Project One Milestone: Analysis of Privacy Laws and Business Implications


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Project One Milestone: Analysis of Privacy Laws and Business Implications
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CYB 260 Project One Milestone Template
Analysis of Requirements
Select three fair information practice principles from the privacy statement provided by your instructor. Then fill in the blank cells in the table below.
Requirements Table
Fair Information Practice Principle
Applicable Privacy Law or Laws
Level of Compliance
Business Implications
A. Discuss the role of ethics as a business driver in this decision. How do the organizational values (as an ethical stance) align to the decision? What
responsibility does the organization have pertaining to privacy? Insert your response in the box below.
B. Discuss how your personal ethical stance aligns to the decision. How did you apply an ethical framework or decision strategy to inform your position?
Insert your response in the box below.
C. What would you recommend the company do? Describe how you came to this decision. How did you balance differences between the organizational
ethics and your own personal ethics? Insert your response in the box below.

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