Project labs


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Local Lab Option 1
Part 1 – Pre-Test: Deployment of attack tools and victim host
Attack OS/VM : Kali Linux
Vulnerable Target OS/VM: Windows XP
Network Settings for both VMs.
Changed Network to NAT 2 because the bridged network would not work.
Pinging Host For verification
Part 2 – TESTING (MAPPING AND SCANNING): Mapping the target
environment and conducting a vulnerability scan.
Nmap Scan
Scan in progress
Scan Complete
Remote capabilities is vulnerable we can remote into xp machine also can use Dos
Part 3 – Exploitation: Gaining Access through A vulnerability identified during the
vuln scan.
The remote attack
Using Dos attack instead, Dos attack worked and was able to shut off computer
Part 4: Analysis and Reporting: Communicating findings and providing mitigation

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