project management – mgt300


Children’s perfumes website

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project management – mgt300
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Project Name: Angel prefumes

Project Manager: Noor aljabr

Team Members responsibilities :

The World Health Organization, to produce the best and finest types of perfumes for

children’s or sensitive skin and to import the finest types of oils to gain the customer’s trust

and satisfaction, and to meet his aspirations for us Regarding to the place, we have an

online site to receive orders.

Short Description of the Project :

The purpose of this project is to develop and launch a line of fragrances designed

specifically for children. The project aims to fill a gap in the market for safe, hypoallergenic

and attractive fragrances specifically designed to suit children’s preferences and allergies,

with a focus on quality and prices suitable for all

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MGT300 – Project Management
452 Semester
Title: Project Requirements & Deadlines
Provided by Dr. Ashraf Alhujailli
Course Instructure: Ms. Salma Sami
Your team will select a project for the Analysis, Selection, Production and Delivery of an original project.
You have to follow all concepts you will learn throughout this course in Project Management including
but not limited to Project management Lifecycle. Along with your team you must discuss a detailed
project. Your failure to deliver your final project document will impact your grade (20 Marks of the Final
FEB 15
MAR 12
Preliminary Project Plan (Mar12)
You will deliver your Preliminary Project Plan that meets all your requirements. You are expected to
deliver this by the deadline above with the following minimum expectations
1. Project Title Page with Project manager (Team Leader) information
2. Table of Contents
3. Table of Tables
4. Tables of Figures
5. Revisions Page
6. Information of the Team Member Information documented with (Responsibility Matrix)
7. Project Problem Statement as in the statement of work
8. Requirements Tracking Chart should present all requirements. You may derive it from the
class Syllabus and course contents.
9. Project 2nd Level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
10. Project Time and Cost Estimation
11. Milestone Schedule
12. Supporting Documentation (if applicable
Minimum Expectations for Group Project Final Report (Due on April 25th):
The Project Final Report should contain at least the following items (additional items may be needed as
we discuss and learn together in class):
1. Cover Page with Team Information and prompt who is the leader of the group
2. Revisions page
3. Table of Contents
4. Table of Figures
5. Table of Tables
6. Executive Summary (Maximum 1 Page)
7. Chapter 1: Introduction
a. Overview and Background
b. Motivation
c. Problem Statement
d. Objective
8. Chapter 2: Project Charter
a. Project Scope
i. Deliverable (What are the deliverables)
ii. Work Breakdown Structure (3rd level)
iii. Stakeholder Analysis (Analyze stakeholders of the project)
iv. Assumptions (What do you Assume in your project)
b. Project Schedule
i. Project Network Diagram (Identify Critical Path)
ii. Gantt Chart
iii. Milestone
c. Human Resources Management
i. Skills Definition
ii. Responsibility Matrix
d. Risk Management Plan
i. Risk Register
ii. Risk Management Objective
iii. Risk Identification
iv. Risk Breakdown Structure
v. Risk Assessment
e. Performance Management
i. Labor loading chart (labor hours of each team member, plan vs. Actual)
ii. Budget vs. actual template (all weeks, all 3rd level WBS’s)
9. Chapter 3: Conclusions and Recommendations
10. References (APA Format)
11. Appendix:
a. Appendix A: Preliminary Project Plan

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