Psych of Gender Discussion Forum #2


In Discussion Forum 2, post your response to the following discussion question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the Course Calendar.

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After reading the required articles and watching the required video, describe the ways in which social stereotypes and expectations affect gender identity development. With intersectionality in mind, consider how stereotypes about other identities (e.g., race/ethnicity, religion) might influence gendered identity and expression (e.g., woman of color; transgender Muslim). Do you feel that stereotypes might affect perception of others’ behaviors, communication style, and emotional expression? If you feel comfortable, share whether the research findings apply to your own gender identity development. [MO 2.2, MO 2.5]

Textbook Readings
Module 3 and Module 4 in McRaney, Bridley, and Daffin, Psychology of Gender
Required Materials
Open Source Psychometrics Project. (2019, April 30). Open sex-role inventory.
National Council on Family Relations. (2021, April 26). Critical benefits of familial and community support for transgender youth.
Parker, K., Horowitz, J. M., & Stapler, R. (2017, December 5). On gender differences, no consensus on nature vs. nurture. Pew Research Center.
TEDx Talks. (2013, May 3). Understanding the complexities of gender | Sam Killermann [Video]. YouTube.
BBC Stories. (2017, August 16). Girl toys vs. boy toys: The experiment [Video]. YouTube.
Koenig A. M. (2018). Comparing prescriptive and descriptive gender stereotypes about children, adults, and the elderly. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1086.
Ravanera, C. (n.d.). Parents’ gender roles predict children’s aspirations and beliefs. Gender and the Economy.

Here are the Two Classmates responses that need replies:

Response #1 Anthony

Social stereotypes and expectations significantly impact gender identity development, and considering intersectionality is crucial for understanding how multiple identities intersect and influence one another. Stereotypes related to race/ethnicity, religion, and other aspects can further shape gendered identity and expression. For example, a woman of color or a transgender individual who is also a practicing Muslim may encounter a complex interplay of stereotypes. The expectations associated with their gender, race, ethnicity, and religious identity can converge, creating unique challenges and influencing how they perceive themselves and are perceived by others.

In the context of the military, stereotypes about gender roles can be particularly pronounced. Women in the military often face stereotypes that question their competence, strength, and leadership abilities. Despite progress, few women are still in leadership positions within the military. Stereotypes may contribute to the perpetuation of gender disparities, impacting the perception of women’s capabilities in this field. Stereotypes might affect not only their career advancement but also how their behaviors, communication styles, and emotional expressions are interpreted. Women may be unfairly judged or subjected to biased expectations based on societal stereotypes about gender roles, particularly within traditionally male-dominated environments.

Regarding my personal reflection, it’s essential to acknowledge that being a white male in this country comes with certain societal advantages. In my gender identity development, I recognize the privilege that comes with this identity. I am mindful of the need to continually educate myself on the experiences of individuals from diverse backgrounds and be aware of how societal expectations may influence my perceptions and interactions. Understanding these dynamics is essential for fostering empathy and dismantling stereotypes perpetuating inequality.

Response #2 Catherine

Social stereotypes and expectations impact gender identity and development in various ways. These stereotypes and expectations can damper someone’s reveal or feeling of their identity. Sometimes someone who feels that they do not fit in their body will take years to come to this conclusion because of oppressive stereotypes and expectations. Expectations more than stereotypes contribute to people hiding their true identity. People will hide their sexuality if they are gay or lesbian because they fear for their safety, and their lives. There is so much hatred in this world, in other countries being gay is punishable by death. This oppression can contribute to how fast someone realizes their identity, and how fast they accept it. The stereotypes of race or ethnicity can damper gender identity and expression as well. Minorities are already oppressed and experience stereotypes based on their race or ethnicity. To add another identity that will have them experiencing more stereotyping and prejudice is not something they prefer. For example, an African American gay man. This man will experience endless hatred, discrimination and prejudice in his life, for each identity he has. Stereotypes definitely impact others behaviors, communication style and emotional expression. The stereotype that men are supposed to be strong and manly, can result in the man refusing to express his emotions maturely, and never crying. Many stereotypes are oppressive. They damper peoples ability to be comfortable in expressing their emotions, communicating things and behaving certain ways. Personally, I hide my sexual identity from many people in my life. My uncle is ‘great’ with stereotypes and often makes comments about others based on them. He would probably say that I am weak or rainbows and unicorns if I expressed my sexual identity.