

I upload a file with all the instructions you need to follow. The highlighted question is the topic for this project. Please do it in APA format. If you have any questions please send a message and I’ll answer it. Make it in simple ESL language, we are not native English speaker. For the VOPP, please write note for 6 students, each has to talk for 2 to 3 minutes.

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Final Group Project Guidelines
Purpose: for students to apply their knowledge and synthesize solutions for various problems pertinent to health information systems and their
application. For the following topic:

What are Electronic Health Records (EHRs)? What are the benefits/downfalls to EHRs. What are the legal and ethical issues related to EHR’s? What are
solutions to these downfalls?
Student Learning Outcomes
1) Identify terminology, concepts, technology, and systems in the context of informatics (BSN Essential IV).
2) Evaluate technical and scientific health information appropriate for various user’s needs including patients and their caregivers (BSN Essential IV).
3) Evaluate ethical and legal issue within health systems relating to the use of information technology, communication networks, and patient care technology
(BSN Essential IV, VIII).
4) Examine the ethical implications of global healthcare informatics (BSN Essential I, IV, VIII, IX).
Create a 10–15-minute Voice-Over PowerPoint (VOPP) including the following: (for this part, done the typed note under the slide, and I will record in the
• 5 members per group
• Each member must contribute equally to the project and each member must narrate the VOPP.
• Utilize APA format.
• Utilize scholarly articles (within the last 5 years) to complete your research on the selected topic.
VOPP is not limited to but should contain the following:
• Title slide
• What is the concept? What are its uses?
• Provide a visual in a form of a picture, schema, diagram, and so forth.
• Background and history
• Current uses in general, data, numbers
• Current uses in healthcare in the United States, data, numbers
• International uses
• Future uses in healthcare; expand the concept to 5 years from today.
Final Group Project Rubric
Excellent Work
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Acceptable
15 Points
-Follows all requirements for the
-Conveys well-rounded knowledge of
the topic.
-Excels in fully presenting what is
known about the topic.
12.5 Points
-Follows all requirements for the
-Major points of topic are mostly
covered in the required assignment
8 Points
-Knowledge of topic is partially
-Key information is missing from
2 or more assignment areas.
4 Points
-Knowledge of topic is general
and does not cover all the
required assignment areas.
Design and
Flow of
12 Points
9 Points
-Information flows in logical and
-Information flows in logical, and
interesting sequence.
interesting sequence.
-Easy to read, follow, and understand. -Easy to read, follow, and understand
-Presentation design and delivery is through most of presentation.
creative using multiple features.
-Design follows a standard
-Captures audience attention.
-Each member participates in
– Each member participates in
6 Points
-Organization, sequence, and
flow of presentation are difficult
to follow at times.
-Information is difficult to read
or understand on some of the
slides/speaker notes.
-Design follows a standard
-Narration is difficult to hear or
is not done by all members.
3 Points
-Presentation is not well
-Information difficult to read,
understand, and follow
throughout most of
-Narration is difficult to hear
and is not done by all
members of the group.
11 Points
-Concisely explains the topic.
– Consistently analyzes information,
offers insight, and draws conclusions.
-Excels in presentation of ideas.
-Scholarly work.
5.5 Points
3 Points
-Major aspects of the topic are
-Information is basic.
presented, but presentation lacks -Major aspects of the topic are
insight and analysis.
missing or inadequate.
-Lacks insight, analysis, and
8.5 Points
-Explains the topic.
-Presents information about the topic.
-Some analysis, insight, and
conclusions offered.
-Scholarly work.
Total Points
Excellent Work
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Acceptable
4 Points
-An occasional error may occur, but
writing, grammar, spelling,
transitions, readability, and sentence
structure are essentially error free.
3 Points
-Some minor errors (1-3 errors) may
occur with spelling, grammar,
transitions, and sentence structure but
are not consistent throughout the
-Errors do not interfere with the
readability or comprehension of
1.5 Points
-Frequent errors (4-5 errors)
occur with spelling, grammar,
transitions, sentence structure,
and readability throughout the
0.5 Points
-Numerous errors (>6 errors)
occur with spelling, grammar,
transitions, and sentence
structure, throughout the
presentation, which make it
very difficult to read and
understand the information
4 Points
-Information gathered from a variety
of nursing journals and professional
nursing and/or medical websites.
– Includes a minimum of 10 current
references within the last 5 years.
3 Points
-Information gathered
from a variety of relevant
-Includes a minimum of 8 current
references within the last 5 years.
1.5 Points
-Information gathered from a
variety of relevant sources.
-Provides at least 6 references.
-References are greater than 5
years old.
0.5 Points
-Not all references are
appropriate; not from
scholarly sources.
-Fewer than 4 references
APA Format
4 Points
3 Points
-An occasional error may occur, but -Some minor errors (1-3 errors) may
the presentation is essentially error occur with APA format but errors are
free, following APA format in the body not consistent throughout the
of the presentation and references.
1.5 Points
-Frequent errors (4-5 errors)
occur with APA format
throughout the presentation.
0.5 Points
-Numerous errors (>6 errors)
occur with APA format
consistently throughout the
Total Points

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