project portofolio


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Medical and Dental History
The patient chosen for non-surgical periodontal therapy was a 36-year-old Hispanic
female, who had never been to the dental department. Her medical history showed that she takes
Atorvastatin to reduce cholesterol, Lisinopril for hypertension, and Fenofibrate as an adjunct to
therapy to also reduce his cholesterol. She was also diagnosed with hypertension and high
cholesterol in 2020. Her blood pressure was taken at each appointment to ensure that it was not
elevated. The first reading was 128/80, the second reading was 130/80, his third reading was
124/80, the fourth reading was 120/82, and his last reading was 124/82. Although the pressure
was steadily elevated in every appointment, it was still within the range that did not require a
medical clearance for treatment.
Oral Examination
The patient was classified as a Stage II. The patient’s extraoral exam revealed that her
TMJ and neck were within normal limits and that his lips were chapped and dry. In her intraoral
exam, it was noted that she had a coated tongue and prominent papillae. This was due to the
patient not brushing her tongue, allowing bacteria to build up. It made her the perfect patient to
demonstrate the tongue cleaner to. The patient presented with a Mallampati of 4, a class II
occlusion on the right and tendency to class III occlusion on the left, midline asymmetry,
moderate overbite, and attrition. Extrinsic stains were noted throughout the whole mouth,
especially on the lingual aspect. For the gingival description, the patient had generalized
edematous, and marginal redness.
Plaque Indices Score(s)
The data gathered from the plaque index was of great use to determine the effectiveness of the
patient’s home care. The patient was seen multiple times during the course of this assessment and
received a total of two plaque indices. The first one was 35 %, and at her second visit, the score
decreased to 26%. Considering that the patient was instructed not to floss for 21 days in the areas
where antibiotics were placed (Arestin and Atridox) in the mandible and maxilla, these PLI
scores were very impressive.
Full Mouth Probe/Periodontal Charting
Moving forward, the patient’s periodontal examination consisted of a full mouth probe. It showed
that she had generalized 3–4-millimeter pockets and localized 5–6-millimeter depths. The dental
charting was recorded to get an overall picture of the patient’s dentition.
Dental Charting
The patient presented was diagnosed with three cavities two on the posterior and one in the
anterior. The patient never had a cavity before.
After his radiographs were evaluated by the clinic’s supervising dentist, it was perceived that she
had 15%-33% bone loss on six sextants. This placed her at a periodontal status classification of
Stage II
Reason for Selecting Patient
The reason this patient was selected to receive non-surgical periodontal therapy was that
she had generalized gingival edema, and marginal redness. There was moderate supragingival
calculus with light supragingival staining and moderate supragingival and subgingival plaque
present. She also presented with moderate subgingival calculus and light plaque. Her probe
readings were generalized 3-4 mm pockets with localized 5-6 mm pockets. The risk factors that
the patient presented with the dental hygiene diagnosis were what made her a perfect candidate
to receive this therapy.
Competent (4 pts)
Advanced Beginner (3 pts)
Beginner (2 pts)
Novice (1 pt.)
Assessment: Hx
Condition #1
Consistent in using evidence-based
resources to review biomedical,
and medical conditions and
determine the need to obtain
consults with other health care
providers. Explores dental
considerations (oral systemic link)
associated with medical conditions
Demonstrates ability to use
Is not thorough in using reliable
primarily evidence-based resources evidence to review medical
to review biomedical, and medical conditions. Recognizes the need to
conditions and obtains consults
obtain consults with other health
with other health care providers as providers but does not include
needed. May not thoroughly
pertinent information in the consult
explore dental considerations (oral letter.
systemic link) associated with
medical conditions and/or
Fails to use credible evidence
to review medical conditions.
Fails to recognize when
consults or referrals are
needed with other health
care providers.
Assessment: Hx
Consistent in using evidence-based
resources to review biomedical,
and medical conditions and
determine the need to obtain
consults with other health care
providers. Explores dental
considerations (oral systemic link)
associated with medical conditions
Demonstrates ability to use
Is not thorough in using reliable
primarily evidence-based resources evidence to review medical
to review biomedical, and medical conditions. Recognizes the need to
conditions and obtains consults
obtain consults with other health
with other health care providers as providers but does not include
needed. May not thoroughly
pertinent information in the consult
explore dental considerations (oral letter.
systemic link) associated with
medical conditions and/or
Fails to use credible evidence
to review medical conditions.
