PSY 311


Milestone Activity 3Now that you’ve developed a research question as well as the methods by which you would answer the question, it is now time to turn your attention to how you would analyze data that would be collected in the process. In 1-3 pages (double-spaced, 12 point font, one inch margins), indicate what your variables of interest are, the type of scale of measurement the data represent, how you will make use of descriptive statistics, and what inferential approaches would be most appropriate for your data. When considering the inferential statistics that would be most appropriate make sure to identify your research (or alternative) hypotheses as well as the null hypothesis that would be tested for each analysis. For the purposes of this activity, you’re not actually doing any analyses, you are just making it clear what analyses would be done if you had actually collected data and what you’d expect to find if the null hypothesis was rejected.Having a clear sense of what statistical analyses are most appropriate and interpretation of possible outcomes is paramount to any successful research proposal, and laying out your expectations provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you have synthesized how the data generated from a given research approach is best analyzed. Once complete, please upload a word compatible file or pdf to Brightspace.

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