Project report about AI in network management


The project pages is from 10–20, but I want 15-20 not less than 15 pages including the IEEE citation page

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Project report about AI in network management
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Project Presentation: (10 points)
• Relevance, informativeness and depth (2.5 points): The project should focus on (ideas,
methodologies, designs, approaches, or tools for) network management and/or
measurements. The presentation should convey new information, knowledge, ideas, or
thoughts pertinent to network management that were not (fully) covered in the lectures.
The presentation should also demonstrate the group’s coherent and (somewhat) in-depth
understanding of the topic instead of a stack of information from various sources.
• Structure and clarity (2.5 points): The presentation should be properly organized into
several sections. Presenters should clearly describe the investigated topic (e.g., highlight
the network scenario, network management challenges, main idea of the introduced
technology or main features of the surveyed management tools, pros and cons, etc.) In the
end, you should clearly summarize what you have learned from the project.
• Presentation quality and style (2 points): The presentation should be (mostly) smooth
and engaging. Note that reading from the monitor or notes is strongly discouraged,
considering each presenter only needs to talk for 3 to 4 minutes. You are allowed to bring
notes just in case but reading from them for a large part of your presentation can reduce
your individual presentation grade. If you require notes due to accommodations registered
with Ventus, please let me know.
• Presentation time length (1 point): The scheduled time for every group is 18 minutes for
presentation (per group) and 2 minutes for questions (per group). Please practice
beforehand to avoid using too much or too little time. A presentation will be stopped when
exceeding 18 minutes.
• Q&A performance (2 point): Presenters are expected to answer one or two questions
related to your presentation.
Project Report: (5 points)
• Structure (0.5 points): The report should be properly divided into several sections
including abstract, introduction or background, one or more main sections, conclusion,
reference, etc. Note that you do not need to use these exact section titles – just make sure
your report is properly organized.
• Relevance, informativeness and depth (1.5 point): The topic and content should be
relevant to network management. The report should convey new information, knowledge,
ideas, or thoughts pertinent to network management that were not (fully) covered in the
lectures. It should also demonstrate some in-depth understanding instead of simple stacking
• Writing quality (1.5 point): The report should be logically smooth and easy to follow.
• Report length (1 point): The report should be between 10 to 20 pages long (with font size
12 or smaller, single column, double space) from abstract to conclusion. See page 9 of the
posted “Project Information” slides for details.
• Proper references (0.5 points): The report should use references properly (IEEE style)
when citing content from papers, websites, etc. References should be cited in the text as
well instead of just being listed at the end of the report. For IEEE style reference, see:
NET3006 – Project Proposal
Group : Anes Rima, Mohammed Alnajeh, Omar Aly, Khalid Bashier, Omar Abdulrahman
Topic: AI in Network Management : AI for network performance optimization
The integration of Artificial Intelligence in network management represents a new
approach to automating complex processes, creating better performance, and addressing
issues within network management (in order to improve network performance). When networks
grow we can start using AI as we will face the known issues with the performance of scaled
networks. That being said, AI-driven network management uses machine learning algorithms,
data analytics, and automation to optimize network operations, performance, and efficiency.
● Educate the students about the benefits of AI in a scalable network and the importance
of AI in optimizing its performance.
● Discuss the challenges involved in implementing AI into already existing network
infrastructures as they have existing configurations such as: physical configurations,
logical, and administrative constraints which could prove as a challenge
● Highlight examples where AI has been successfully implemented in network
management to improve performance optimization
Complex Subject : Simplifying complex AI and network management concepts without
removing too much technical information as AI & network management is a very broad
and detailed field
Data Privacy and Security Concerns: Addressing the ethical and security implications
of using AI in network management, including data privacy issues and the potential for AI
systems to be exploited or to malfunction.
Evidence and Case Studies: Gathering relevant & up-to-date examples that effectively
portray successful application of AI in network management.
Steps, Timeline, & Task Divisions:
Steps: Research AI and use class notes in order to get a quick overview on how to start
the project, from there each member will be given tasks and will be completed with the
class due dates
Task Divisions: All tasks will be evenly split between group members to promote group
work and sharing of ideas
Timeline: Research: Present day to March 15th, Presentation: March 15th – April 1st,
Report : April 2nd – 10th

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