Fails to recognize when
consults or referrals are
needed with other health
care providers.
Assessment: Hx
Consistent in using evidence-based
resources to review biomedical,
and medical conditions and
determine the need to obtain
consults with other health care
providers. Explores dental
considerations (oral systemic link)
associated with medical conditions
Demonstrates ability to use
Is not thorough in using reliable
primarily evidence-based resources evidence to review medical
to review biomedical, and medical conditions. Recognizes the need to
conditions and obtains consults
obtain consults with other health
with other health care providers as providers but does not include
needed. May not thoroughly
pertinent information in the consult
explore dental considerations (oral letter.
systemic link) associated with
medical conditions and/or
Fails to use credible evidence
to review medical conditions.
Fails to recognize when
consults or referrals are
needed with other health
care providers.
Consistently utilizes high-quality
evidence-based resources to
Review #1_____ identify drug classification, the
In most cases utilizes high-quality
evidence-based resources to
identify drug classification, the
Occasionally utilizes high-quality
Does not utilize high-quality
evidence-based resources to identify evidence-based resources to
drug classification, the action of the identify drug classification,
the action of the drug, side
Competent (4 pts)
Advanced Beginner (3 pts)
Beginner (2 pts)
action of the drug, side effects, and action of the drug, side effects, and drug, side effects, and oral health
oral health implications.
oral health implications.
Novice (1 pt.)
effects, and oral health
Consistently utilizes high-quality
In most cases utilizes high-quality Occasionally utilizes high-quality
Does not utilize high-quality
evidence-based resources to
evidence-based resources to
evidence-based resources to identify evidence-based resources to
Review #2_____ identify drug classification, the
identify drug classification, the
drug classification, the action of the identify drug classification,
action of the drug, side effects, and action of the drug, side effects, and drug, side effects, and oral health
the action of the drug, side
oral health implications.
oral health implications.
effects, and oral health
Consistently utilizes high-quality
In most cases utilizes high-quality Occasionally utilizes high-quality
Does not utilize high-quality
evidence-based resources to
evidence-based resources to
evidence-based resources to identify evidence-based resources to
Review #3 _____ identify drug classification, the
identify drug classification, the
drug classification, the action of the identify drug classification,
action of the drug, side effects, and action of the drug, side effects, and drug, side effects, and oral health
the action of the drug, side
oral health implications.
oral health implications.
effects, and oral health
Caries Risk
Provides rationale for the choice of Chooses evidence-based
the evidence-based assessment
assessment tool, but no rationale
tool. Correctly identifies and
for selection. Correctly identifies
records all risk factors for oral
and records most risk factors for
disease with no errors based on the oral disease with one minor error.
risk assessment tool selected.
Identifies and records some risk
Fails to identify major risk
factors for oral disease but misses at factors for oral disease or
least 2 important risk factors.
evidence-based assessment
Difficulty choosing evidence-based tool.
assessment tool.
Perio Risk
Provides rationale for the choice of Chooses evidence-based
the evidence-based assessment
assessment tool, but no rationale
tool. Correctly identifies and
for selection. Correctly identifies
records all risk factors for oral
and records most risk factors for
disease with no errors based on the oral disease with one minor error.
risk assessment tool selected.
Identifies and records some risk
Fails to identify major risk
factors for oral disease but misses at factors for oral disease or
least 2 important risk factors.
evidence-based assessment
Difficulty choosing evidence-based tool.
assessment tool.
Assessment: Oral Provides rationale for the choice of
the assessment tool. Correctly
identifies and records all risk
factors for oral disease with no
errors based on the risk evidencebased assessment tool selected.
Chooses evidence-based
assessment tool, but no rationale
for selection. Correctly identifies
and records most risk factors for
oral disease with one minor error.
Identifies and records some risk
Fails to identify major risk
factors for oral disease but misses at factors for oral disease or
least 2 important risk factors.
evidence-based assessment
Difficulty choosing evidence-based tool.
assessment tool.
Competent (4 pts)
Advanced Beginner (3 pts)
Beginner (2 pts)
Novice (1 pt.)
Able to thoroughly complete
assessment, identify variations
from normal without error &
document findings. Must include
Able to thoroughly complete
assessment misses no more than 1
variation from normal which is not
significant, but documentation is
accurate. Must include images.
