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Midterm Project (“Personal Philosophy of Religion”)
hebasics.With this project, students will arguefor their own “personal philosophy of religion” in
relation to the reading so far. The project includes some prep work run by the instructor, but the
final submitted work will beeithera conventionalessayora video presentation.
our “personal philosophy of religion” (henceforthPPOR).Specifically, this is your belief in a
particular model of the Ultimate (or your rejection of particular models)andthe reason behind
your maintaining such a belief. This ispersonalbecauseyou are speaking only for yourself and
what’s reasonable for you to believe (try not to think you must defend the religiosity of your family
or culture). This is broadlyreligiousbecause itpertains to the notion of the “Ultimate” (God or
otherwise). This is aphilosophybecause you are providingreasons meant to justify your belief (to
others to some extent, but especially to yourself).
Prep Work & Proposal
lear a proposal of your project by sharing the following information with the instructor (either via
email or in office hours):
1. Two readingsyou will use to help articulate yourPPOR
2. Your thesis: a brief and general articulation of youPPOR (this is what you will argue for
using the readings)
3. [optional] The specific concepts from the readingsyou will draw from to better articulate
your thesis
4. [optional] The general outline of your argument (i.e.,the reasoning you’ll be providing for
your thesis)
Essay / Video+Outline
Your actual submission will includeeither…
A) A written essay which you’ll submit on Canvas as a PDF, or
B) A video which you’ll upload to your CSUN Box account ( and share
with the instructor’s faculty email. If you opt for this option, you shouldalsosubmit an
outline of your paper (in a word document or slideshow) on Canvas as a PDF
I n your submission, you will present your PPOR and justify your belief with an argument, using two
of our readings to help articulate your position. The reasons you give for your PPOR can also draw
from your personal experience and worldview. See the rubric on the next page for more details.
our proposal should be cleared by the instructor (via email or office hours) byFriday, Mar. 15th
Your project can be submitted as early as you’d like butno later thanFriday, Apr. 5th
resent a clear, explicit, easy-to-spot thesis briefly expressing your PPOR [10 pts]
After your thesis, briefly explain the readings that you’ll draw from and how you’ll
be using them. [5 pts.]
[this should be the bulk of your assignment (50% or more of your paper/video)]
he reasons you provide for your thesis should be clear and well-organized [30
○ If you are submitting an essay, each paragraph shouldmake only one ‘point’
(topic sentences are useful to ensure this—also, section headings are OK)
○ If you are submitting a video, make sure to provideample signposts and
visual aids for your audience in your outline
Explain how your PPOR is influenced by two readings; accurately define any
technical terms that are relevant to your position and provide proper citations (you
should have at least two quotations/paraphrases along with citations) [20 pts]
our conclusion is merely a recapitulation of your thesis and the reasons for your
thesis; donotelaborate any more on your argument[1
0 pts]
[Note that not meeting these can lower your grade drastically]
ite all sources according to one standard citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, etc.) [your
essay or your outline should have a bibliography or works-cited section at the end]
[10 pts]
Length of assignment shouldn’t be too short or long [15 pts]
○ If you are submitting an essay, it should beat least500 wordsbut no more
than 1,250 words (about 2-5 pages double-spaced using standard font and
margin sizes)
○ If you are submitting a video, it shouldbe 10-20 minutes (though I will be
lenient with this criterion as long as you fulfill the other requirements)
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