Psychology of behavior and social conigition: answer three question , each 850-900 words (2550-2700) words total


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Psychology of behavior and social conigition: answer three question , each 850-900 words (2550-2700) words total
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Answer ONE question from this section

Q1. What is thought suppression? Discuss the mechanisms behind thought suppression failures.

Q2. Can social behaviour be driven by cues in the immediate environment independent of consciousness? Discuss with reference to empirical research.

Section B:

Answer ONE question from this section

Q3. Do younger infants (below 12 months) have a ‘rich’ understanding of the intentions of other people? Use at least two different experimental methods in your answer.

Q4. Critically evaluate the idea that developing theory of mind in preschoolers simply occurs from a failure to infer the beliefs of other people. Use examples from cultural influences on social development to enrich your answer.

Section C:

Answer ONE question from this section

Q5. Explore the multifaceted nature of human intelligence and the ongoing debates in social psychology regarding its measurement, its significance, and the limitations of “intelligence testing” procedures.

Q6. Provide a critical analysis of the cognitive, affective, and behavioural components of attitude, providing one example of each component to illustrate how human attitudes are shaped.

As with all other Psychologywritten work, this should follow APA style. Your reference list is not included in the word count

(although in-text citations are)

And finally, some hints and tips for timed assessments…

1. Answer the question rather than ‘dumping’ lecture content.

2. Ensure you adopt a coherent narrative that focuses upon specific conclusions, where

the conclusions provide the best answer to the question that you can.

3. Make sure your answer makes use of theory and evidence to support your claims.

4. In framing your narrative, remember that higher marks will be awarded for a more

critical approach than to a passive descriptive approach.

5. We expect a proper narrative in the answers. Thus, we discourage the use of bullet

points and other techniques to circumvent word limit constraints.

6. We will permit a maximum of THREE images per answer if this supports the narrative.

Images should be referenced appropriately and contain a Figure caption. Please note

that images are most useful when they support exposition about a complex set of

relationships between variables (e.g., connections between brain regions).

7. If students present a Table, it must support the narrative rather than replace it.

Information in Tables should not be less that 10-point font and should contain a Table


8. Do not exceed the permitted word count!