Able to thoroughly complete
assessment fails to identify multiple
variations from normal (none are
significant), documents with minor
errors. Must include images.
Problems with examination
technique and/or miss
significant findings with poor
Consistently uses ADA guidelines
Usually uses ADA guidelines for
for recommending radiographs,
recommending radiographs,
supports radiographic choice with supports radiographic choice &
rationale & takes a diagnostic set of takes a diagnostic set of
radiographs. Radiographic history is radiographs with minor placement
errors. Radiographic history is
Fails to use ADA guidelines for
Fails to use ADA guidelines
recommending radiographs, does
rationale not indicated &
not support radiographic choice but does not take radiographs
takes a diagnostic set of radiographs when indicated.
with minor placement errors.
Radiographic history is noted.
Consistently and accurately
documents caries, percentage &
type of alveolar bone loss in all
sextants/quadrants with no
significant errors.
Generally accurate in documenting
caries, percentage & type of
alveolar bone loss in all
sextants/quadrants with at least
one significant error not impacting
the final diagnosis.
Several errors in accurately
documenting caries, percentage &
type of alveolar bone loss in all
sextants/quadrants impacting
Consistently documenting
radiolucency, i.e., lesions,
furcations, etc. with no significant
Generally accurate in documenting Generally accurate in documenting Fails to document
radiolucency, i.e., lesions,
radiolucency, i.e., lesions, furcations, radiolucencies, i.e. lesions,
furcations, etc. with no more than 1 etc. with errors with significant
furcations significantly
error with minimal impact on
impact on diagnosis.
changing the diagnosis.
Identifies and records all probing
depths and gingival margins
accurately based on radiographs
and intraoral images. Records
bleeding points.
Identifies and records all probing
depths and gingival margins with
minor errors accurately based on
radiographs and intraoral images.
Records bleeding points
Correctly calculates CAL based on Correctly calculates CAL based on Fails to calculate CAL based on
correct PD and GM measurements correct PD and GM measurements correct PD and GM measurements.
with no errors >1mm.
with no more than 2 errors.
Identifies and records all probing
depths with minor errors. Fails to
record gingival margin
measurements accurately based on
radiographs and intraoral images.
Records bleeding points.
Fails to document caries,
percentage & type of
alveolar bone loss which
causes an inaccurate
Frequent errors in probing
depths and/or gingival
margin measurements are
accurately based on
radiographs and intraoral
images. Bleeding points were
not recorded.
Fails to calculate CAL.
Competent (4 pts)
Advanced Beginner (3 pts)
Beginner (2 pts)
Novice (1 pt.)
Identifies and accurately locates
the mucogingival junction and
gingival margin & consistently
identifies areas with < 1mm of attached gingival. Identifies and accurately locates the Inaccuracies in identifying and mucogingival junction and gingival locating the mucogingival junction margin & identifies areas with < and gingival margin. Does not 1mm of attached gingiva with attempt to identify areas of minor guidance with no more than inadequate attached gingiva. 1 error. Gross inaccuracies in identifying and locating the mucogingival junction and gingival margin. Does not attempt to identify areas of inadequate attached gingiva. Assessment: Mobility Measurement and recording of mobility of all teeth including the presence of fremitus. Assessment: Furcation Involvement Properly identifies, classifies, and records all teeth with furcation involvement. Recognizes the presence of furcation involvement but has difficulty in classifying furcations. Fails to recognize the presence of furcation involvement or records furcations incorrectly. Fails to assess furcation involvement. Prognosis Documents utilization of appropriate assessment data to develop overall and sextant prognosis and provides a thorough rationale and evidence to support choices. Documents utilization of appropriate assessment data to develop overall and sextant prognosis and provides evidence and a marginal rationale for choices. For the most part documents utilization of appropriate assessment data to develop overall and sextant prognosis and rationale and evidence to support choices is vague. Unclear what assessment data was used for the overall and sextant prognosis and no rationale or evidence for choices is provided. Staging and Grading Uses the 2017 AAP classification Uses the 2017 AAP classification Uses the 2017 AAP classification system for staging and grading system for staging and grading system for staging and grading periodontitis and provides evidence periodontitis but may have a minor periodontitis, but the rationale to support classification and a error in classification. Provides suggests that not all the assessment rationale for the diagnosis based on evidence to support classification. information was utilized in arriving all available assessment Rationale demonstrates that the at the classification. No evidence information. assessment information was at was provided to support the least considered. findings. Makes major errors in the staging and grading periodontitis, including, but not limited to using