propsal strategy


Propose a strategy using digital advertising, rather than traditional print or broadcast ads. Consider this strategy for a small shoe business targeting 18- to 24-year-olds, as an example, or an organization of your choice for which you identify a specific targeted age range. Your organization of choice can be the same organization that you opt to focus on in your final assessment for this course.

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propsal strategy
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Write a 3- to 4-page preliminary proposal that suggests a course of action for the organization. The proposal can be formatted as an outline to potentially scaffold a future action. The proposal should include:

The importance of using digital advertising technologies versus traditional media in the organization.
A description of applicable current uses of digital AdTech of specific benefit to the campaign.
Provide an established correlation between using certain innovative AdTech methods with connecting to techno-savvy consumers.
Style: Your paper should be presented in narrative form, using complete sentences and paragraphs.
Length: Your paper should be approximately 3-4 pages in length. Points will be deducted for papers that exceed the specified length (see rubric below for more details).
APA Formatting

The company I chose is NIKE

here are the references if needed:

Deshpande, I. (2021, March 16). What is advertising technology (Adtech)? Definition, ecosystem, programmatic, & trendsLinks to an external site.. Spiceworks.…

Benady, D. (2014, September 29). How technology is changing marketingLinks to an external site.. The Guardian.…

Morrison, S. (2023, April 13). How technology is changing online advertisingLinks to an external site..…

I have also attached the rubric and slides from lecture. I need at least an 80 to pass. PLEASE NO PLAGERISM!

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Ratings (Point Range)
Support & References
Completeness & Clarity
Format & Editing
Ideas are supported with evidence Some ideas lack support to explain Ideas lack support; references are
using examples and/or references. reasoning.
5 points
3 points
0 points
The topic is clearly described with
sufficient details in all areas.
Some areas lack detail or are not
covered in the paper.
The submission does not cover the
assignment prompts. Lack of clarity
and details.
3 points
1 points
Formatting is appropriate and
writing is free of grammar and
spelling errors.
Formatting is confusing and writing Formatting is unorganized and
contains writing and grammar
writing is unfocused and contains
many grammar errors.
2 points
1 points
0 points
10 points
0 points

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