Provide a cultural service to international travellers, catered by the discriminated


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Provide a cultural service to international travellers, catered by the discriminated
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For the strategy section, there needs to be a SWOT and PESTLE section, the mission/values need to be established, the timeframes of the business plan, what we expect from the reader… etc.for the strategy section, there needs to be a SWOT and PESTLE section, the mission/values need to be established, the timeframes of the business plan, what we expect from the reader… etc. No ChatGPT please thank you for the references in APA style.

Group Idea- Provide a cultural service to international travellers, catered bythe discriminated e.g., the Elderly, disabled and people with learning difficulties. While alsohelpingthe employees and businesses that provide the cultural experiences with English Language lessons.

The campaign goal is to create/increase awareness of our services so that more businesses work with us and more foreigners take up activities with us, so more income is coming into the company.

Our business intends to improve the lives of the locals within Kyushu by providing jobs for those who have difficulty in the current jobs market, while also improving the local business on the island with English language lessons.

This is because there is only a legal requirement for organisations with more than 300 employees to have 2.5% of their labour to be disabled. (Lang 2023) However, in local and cultural businesses this cannot established as they do not have the workload to meet the requirements. In addition, teaching the English Language to the businesses and participants of our business will increase their chances of other career opportunities across Japan and the world, as they can reach a larger range of people. (Workforce Essentials 2023)We will use KPIs that match our company’s objectives to determine if our strategy has been successful. The main one will be the number of companies signed up for our cultural services. Over time, the trend in this metric will show us if our marketing is effective and how valuable we are to businesses.

Another significant performance indicator is the growth of foreign participants on our platform. From this measure, we can judge if we successfully raised awareness and attracted a more diversified audience (Malik & Paswan, 2023). Additionally, monitoring participant feedback and satisfaction scores will offer valuable insights into the impact of our cultural services on the discriminated groups we aim to support.

From an employee perspective, we will evaluate the success of our English language training programs by determining how much language proficiency improves among trainees. With regular evaluations and feedback sessions, it will be possible for us to create training that meets the specific requirements of businesses and individuals involved.

Regarding the impact on a broader community level, we shall keep track of the number of jobs placed through the initiative and subsequent improvements in economic well-being amongst those discriminated against. Working with local authorities for data on employment rates and community development further enhances the authenticity of the impact of social business plans.


Our business plan has two main purposes: first, to offer job opportunities to locals struggling in Kyushu due to current job market trends; second, to strengthen local island-based enterprises by teaching them English. According to Lang (2023), there is a legal requirement for organizations employing over 300 individuals to allocate 2.5% of their workforce to individuals with disabilities. However, this challenges indigenous and cultural companies because they cannot meet the required workload. Our project seeks, therefore, not only to give jobs but also to teach English skills for doing business in both cases. By enhancing their immediate prospects and broadening their future career paths across Japan.

In creating our strategy, we will implement a multi-faceted approach. We will start by carrying out targeted marketing campaigns to sensitize businesses and potential participants. This will involve using digital platforms like websites, social media platforms, and traditional advertising channels, among others, to reach a wider audience too (Supriadi, 2022). Various partners will collaborate with local tourism boards to expand our customer base and increase our legitimacy.

For our cultural services, we will develop packages specifically displaying our inclusivity towards other firms. For instance, this marketing style focuses on the elderly, those with cognitive impairments and learning difficulties. We are also keen on developing comprehensive English language training programs that would enable one to communicate effectively with an international audience that is diverse enough.

To achieve a positive image for the brand, which covers everything, it matters that we start by targeting foreign customers by including all the cultural aspects we have, especially when working together to enhance their understanding of our culture. These can be achieved by publishing testimonies from marginalized communities who have benefited from their association with us. We will also reach out to travel influencers and bloggers who can write about their experiences and promote us to a wider audience.

A significant aspect of our strategy is establishing partnerships with local schools and community centers to identify potential employees facing job market hardships. This matches our goal of giving jobs to stigmatized persons and helps bond with the community in which we operate. Additionally, we will work with English language training providers to improve the quality of our staff.

Purpose of Business Plan

Our business intends to improve the lives of the locals within Kyushu by providing jobs for those who have difficulty in the current jobs market, while also improving the local business on the island with English language lessons.

This is because there is only a legal requirement for organisations with more than 300 employees to have 2.5% of their labour to be disabled. (Lang 2023) However, in local and cultural businesses this cannot established as they do not have the workload to meet the requirements. In addition, teaching the English Language to the businesses and participants of our business will increase their chances of other career opportunities across Japan and the world, as they can reach a larger range of people. (Workforce Essentials 2023)

For the strategy section, there needs to be a SWOT and PESTLE section, the mission/values need to be established, the timeframes of the business plan, what we expect from the reader… etc.for the strategy section, there needs to be a SWOT and PESTLE section, the mission/values need to be established, the timeframes of the business plan, what we expect from the reader… etc.