PSY-362 Week 5 Online Dating Profile


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Instructions: Please complete the dating profile below. You may use yourself, a friend, a family
member, or any character of your choice, as long as you have enough information to
substantially complete the profile. Please answer the questions as the person in the profile. Insert
a picture of yourself, friend, family member, any character of your choosing, or insert a fictious
Online Dating Profile
Education level:
Political views:
City and state:
What I’m most passionate about:
Describe some things about yourself. What are you passionate about? What is important you?
What drives or motivates you?
Activities I enjoy:
Use this section to describe hobbies, interests, likes/dislikes.
Physical description:
Describe physical appearance in such a way as to attract the most interest. Focus on the
physical aspects you like best about yourself.
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My friends describe me as:
This section allows you to paint yourself in a more objective light. How might family members or
friends describe you?
The most important things I’m looking for in a person:
Describe what you desire most in a romantic partner. Is it shared interests, a physically
attractive and compatible mate, a mate with resources to provide for a family, someone to share
responsibility with, someone to have fun with?
Ideal physical qualities of a potential partner:
Use this section to describe the physical qualities that a potential partner might possess that
would attract you or your hypothetical person.
Deal breakers:
What would prevent you from pursuing a relationship with someone?
Post Profile Wrap-up
In 200-350 words for each of the following questions, explain the following:
1. Describe the social psychological theories of attraction you see reflected in online dating
profiles like this one. HINT: Revisit the major theories of attraction, such as social
exchange, evolutionary theory, etc. Other attraction concepts (e.g., similarity, proximity)
do not belong in this section).
2. Describe at least three concepts related to mating and attraction that are used in online
dating profiles. HINT: Revisit the attraction concepts from this chapter. Similarity,
reciprocity, proximity, similarity, physical attractiveness, etc. belong in this section.
3. Reflect on if you consider or did not consider the importance of faith and religiosity when
completing this profile. Discuss what the research day about religiosity and compatibility.
You must include scholarly resources in your response. HINT: Be sure to discuss how
your profile (must haves, deal breakers, what you desire in a partner) mirror concepts in
the textbook reading for this topic.
4. Reflect on the choices you made in completing this profile. Why did you make the
choices you did? Connect your profile back to the social psychological concepts related
to mating and attraction.
Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations and list them below in APA
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