PSY 311


Feedback for Milestone 2
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Hi Hadrian,

First- this is all hypothetical. You are not doing this. This is about understanding the scientific method and learning how we come up with a question, hypothesis, a method to test it that is both effective (reliable and valid), and ethical.

Nope- Experimental method must have 3 things:

Random assignment.
Intervention (experimental group)
control group.

You cannot do an experiment here like I explained last night because we cannot take 1000 pregnant women and randomly assign 500 to cocaine during the pregnancy and the other half not.

We can do a correlation.

No need for qualitative approach. You do not need to interview anyone.

The experiment study will compare the cognitive assessment of the participants and the confidential parent surveys.

How are you going to test the kids as you said in the first paper and also do urine tests on the parent?

3 preschools in Miami Dade County. 3 year olds. First, you get the consent of parents of the child to do the study. With the consent, you also give them a survey below.

Cognitive test (use the one mentioned below).

Provide their parents with a survey.

The survey is anonymous. You will assign each child a code number. The survey will have a space for that code. You can then ask the parent anonymously all the questions-

Every question can be done online and no need for you ever to see the parent. When we provide anonymity, people are honest.

Age when they gave birth
How many weeks were you when you gave birth?
Was it a vaginal birth or c-section?
Did the baby spend time in the NICU?
Did you use substances during your pregnancy?
Please check all substances used during pregnancy.
Does your child have any diagnosed congenital issues?

Does that make sense?

Milestone Activity 2

What do I want you to do?

For your second milestone activity, you are going to propose which research approach you would use and the rationale for using it. Specifically, I want to know what you’re measuring, how you’re planning to measure it, and whether you’re taking an experimental or nonexperimental approach to answering your question. Part of this will involve why you made the choices you did and how this (in your view) is the most appropriate way to answer your research question.

Why do I want you to do it?

By carefully considering the possible options that are available to you to answer a research question, you can demonstrate the knowledge that you’ve learned about research approaches as well as exhibit critical thinking skills that go into determining which approach works best for your question. Having a clear plan for how you would go about answering your research question will be essential in your construction of a methods section of your research proposal that makes up your final assessment in this course.

How do I want you to do it?
In 4-7 double-spaced typed pages (12 point font, one inch margins), I’d like you to provide how you would plan to answer your research question and the rationale for the choices that you made.
What to include in your submission

Your assignment submission should include:

A word, google doc or pdf file.

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Psy 311: Milestone 2
Hadrian Rodriguez
PSY 311
Professor’s name: Elizabeth Reyes-Fournier
Date: 11/09/2023
PSY 311: Milestone 2
The research approach to be used
For this study, the experimental research approach is to be used. The experimental
approach to be used involves the use of both quantitative and qualitative research approach. In
quantitative method, there will be collection numerical data which is to use for describing,
understanding, explaining, predicting and controlling the phenomena of interest. Qualitative
method, on the other hand, will involve the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the visual
data, and comprehensive narrative. The experimental will allow relationship to be built between
different cultures, geographic places and classes of children, adults and teenagers of different
ages in respect to the Childhood Medical and Behavioral Consequences of Maternal Cocaine Use.
What is measured
The experiment is to measure how the people get affected with the use of prenatal
cocaine from parents of different class, cultures, and geographical location.
How it is to Measured
The experiment will start with the screening of the respondents of the study to determine
or verify the use of cocaine. This will be assessed by determining the level of Cocaine in urine
and in the blood sample. Therefore, it will be possible to experimentally to determine if the
respondents from different class, cultures, and geographical location have used cocaine during
the prenatal period. The respondents who were not exposed to cocaine during the prenatal period
are to be used for control experiment. The control experiment is expected to be from different
class, cultures, and geographical location.
Those who have been exposed to cocaine during the prenatal period. During the
experiment, the test method used in the experiment for all respondents will be the same,
regardless of the age, culture or location. The test will determine the effect of cocaine on their
abilities and brain functionality since the brain functionally affect the behavior of a person. This
is the most appropriate method since it allows to determine how cocaine affect the use of
behavior of people in different people and differentiate it with how the nature and nurture affect
the behavior of people from different class, cultures, and geographical location.
The use of cocaine by the mother during pregnancy is likely to have impact on the health
of the child in various ways. Since the maternal cocaine during the prenatal period can directly
damage the developing the central nervous system of the fetus and this result in the negative
effect of the behaviors, and learning of new behaviors.
Nevertheless, the behavior of the child can also be affected by other factors such as class,
cultures, and geographical location. Therefore, these experiments will determine how the
behaviors of the child get affected with the use of prenatal cocaine from parents of different
class, cultures, and geographical location.
Options Available
The other people which can be used in this case is to determine the individuals exposed to
cocaine during pregnancy according to the socioeconomic status. In this case, the experiment can
be done to determine how difference in the behavior with reference to the socioeconomic status
and exposure to cocaine. The socioeconomic status is a tool predictor for determining the
personality and behavior, furthermore, the exposure to cocaine during the prenatal period is also
likely to affect the behavior of the child. According to Deckers, Falk, Kosse, & SchildbergHörisch (2015), children from higher socioeconomic status are likely to be better behaved by
being more altruistic, score high IQ test, and less likely to be risk seeking.
Secondly, the experiment can be done to determine how difference in the behavior with
reference to the culture and exposure to cocaine. The type of culture can collective or
individually which a child is born can influence how a person behaves. The children growing up
in a tight culture in which rules are enforced are likely to be well behaved and will not support
individualistic behavior (Matsumoto, 2007). On the other hand, a person raised in a loose culture
may have more latitude in the way they behave as well as what they believe to be true without
considering the effect of their behavior to others. This can be done with comparison to those who
have been exposed to cocaine during the prenatal stage of development.
The third option is that the experiment can be done to determine how difference in the
behavior with reference to the geographical location and exposure to cocaine. Different
geographic locations have unique political, climate, social and economic features and these are
likely to mold the behavior of a person. There are notable differences in the distribution of the
traits which include the extraversion, openness, neuroticism, agreeableness, and
conscientiousness. These behaviors are also affected with the exposure to cocaine use during the
cocaine use.
The data received from the experiment will be cleaned to ensure that there are no outliers,
duplicate records and other errors that might exist in the data presented. The data will then be
analyzed by use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The analysis will assist in
interpreting and understanding that data, hence it will be possible to measure how the people get
affected with the use of prenatal cocaine from parents of different class, cultures, and
geographical location.
Them method to be used in this case is descriptive data analysis, and this will help in
summarizing and describing the dataset and with this, it will be possible to determine the
overview of the data, hence it will be possible to consider the conclusion based on trends and
Deckers, T., Falk, A., Kosse, F., & Schildberg-Hörisch, H. (2015). How does socio-economic
status shape a child’s personality? SSRN Electronic
Matsumoto, D. (2007). Culture, context, and behavior. Journal of personality, 75(6), 1285-1320.
Singer, L., Farkas, K., & Kliegman, R. (1992). Childhood medical and behavioral consequences
of maternal cocaine use. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 17(4), 389-406.

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