only pocket depths to arrive at the diagnosis. No rationale or evidence was provided. Treatment Planning Able to develop and provide rationale for evidence-based treatment plan, measurable treatment goals, and prevention plan to address etiologic agents in Unable to develop a treatment plan, and measurable treatment goals and misses relevant information about etiologic Fails to measure tooth mobility. Able to develop, present and Weak at developing an evidencediscuss the rationale of an based treatment plan, and evidence-based treatment plan, measurable treatment goals and measurable treatment goals, and does not recognize etiologic agents prevention plan to address etiologic resulting in an inadequate 5 CASE STUDY PATIENT CARE RUBRIC Competent (4 pts) the context of overall comprehensive patient care in a logical sequential manner. Addresses adjunctive therapies driven by risk assessments for disease prevention. Advanced Beginner (3 pts) agents in the context of overall comprehensive patient care with minor errors. Addresses adjunctive therapies driven by risk assessments for disease prevention. Beginner (2 pts) Novice (1 pt.) prevention plan, unsure of agents and fails to address sequence, or missing aspects of prevention of disease. comprehensive care. Does not Cannot provide rationale or adequately address adjunctive evidence for the plan. therapies driven by risk assessments for disease prevention. Informed Consent Documents success in obtaining informed consent from the patient as well as discussion of the “PARQ” (Procedure, Alternatives, Risks, and Questions). Prevention: Pt Education Able to educate patients/parents concerning risk factors and preventive services, establish health goals, and consistently monitors the effectiveness of treatment. Able to educate patients/parents concerning risk factors and establish health goals with minor guidance, usually monitors the effectiveness of treatment. Weak at educating patients/parents concerning risk factors, unsure of needs or skips aspects of health maintenance, and occasionally monitors the effectiveness of treatment. Prevention: Oral Recognizes the importance of Self Care plaque control in preventing oral disease & consistently assesses plaque removal and addresses patients’ needs as necessary. Plaque indices and discussion provided. Recognizes the importance of plaque control in preventing oral disease & assesses plaque removal and addresses patient’s needs as necessary on at least several occasions. Plaque indices and discussion provided. Weak in recognizing the importance Unable or unwilling to of plaque control in preventing oral provide education to disease and educating patients/parents & necessary patients/parents. Monitors prevention. Does not effectiveness of treatment only with monitor or re-evaluate the prompting from faculty. Plaque effectiveness of treatment. indices are provided without Plaque indices and discussion discussion. not provided. Prevention: Adjunctive Products Fails to document informed consent from the patient and/or the discussion of the “PARQ” (Procedure, Alternatives, Risks, and Questions). Recognizes risk factors for Recognizes risk factors for caries/periodontal disease and caries/periodontal disease and recommends appropriate recommends appropriate adjunctive products. Cites risks and adjunctive products with minor guidance. Cites risks and provides Weak in recognizing risk factors for caries/periodontal disease and in choosing appropriate adjunctive products. Weak in citing risks and Unable or unwilling to provide education to patients/parents concerning risk factors & necessary prevention, misses relevant information, does not monitor, or re-evaluates the effectiveness of treatment. Fails to recognize risk factors for caries/periodontal disease that would benefit from adjunctive products. Fails to recommend 6 CASE STUDY PATIENT CARE RUBRIC Competent (4 pts) Advanced Beginner (3 pts) Beginner (2 pts) Novice (1 pt.) provides evidence to support choices for adjunctive products. evidence to support choices for adjunctive products. providing evidence to support choices for adjunctive products. adjunctive products when appropriate. Prevention: Nutrition Counseling Includes assessment tool chosen, thorough rationale, summary, and recommendations for the patient. Consistently monitors & reevaluates the effectiveness of prevention. Includes assessment tool chosen, thorough rationale, summary, and recommendations for the patient. Provides minimal monitoring & reevaluation of the effectiveness of prevention. Includes assessment tool chosen, weak rationale, summary, and recommendations for the patient. Fails to monitor and re-evaluate the effectiveness of prevention Unable or unwilling to recognize the need for nutrition intervention to prevent oral disease. Prevention: Tobacco Intervention Assesses patient level of addiction or risk for initiation of tobacco & takes initiative in providing prevention message or intervention. Assesses patient level of addiction or risk for initiation of tobacco & provides prevention message or intervention with minor guidance. Weak in assessing the patient’s level Fails to recognize the impact of addiction or risk for initiation of of tobacco on oral health & tobacco. Needs significant assistance does not address prevention in providing tobacco intervention. or