following prompts in 40 to 90 words:

Define and distinguish between qualitative and quantitative research.
Provide examples of qualitative and quantitative research.
Imagine that you are a researcher interested in identifying the components of ‘giftedness’ in pre-teen
children. What qualitative methods might you use to help you better understand the experience of
giftedness? What quantitative methods might you use?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?
Methods to Study
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research

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