PSY 150 Unit 2 DB


esearch meditation in your a country that you pick and answer the following questions based on the information found.

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PSY 150 Unit 2 DB
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1. Is meditation a common practice in your assigned country?
a. If so, discuss how it affects peoples’ daily lives and interactions (i.e., is it tied to religion, self-care, work-based programs/incentives etc.).

b. If not, find a similar practice found in that country (i.e., “quiet hours,” reflection, designated rest days, etc.)? Describe this practice.

2. Refer to the textbook section on meditation starting on p. 221- what would you say the overall purpose or goal is for the type(s) of meditation you found in your country? (Note, the textbook pages and the e-book pages do not line up. While in the e-book, the actual page numbers will be indicated on the right hand on the screen within the text of the chapters)

Response Post (due Sunday, January 21 by 11:59 PM):

For your response post, reply to a classmate’s initial post whose research on their assigned country was similar to your own research, OR select a classmate whose research on their assigned country was different from your own research, and answer the following questions

If you selected a similar country, reply to that classmate and answer the following questions:

What similarities do you notice between the two countries? Describe them.
Why do you think these two specific countries are similar in this way?
Note – do *not* just state that these countries are similar cultures. Explain what about these two cultures might explain these similarities
Relaxation exercise – Try relaxing for at least 15 minutes.
You may follow these guidelines on Progressive Relaxation (opens in a new window). You can also use this 4 minute video if you find it easier to start with: Calm Challenge (opens in a new window).
Discuss your experience- how did you feel during the relaxation time and afterward? What was easy with the process? What did you struggle with? Was this experience helpful?


If you selected a different country, reply to that classmate and answer the following questions:

What differences do you notice between the two countries? Describe them.
Why do you think these two specific countries are different in this way?
Note – do *not* just state that these countries are different cultures. Explain what about these two different cultures might explain these differences
Relaxation exercise – Try relaxing for at least 15 minutes.
You may follow these guidelines on Progressive Relaxation (opens in a new window). You can also use this 4 minute video if you find it easier to start with: Calm Challenge (opens in a new window).
Discuss your experience- how did you feel during the relaxation time and afterward? What was easy with the process? What did you struggle with? Was this experience helpful?