intervention. Treatment: Pain Able to employ pain and anxiety & Anxiety techniques safely and accurately, Control managing the patient appropriately. Able to control pain and anxiety techniques with minor guidance and advice. Unsure of appropriate pain and anxiety techniques and misses patient cues on anxiety. Re-evaluation Shows exceptional understanding of periodontal concepts in reassessment of prevention and periodontal treatment in the context of overall comprehensive patient care, along with a strong ability to identify and suggest options for advanced periodontal therapy. Able to develop, present and Weak at periodontal treatment discuss the effectiveness of planning, inadequate prevention and periodontal implementation of prevention plan, treatment and identify the need for unsure of sequence or missing additional advanced periodontal aspects of comprehensive care. therapy with minor guidance. Patient Management & Professionalism Consistently organized & prepared for patient care, uses effective communication skills, maintains confidentiality, and ethical standards, and takes responsibility for providing high-quality care. Generally organized & prepared for Weak communication skills, not well Insensitive to patient needs patient care, uses effective organized or prepared for patient or feelings. Cannot be relied communication skills, maintains care. Does not seem to fully on to provide high-quality confidentiality, and ethical understand what constitutes high- patient treatment without standards, and takes responsibility quality care based on standards. significant monitoring by for providing high-quality care with faculty. minor input from faculty. Unable to employ appropriate pain and anxiety techniques. Unable to develop a treatment plan, misses relevant information, fails to address prevention of disease. Poor understanding of periodontal concepts and inability to provide a rationale for the plan. 7 CASE STUDY PATIENT CARE RUBRIC Competent (4 pts) Advanced Beginner (3 pts) Beginner (2 pts) Self-Assessment Provides a summary of overall treatment experience and reflection of performance. Novice (1 pt.) Does not provide a summary of the overall treatment experience and reflection of performance. Grammar and Spelling Able to communicate effectively Able to communicate thoughts but without grammar or spelling errors. has difficulty with sentence structure. Minor spelling and/or grammar errors Difficulty with communicating thoughts. several errors with sentence structure, grammar, and spelling. Fails to effectively communicate thoughts. Major errors with sentence structure, spelling, and grammar. APA Style and Formatting References are properly cited within the presentation. Major errors in citations and formatting. Fails to follow APA formatting, references not cited. References are cited with minor errors. In text 1 CASE STUDY PATIENT CARE RUBRIC Competent (4 pts) Advanced Beginner (3 pts) Beginner (2 pts) Novice (1 pt.) Assessment: Hx Review Condition #1 Consistent in using evidence-based resources to review biomedical, and medical conditions and determine the need to obtain consults with other health care providers. Explores dental considerations (oral systemic link) associated with medical conditions Demonstrates ability to use Is not thorough in using reliable primarily evidence-based resources evidence to review medical to review biomedical, and medical conditions. Recognizes the need to conditions and obtains consults obtain consults with other health with other health care providers as providers but does not include needed. May not thoroughly pertinent information in the consult explore dental considerations (oral letter. systemic link) associated with medical conditions and/or medications. Fails to use credible evidence to review medical conditions. Fails to recognize when consults or referrals are needed with other health care providers. Assessment: Hx Review Condition #2_________ Consistent in using evidence-based resources to review biomedical, and medical conditions and determine the need to obtain consults with other health care providers. Explores dental considerations (oral systemic link) associated with medical conditions Demonstrates ability to use Is not thorough in using reliable primarily evidence-based resources evidence to review medical to review biomedical, and medical conditions. Recognizes the need to conditions and obtains consults obtain consults with other health with other health care providers as providers but does not include needed. May not thoroughly pertinent information in the consult explore dental considerations (oral letter. systemic link) associated with medical conditions and/or medications. Fails to use credible evidence to review medical conditions. Fails to recognize when consults or referrals are needed with other health care providers. Assessment: Hx Review Condition #3_________ Consistent in using evidence-based resources to review biomedical, and medical conditions and determine the need to obtain consults with other health care providers. Explores dental considerations (oral systemic link) associated with medical conditions Demonstrates ability to use Is not thorough in using reliable primarily evidence-based resources evidence to review medical to review biomedical, and medical conditions. Recognizes the need to conditions and obtains consults