Project on Lean six sigma improvements


Pitch a LEAN Six-Sigma (continuous improvement strategy) for organization. Complete a project according to attached pdf.

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Project on Lean six sigma improvements
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Objec&ve: Pitch a LEAN Six-Sigma (con&nuous improvement strategy)
for your organiza&on
Framework: You are part of a consultant team (5-persons max) hired to
deploy or improve a con&nuous improvement program with your
General guidelines:
Iden&fy organiza&on and scope
• Conduct research
– What they do
– What history they have with con&nuous improvement
– What gaps do they have
– Improvement recommenda&ons
– Prepare your strategy
(the what)
– Clarity of problem statemen
– Depth and richness of research
– Intellectual applica&on of principles
(the how)
– Clear and concise content
– presenta&on

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