obtain consults with other health with other health care providers as providers but does not include needed. May not thoroughly pertinent information in the consult explore dental considerations (oral letter. systemic link) associated with medical conditions and/or medications. Fails to use credible evidence to review medical conditions. Fails to recognize when consults or referrals are needed with other health care providers. Assessment: Consistently utilizes high-quality Medication evidence-based resources to Review #1_____ identify drug classification, the In most cases utilizes high-quality evidence-based resources to identify drug classification, the Occasionally utilizes high-quality Does not utilize high-quality evidence-based resources to identify evidence-based resources to drug classification, the action of the identify drug classification, the action of the drug, side 2 CASE STUDY PATIENT CARE RUBRIC Competent (4 pts) Advanced Beginner (3 pts) Beginner (2 pts) action of the drug, side effects, and action of the drug, side effects, and drug, side effects, and oral health oral health implications. oral health implications. implications. Novice (1 pt.) effects, and oral health implications. Assessment: Consistently utilizes high-quality In most cases utilizes high-quality Occasionally utilizes high-quality Does not utilize high-quality Medication evidence-based resources to evidence-based resources to evidence-based resources to identify evidence-based resources to Review #2_____ identify drug classification, the identify drug classification, the drug classification, the action of the identify drug classification, action of the drug, side effects, and action of the drug, side effects, and drug, side effects, and oral health the action of the drug, side oral health implications. oral health implications. implications. effects, and oral health implications. Assessment: Consistently utilizes high-quality In most cases utilizes high-quality Occasionally utilizes high-quality Does not utilize high-quality Medication evidence-based resources to evidence-based resources to evidence-based resources to identify evidence-based resources to Review #3 _____ identify drug classification, the identify drug classification, the drug classification, the action of the identify drug classification, action of the drug, side effects, and action of the drug, side effects, and drug, side effects, and oral health the action of the drug, side oral health implications. oral health implications. implications. effects, and oral health implications. Assessment: Caries Risk Assessment Provides rationale for the choice of Chooses evidence-based the evidence-based assessment assessment tool, but no rationale tool. Correctly identifies and for selection. Correctly identifies records all risk factors for oral and records most risk factors for disease with no errors based on the oral disease with one minor error. risk assessment tool selected. Identifies and records some risk Fails to identify major risk factors for oral disease but misses at factors for oral disease or least 2 important risk factors. evidence-based assessment Difficulty choosing evidence-based tool. assessment tool. Assessment: Perio Risk Assessment Provides rationale for the choice of Chooses evidence-based the evidence-based assessment assessment tool, but no rationale tool. Correctly identifies and for selection. Correctly identifies records all risk factors for oral and records most risk factors for disease with no errors based on the oral disease with one minor error. risk assessment tool selected. Identifies and records some risk Fails to identify major risk factors for oral disease but misses at factors for oral disease or least 2 important risk factors. evidence-based assessment Difficulty choosing evidence-based tool. assessment tool. Assessment: Oral Provides rationale for the choice of Cancer the assessment tool. Correctly Assessment identifies and records all risk factors for oral disease with no errors based on the risk evidencebased assessment tool selected. Chooses evidence-based assessment tool, but no rationale for selection. Correctly identifies and records most risk factors for oral disease with one minor error. Identifies and records some risk Fails to identify major risk factors for oral disease but misses at factors for oral disease or least 2 important risk factors. evidence-based assessment Difficulty choosing evidence-based tool. assessment tool. 3 CASE STUDY PATIENT CARE RUBRIC Competent (4 pts) Advanced Beginner (3 pts) Beginner (2 pts) Novice (1 pt.) Assessment: Extraoral/ Intraoral Examination Able to thoroughly complete assessment, identify variations from normal without error & document findings. Must include images. Able to thoroughly complete assessment misses no more than 1 variation from normal which is not significant, but documentation is accurate. Must include images. Able to thoroughly complete assessment fails to identify multiple variations from normal (none are significant), documents with minor errors. Must include images. Problems with examination technique and/or miss significant findings with poor documentation. Assessment: Radiographs Consistently uses ADA guidelines Usually uses ADA guidelines for for recommending radiographs, recommending radiographs, supports radiographic choice with supports radiogr